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  1. No interest at all? Damn!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
    We're fine with Virtue and Union, just saying. We do NOT need three, especially the VIP one where it just seems like we don't like helping free players. Thats how -I- see it, at least. Freems could see it that way too.
    You all forgot Pinnacle.
  3. "RP to find out more" always makes me laugh. Without at least SOME background, I have no reason to initiate conversation in the first place, and therefore have nothing to talk about.

    OP, your character reveals quite a bit about what stories you like. In this case "Rightful Kingdom" stories i.e. stories that take an unsure youth and follow them throughout their career, each conflict bringing them towards the person they are destined to become. This is a very popular archetype for stories, and I understand your preference for them. It is not the only type of story however. Some notable examples are; Fall and Redemption, Romantic and Non-romantic Tragedy, Comedy (albeit less popular when following a comic book hero or villain), Tales of Revenge, and Tales of Discovery.

    Any of these story archetypes can set the stage for truly interesting characters. I also agree that all powerful characters simply aren't interesting, and there is a reason that these characters are often side-characters, if included at all.

    So kudos on your cool character! But remember, even though the Alien-Cat-Girl-God can beat you to death, resurrect you, then beat you to death again. They will at most only ever be a side character in your tale.
  4. Hello all, I've been playing Dragon Age 2 lately, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a Dragon Age RPSG, or if there is already one in existence, if someone could please direct me to it. Either way, please send me a PM here or just leave a comment below, thanks!

    Also, if anyone wanted to form a NON RP Dragon age themed SG, I would be up for that as well.
  5. Silas_Gray

    So rude!

    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You were rude.
    I'ma save this one for posterity.
  6. I decided to make a red sider to see if I like it more.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Welcome to Champion.


    Are you the guy that tried to start up PERC on DC Universe Online?
    Guilty as charged. Why?
  8. Blueside., but out of curiosity, which is more active?
  9. Yes Silas, there are others.
  10. We decided to go with Champion. I'm @Gray_Hero and she's @Eginhardt Thanks for all the help!
  11. I never really fit in on Virtue, to many RPers and not enough players. I have played on Guardian and Protector, but I no longer know anyone there.
  12. Hello all, it's been a couple years, but I'm looking for a good server to call home, and a good SG to join. I was wondering if this was a good server in your opinions?
  13. Hi all, I'm the OTHER Silas. I'm thinking about coming back to the game and I was trying to find a new server for me and my Sis. In your own opinion, would Champion be a good place for this?
  14. Hi Freedomites. My sis and I were thinking of coming back and starting fresh on Freedom. In your own opinions, is Freedom an ok place to do this?
  15. A good leader is like a good anything else. They are well versed in their chosen medium and know how to get the desired results using their skills and experience. A cook does not demand a dinner cook itself, he uses skill and knowledge to prepare it for consumption. Any good leader knows that to succeed, they must set a superior example, and thus others follow where they lead. But they must first set an example, then lead. A leader cannot command others to do something, then sit back, a leader can ONLY lead from the front, hence the term. This is why Tanks are most often chosen as leader.
  16. Silas_Gray

    Monthly PvP

    So, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I had an idea. Back on Protector, the PVPEC did a level 4 PVP event in the Pocket D. I am hoping to revive that here on Virtue. The idea is everyone makes a level 4 character, and takes them to Pocket D for a good old-fashioned brawl. Everyone is welcome, and the only prize is bragging rights.

    Why Do this in Pocket D? So everyone and anyone can join, I know you don't need to go to the terminal anymore to sign up, but that's just for atmosphere and so we can all socialize with each other before the beat-downs. The idea is to have fun and make some new friends.

    I'm planning the first one for Saturday, June 18th at 7PM EST, if we draw a big enough crowd, they may even go weekly. See you there!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
    um, LOL... really did he know what a Bat Mitzvah is?
    I guess that's what happens when you don't read.
  18. This was more of a Virtue thing. But TY for trying to help.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
    Check out any of all my characters on Virtueverse. I'm proud of all mine.
    Link works, but some of the photos don't display!

    Also, the idea is to link them here, but ty.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    So every author in the world has a severely advanced case of borderline personality disorder, then?

    Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
    I'll agree that I find tags like ((character is racist, sexist, treats women like trash, etc etc but player is a nice guy who'd never hurt a soul and would rather kill themselves than hurt an innocent bunny rabbit)) completely strange and contradictory. Regardless of whether you want to or not: your character has bits and pieces of you, the player, in them.

    If being able to take on the personality of somebody completely different is some type of skill learned in the 3rd grade and I apparently fail at life for never learning it, please let me know.

    Now then. Would I treat them differently or ignore them? I don't treat people differently because of what they put in their bio. Just look at my characters and you'll probably see why I don't discriminate. I only treat people the same as they treat me. If you treat me respectfully, I'll do the same for you. Treat me like crap, and I'll be sure to globally ignore you and possibly report you for harassment.
    Thank you.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
    People in this game just find other petty reasons to tell you off. If you are a PvPer you might as well be a Nazi to a lot of players. On Virtue if you don't appease the "popular" crowd you might as well switch servers.
    This struck me for many reasons. The most obvious being about four years ago when I was on the Protector server, roughly half of the active community tolerated my presence, the other half treated me like I didn't exist. I was active on the forums and in game, I held CCs, events, was friends with the local DJs at, and gave millions in influence away daily, but none of that mattered. I was told to "Give it time" because "We've been playing together since the beginning." To this day I remain deeply insulted that an active player, no matter how long they've played, isn't treated like a member of the community unless they're either best friends with the mods or devs, or here since i1. So I know how you feel, but the problem is everywhere. I came to Virtue because it was largely accepting of me, and although I'm nowhere nearly as active as I was, it is now my home.

    You just haven't found yours, good luck.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    See, that's silly to me.

    I have characters who are A-holes. Selfish pricks, drunken misanthropes, judgmental bastards, and sanctimonious uptight pains in the neck.

    The problem with this?

    I also have characters who kill people by trade.

    I even have characters who kill people for fun.

    Is this to be taken as an indication that if I could do so in real life instead, I would?
    In a manner of speaking, yes.

    Our avatars reflect a piece of our personality and our souls (However small that piece may be.) Would you play a character that is in conflict with your ideals? The answer is no, some small part of you approves of what you avatar "does" otherwise you wouldn't play it. This is why I can never bring myself to be an openly evil character in an open-ended RPG, the idea of hurting people, killing them makes me ill. So no, I do not accept your argument Tramontane. Some part of you feels justified in your characters actions. The same goes for any "Racist Character."
  23. I submit this photo for consideration.
  24. The idea for this is to post the costumes your proudest of and show them off. You don't get anything for having the best, just bragging rights.
  25. Silas_Gray

    SG Question

    Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
    My idea was not to limit the powersets, just limit the colour spectrum. It would be loosely based on the whole concept of the different Lantern Corps, but not be one specifically. Power is derived from each of the different colours.

    I wanted to try it as a static group and see how it progresses.

    I would be open to limiting the number of colours, but if we could get 8, that would be cool.
    I already have a character set up for this sort of thing, Void-Star, who would gladly join anything you come up with.