Silver Gale

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  1. Okay, this post on the Badge forum got me thinking, that's a *great* way of approaching "Master of" runs. How about we bring back something like the old Master Saturdays, except for all the Masterable TFs/SFs? The idea is to run them with Master parameters, and everyone doing their best at staying alive, but with the understanding that finishing the TF is the primary goal and anything else is gravy.

    We could also announce this on the Virtue TFs 2010 global, or even if a mod from there would agree, put it up as a MotD on Saturdays only. Should give us a decent pool of players and a chance at the badge for plenty of people.

    (I'm definitely not suggesting this because I have a villain badger MM who wants their MoLRSF before she goes Heroic in GR. Nope. Definitely nothing of the sort.)
  2. Silver Gale

    Real Talk

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Would it KILL the guy to throw in a bit of colour in his repertoire? I mean, seriously, he's all black and red and black and red. What, does Lord Recluse have a red light filter in his helmet or something?
    Good is blue, Evil is red. This is attributed to Good being higher on the electromagnetic spectrum than Evil.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Where is it originally from, anyway? Never seen that in-game before.
    Tuatha lieutenants and bosses do a similar thing when they pull a large branch/root from the ground and throw it at your character.
  4. I keep seeing the UI flicker on and off, especially if I open my /info window and scroll down my list of badges.

    Granted, I have a *lot* of badges now.
  5. If you have to ask... then it is just you. All the rest of us are playing already.
  6. Silver Gale

    it's patching

    I'm reading interesting trivia on CoH on Posi's Twitter.
  7. Silver Gale

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    It got pushed back in 2000, 2001, and so on. It is going to keep on getting pushed back so far it will be the next Duke Nukem Forever. At some point they'll just go bankrupt and Apocalypse development will come to a screeching halt.
    Nah, they won't go bankrupt. Unlike games development, that particular market is much more forgiving to people who don't show any sort of results.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    I still think Arcanaville is really the mastermind behind CoH/CoV, telling everyone what to do. She is controlling transmission.
    That would imply that she was also responsible for all of the mistakes Geko (the original powers balance person) made, just to look good when she pointed them all out.

    ...wait a minute.
  9. I have the same thing as regards Defenders and Scrappers. I love being the backup and making the rest of the team (even more) awesome, but sometimes it's just nice to get in the bad guy's face and punch him.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
    Are you implying Badgers and users of the MA don't whine?
    If neither badgers nor MA authors ever whine, then "twice as much whining as both combined" is still no whining at all, isn't it?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I can't help but wonder if the MA sub-community is even smaller than the PVP community, and the Badger community even smaller still. I think I'm right about this. There's only 25,000 posts in the MA section of the forums, whereas the PVP section has about 80,000 posts. The badge forum is even's only 11,000 posts!

    This means that the PVP community spends twice as much time whining on the forums as the Mission Architect & Badges community COMBINED.
  12. Log off in a hospital for 21 days.

    Log off a University for 21 days.

    Log off in a hospital for a few days again.

    Problem solved.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    And they'll get over it.
    Like the min/maxers who had to get used to no longer being able to herd an entire map by themselves and had to work to find the new upper limits of what their Tanks could do, badge hunters will eventually have to give up on "getting every badge in the game" and settle for "getting as many badges as possible on a certain character".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    As far as a Hero going Vigilante, then back to Hero, you can't do that. At least, not directly. Morality was described as being like a wheel - once you start to shift, you have to go all the way around to get back. While it seems silly to say that someone who's fundamentally good, but acted a little naughty, has to become truly evil before becoming good again, it was necessary - The instant Going Rouge was announced, before we knew anything about it, people were announcing their plans to sit on the threshold between Good and Evil and bounce back and forth to reap whatever benefits they could. Making the change cyclical allows people to do this, but not quickly.
    Hm, I hadn't considered that - and it would kind of suck IC-wise if it really did work like that. It's not like there's any particular benefits from being able to bounce between Hero and Vigilante (except access to redside arcs and badges).
  15. I'm in exactly the same situation with my main badger, Silver Gale. I really want her to be a "pure hero", but there's no way I'm going to catch up with other Hero badgers when they go Vigilante. If there's some easy way to distinguish always-Heroes from characters who were Vigilante at some point, then I can keep comparing myself only to Heroes. Alternately, if the rewards for "never changing sides" can still be gotten if you go as far as Vigilante, then go back to Hero and stay there, I can briefly switch just until I get the redisde badges.

    For what it's worth, I don't think there'll be a badge for "never straying" or any sort of other negative requirement, since there's no tech to take away badges from characters. (The Architect badges were *removed from the game entirely*, that's a different thing.)
  16. I've had a similar thing - I was wondering why my rep has dropped from three green bars to just one, and the only reason I can find is a somewhat snarky post in the "Limbo inf rumor?" thread, which received a single negative rep with just the comment "lol". Unless someone's been downrepping my posts from months ago.

    I kind of wish we had the list of "here are the posts that got you good/bad rep" back.
  17. Suggestion for new link banner: "Paragon Unleashed - more than just photos of dicks".
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Sure they do. It's a great place to catch malware ads, read out-dated articles that have been loaded with RMT spam, and a decent host for horrible CoX-related slash-fiction.
    This is unfair to Wikia-CoH. They have very little horrible slash fanfiction.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knightie View Post
    This is an open message to anyone prepared to sell basic IOs in Wentworth for very little profit.

    In particular I'll address the most used level 50 basic IO - Recharge.

    Selling level 50 recharge IOs for 300,000 or less is IMO not very clever. At the rate you're earning (only accounting for the time you actually spend making the enhancements and posting them) you'd be far far better off spending your time doing task forces for merits (and inf) and then spending the merits on Miracle +Recovery IOs and selling them for around 200 million a shot.

    What you're doing is a relative waste of your time. You'll find players will pay 400,000 and even if you aren't the only one selling at that price you'll still be getting a much better return on your investment of time.
    Some of us are badge-hunters who have the recipe memorized. I know when I was working on Fabricator (when it was still 10k) I'd buy a stack of watches and a stack of pistons, craft up ten level 50 Recharge IOs, and put them up for just slightly over cost (factoring in market fees). I'd do this twice a day. The badge progress was my goal, the profits were gravy.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I was after a vague, general answer - not anything with gross details
    Okay, vague, general answer: the pain response in humans evolved as the "get away from that, you idiot, it's bad for you" signal. But since it's possible for pain to come in a situation where stopping to go "ow, pain" means you get killed, humans also have a signal that goes "nevermind that, we'll deal with it later, RUN MONKEY RUN". Both of those systems also trigger doptamine, the "pleasure response hormone", as if to say "avoiding pain and running from scary things is good! do that more!".

    In the same way that people can watch scary movies to get the "you escaped from a predator, yay" feeling, they can also let themselves feel pain in certain carefully controlled ways that trigger the "you avided a major injury, go you" feeling.
  21. Silver Gale

    Any regrets?

    If I'd joined the game just *one month* earlier, I would get the first anniversary badge on my first few characters. As it is, I joined in June and that badge is Lost Forever.
  22. How did my perfectly innocent thread about Twitter shenenigans drift into a discussion of nipple clamps?!?!
  23. That would be far too violent. The closest you can get is a Hellion beating his chest and making a "boo" face at a citizen who is apparently completely terrified (or trying to avoid smelling his breath, one of those).
  24. What? They're making an MMO like EverQuest and Ultima Online, only it's about superheroes?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    But, yes, it IS annoying and disconcerting.
    Very. Twitter is nothing but people posting the minutae of their everyday lives, I don't see why I have to be forced to join it if I want to learn the minutae of the devteam's lives.