
Forum Cartel
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  1. Silver_Weasel


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Our 15 man group doesn't want a huge expensive base.

    I just want something to do with all the salvage piled in one corner.

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    Nothing in the game prevents you from getting to that point. It's simply a matter of time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Just a year playing our level 30-40's. Can you see a small problem there?
  2. Gank : Theft by force

    If you really want to get your jollies killing people who can't/won't fight back, then fine.

    Just let us have our fun by co-operating with others.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    If your in a PvP zone and your standing still your gonna get attacked its that smiple.(snip)

    [/ QUOTE ]'s perfectly ok for a Level 40 Blaster to attack 3 level 15 villains? Is that what you're saying?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If there in the PvP zone they have as much chance as taking me down as I have of taking them down. Its all about team work in the PvP zone and Im not going to check the Lv of every person I see there then send em a tell asking them if its ok I attack them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    There you go agian calling me a ganker.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  4. Well, if you consider the Council, Crey, Carnival and Fifth Column working to take you out at the moment; with the Rikti planning to attack in a day, trouble: Then yes
  5. You're just in Brickstown near the sewers by the Park where Dr. Sheridan stands. Serafina would be just down the road.

    Remember, no drones or hospital-matrix available and the Protector has likely alerted groups of Crey in the area.

    Council are no-where to be seen.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    If your in a PvP zone and your standing still your gonna get attacked its that smiple.(snip)

    [/ QUOTE ]'s perfectly ok for a Level 40 Blaster to attack 3 level 15 villains? Is that what you're saying?
  7. Hehe..thank you

    I'm waiting for the severe kicking when you find out exactly what is going on.
  8. Phantom Army taking shape But some of them are decoys...
  9. Silver_Weasel


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Our 15 man group doesn't want a huge expensive base.

    I just want something to do with all the salvage piled in one corner.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You can pile it in a corner???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's what my mum does with hers.
  10. Silver_Weasel


    Our 15 man group doesn't want a huge expensive base.

    I just want something to do with all the salvage piled in one corner.
  11. The Quantum Strongman screamed as twin Gravity waves held him in place and he grunted loudly. Just before Saphire's strike hit him and he fell to the floor, bouncing off the pavement.

    Grav could see that quite a few of the Carnies were held, but there were far too many to hold. Saphire's notice was taken by a few Strongmen who had lost their illusions as citizens and were now trying to get back into the sewer.

    Then the illusions started again as formless shapes appeared and started raining energy bolts on the pair.
  12. Uh oh.... Just in case it's not clear...that's about 13 Carnies facing you
  13. Saphire's words flowed into the air like a breath of chaos incarnate.

    Both women watched, paralysed as the air between them swum with the many possibilites of the information that had just been released.

    The world seemed to shift on it's axis as information that could change the future rippled through the past.

    As the world's reality altered, a space was opened up; a wormhole that didn't exist before; the distance between worlds became a little shorter; and on the site of the old Portal Industries; a machine long without power started to hum like a kettle preparing to boil.

    "It's a good thing we won't be needing you then...", said Statesman as the illusion dropped away from all of them, and the Carnival of Shadows appeared in their place. "Requiem warned us that you might be foolish enough to take on his master plan, but he will be long gone by now."

    The 'Back Alley Brawler' threw his disguise off and the Quantum Strongman charged at Saphire.
  14. Silver_Weasel


    Except you can't raid a base that doesn't have defences; which the small SG can't afford.
  15. Silver_Weasel


    Smallest functional base : 750,000 Prestige (with about a 8k rent)

    Smallest possible raid-enabled base : 5 Million(ish) prestige.

    Raid Enabled Bases are there for Large SG.
    Powered Bases should be available for small SG's; mainly so that salvage has a use.

    +1% to your Damage doesn't mean jack smeg to a large SG; so why should we have to create 50 man SG's just to use a new part of the game?

    No sense at all. If you've got a 50 man base, then you've got raids. Small SG's would never have that.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    ask me anything about en/en with elec epic, and i'll answer it. Then plight will correct me, and shnyet will misquote the entire post, before silver_weasel pulls us back in line and we all agree in the end to disagree

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, I'll pull you back out of line, then face-plant
  17. The tunnel collapsed in a shower of dust and excrement; glowing purple shards of energy fired into the air...

    The dust slowly settled...

    Then the figures of Grav & Saphire burst out, trailing Kheldian ectoplasm as the phased pair reached the smoky air of Brickstown.

    Both collapsed as Saphire's Quantum state wore off; just as shadows formed over them...

    "Is this the criminal, Mistress Grav?" said a voice, and Statesman stepped over, the rest of Freedom Phalanx backing him up.
  18. The one thing you might try is RP'ing in a group. I know anyone who plays with Mr. Normal is subject to his 'interpretatiions'
  19. Worktable's need control and energy.

    That's 750,000 Prestige (Remembering that a full team gives 300,000) just to be able to do something with Salvage.

    Oh yeah, and that's just until the next rent period where you'll have to pay 7,500 Prestige per fortnight or so to keep it working.

    But I hear it's working in the massive SG's in the States, so we can't be wrong, can we?
  20. Silver_Weasel


    Simply put, you're here to save the world and you're dressed up in Spandex.

    No person in their right mind would chase into sewers filled with Zombies, so why are you doing it?

    What's it smell like down there? Are you gonna be late for your girlfriend's anniversary?

    Take an idea and run with it And most of all, have fun
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Well, I don't recall myself or anyone else here claiming that the RP elsewhere is good, bad, indifferent or involves chatting to llamas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I find that llamas powerplay too much.
  22. (( Just as a note, as there's two of you in the same team now..I'll tend to only do one reply. BTW, as we're coming towards the end, I'd be interested in new/old players for the next one. I'll be at the Expo if anyone wants to see me there as well ))

    As the wormhole opened, there was a strange tension to the air. The Protector avoided it with relative ease, but even she stopped for a moment to look back down the sewer. The proximity between the wormhole and the portal was causing everything to shake. Flecks of dust were falling from the roof tops and even Sig looked mildly worried.

    Then a large crack appeared between the wormhole and the portal and the sewage flooded up into it. The Protector swore and shot off towards the exit and Sig exerted itself as part of the roof almost fell on Saphire. The lump of bricks was held inches above her head as more glowing cracks started to form across the walls.