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  1. It's my humble experience that the low-damage kins often take a supportive role. Standing near the kin is rather useless in those cases, since the kin will most likely stay back a bit, healing etc from a distance while brutes/tankers jump in for the fulcrums.

    I'm currently playing a fire/kin corr, and even on that me and the other corrs sort of take turns jumping in, yet some people still stick close to me, dying because they don't get close to the mobs. Making clear that kins do heal well, but from the mobs is common for me nowdays. Same with transference. Corrs jump in, nuke, then move away from the mobs so I can't heal or fix their end. Do we blame the AE again?
  2. This post will bring together several suggestions I've made in the past into one complete Issue basically. Yes, It's another epic post, but stay with me. It's gonna be worth it:

    This suggestion comes in three parts affecting changes in the enemy level system, outdoor zones and instanced missions as well as pvp system, making them come together in glorious, fun harmony. Let's begin with the quick and dirty break-down:

    1. Change enemy levels
    The first part is essential: Change all enemies in the same way as rikti and zombie invasion, that is minions con white, lieuts yellow etc unless you've upp'ed your diff settings.

    2. Changes to instanced missions
    Put all instanced outdoor missions in the actual zones. Let heroes and villains actually go to the zone and do the mission out in the open. This way the zones will come alive and it will bring the community together.

    3. Let there be pvp
    Yes, outdoor instanced skyway missions for villains, restrict the zone for the villains and graphically show it to heroes. Since they always con same level this would bring pvp alive and to a whole new level.

    What does this really mean? Analysis and cosequences:
    This would be a pretty huge undertaking, but the benefits are plenty.

    First off, you could basically skip the lk/sk/mentor/malf system with the new level system. It would make the MA easier and it would bring PLing (as in "bring your -5 level alt to the mission") to a halt (guess some think that's bad, heh). It would also possibly allow different team members to have different diff settings (and that would probably be good for PL)

    It would also bring the zones alive in a new way. We have these wonderful city zones we basically only use (are forced to) to get to the next mission/contact. This could also be a new start to bring the zones alive with completely new types of missions and events. Charity races on the Skyway roads for SG prestige? The possibilities are endless and we already have the zone event channels that can announce these events. Maybe we could have a kiosk like the pvp thingy so players can arrange and start events.

    It would also bring villains and heroes together and make you feel you're actions does matter. The best example is the mayhems/safegaurds. Imagine villains entering Atlas to rob the bank. Game breaking? Let's think about it:

    For villains, it's essential to do "mayhems", that is rob banks, to get a contact. If they drop in to Atlas, there would be a zone event message and the area would go red/blue/whatever on the map and temporarily be designated a pvp zone with warnings if you get close. A speedy stalker can still easily run off to the bank, break the vault and exit. A team of eight villains could have some serious fun as the Atlas posse rush to save the bank. Remember villains still get a new contact even if they fail the mayhem.

    For heroes this is not a big deal. Heroes was designed so you don't need to do safeguards, but there's some nice benefits. Imagine the event message coming up, you rush your level 50 to Atlas to get that highly desired badge and jump into the zone, realising you're the only hero there, and there's eight bad villains in that bank. You're perma-held and smacked down. Then three more heroes show up, rez you and it's payback time.

    For both sides it would mean that others can help out when you do an outdoor mission and there would be more "maps" although placement of these "zones" would need some careful planning. It's done in many other MMOs so of course it can work. It's a good way of finding new teams and friends. In LOTRO I've made several friends this way, going on a mission solo, noticing others doing the same and hooking up to help eachother.

    The big difference and possible game breaker here is that we'd allow villains into hero non-pvp zones, but of course that can be done as well, although it might be a lot of work. I guess there would be heroes doing missions in certain villain zones as well. As I see it, this is possibly the only way to "save" PVP in the game since it's now a lame, near-death duck, while this would be some serious fun.

    Another game breaker is the balance issue. There's soooo many more heroes. Especially the Atlas mayhem would be a problem since there's always loads of people in Atlas that can respond quickly (unlike Mercy, that you leave oh-so-fast). Then again, with the new level system, why would the first mayhem be in Atlas? Hollows seem to be safer, so maybe someone wanna set up a bank there?

    "But I don't wanna PVP!" Well, don't then!!! Once a villain enters a mission, the zone alert could go out. While he/she loads into the zone you'd have plenty of time to get to safety, and most likely it would be more of a chicken race, villains rushing to get away from any danger.

    What if you're on the other side? Yeah, that's a bit tougher. These missions would have to be clearly marked as pvp content just like everything else (if they're on "the other side", most outdoor missions could be within friendly zones). I guess there might have to be a slight revamp of villain side so you don't have to do mayhems... ...or not. Personally I'm no fan of the pvp in this game, but going on these mayhems would be fun imho. I still get a new contact if I fail, and there's no debt, so...

    Looking at what the devs have hinted at, this is - however - unlikely to happen, since they've talked about possibly allowing cross-server teams which pretty much requires instanced missions to work. Imho my suggestion is way more beneficial to the game!

    For other benefits of Part 1 and 2 of my proposal you can also see my old posts. I think this is enough for one post!
  3. Ok, I guess it's not just me that don't get avatars in friendlists and social groups? (Question marks, just missing or grey boxes)

    Not to mention posting messages in social groups end up ON TOP of the avatars that are not there (grey huge ugly boxes or question marks)...

    Oh, and we need more smileys! ..and smileys that aren't optimized for white backgrounds, because ohgod they're ugly!
  4. AH, smurfy plan forming in my head:
    Let's just take the american servers!
  5. We might need a Klingon server before this is over...
  6. Also it would mean just having one single client. It might be that the german and frog servers cause a bit more work, but I see no real reason not to merge. When EU is laggy, I could go play on a US server!
  7. SingStar

    Hamster Upgrade

    Hey, cats are no toys and they should not be used to power servers. They are, in fact, the best game controlling tool ever. Play too long and they will force you away from that screen one way or another! All parents should get one for their game-aholic kids!
  8. ...and I'm rather annoyed you can't upload images.
    Now I have to start up my old computer, find that FTP program, my old website adress hosted by my crappy ISP and upload it there... sigh...
    Thought my picasa place would work, but...

    Edit: I uploaded my image to but do you think that helps? Nope... According to the forum software that's an invalid URL.
    To censored with it!
  9. Maybe I'm just being evil here, but everyone still having problem after using instead of any old URL? It was enough to fix my problems.
  10. A wall of TVs each one showing a different PrÖn!
    Oh cm'on, you know ppl want it, you're just to shy to say it out loud!
  11. Good one this evening! Hope to see you all tomorrow, unless the weather's good and I'm off to another badly charred steak and beer evening. We should be finishing off these alts within a week or two. After that I might take (something of) a break until I16 or GR.

    Gonna try out the CO Beta and some other stuff this week as well. I even updated my Lotro, might log in and see if I recognize/remember anything! Oh, Wiimote plus sword bashing party at my place on wednesday evening if you can make it! ,)

    ...and omg the emote icons look ugly on the forum no matter red or blue side. They have to do something about that.
  12. At least I quickly changed to villain theme... phew! worried there for a while! And see, GG posting +1 again! Order is restored...
  13. Wow!
    Now we have cross-pond weekend threads!
  14. Just make sure your bookmark/favourite is
    ..not the old one... The old one seemed to work yday, but the cookie is for the above URL.
  15. SingStar

    Dear devs

    ....but where in the world, erhm, forum is GG?
    I'm worried... Oh, wait...
  16. Hmmm... I think we deffo need a Swedish/viking speaking server!
    That way I can moan and rant without anyone getting heltossig!

    And it's not colour or color, armour or armor... It's Färg and Barbröstad! Seriously!
    And not lifts or elevators... It's actually Spiraltrappor!
  17. Yup: Changing start page/bookmark to
    ...fixed it for me! Strangely enough yesterday the old european domain worked fine, so something changed today.
  18. Oh, it's goona be "Soon"(tm) and you know it!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really, truly hope this is all ported over. We will make an AWESOME first impression.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Like we'll really have trouble on that score if it isn't all ported...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "New" world, old world... It's all gonna go up in flames! Flames I tell ya! d0000m!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Mommy... I'm scared!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll hold your hand if you're frightened

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Now, THAT's scary!
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Imagine that! It's actually happening! Brave new world!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    +1 post just for SingStar as a reward for a good job in changing the thread title.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    MM, yes, sneaky one, wasn't it?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Shouldn't alter the thread titles like that - it'll be a sad sign of decay if the last EU post had a stupid title like "Re: Colonic Customers" or "Re: Croupier Colonisation".

    The US posters are expecting some wit and charm from us (the poor misguided fools)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They never learn...
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously: I think they've already started, just not bothered to take down the old forum!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But they lied to us then!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No, they just didn't tell the thruth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... ...and that would be quite normal really...
  24. Well, if not now... about... now?