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  1. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    not bad. I like the character's costumes.

    The song was a good one too, i hardly every get to hear that.
  2. the signature power I hope would either be a combination of 2 or more powers from either your primary, secondary, pool, and epic/patron powers, or just a new power involving your primary/secondary/pool/epic/patron.

    What I'm getting at for the first option, is that you could have a combination. For example, a Fire/Devices blaster: You combine fireball and web grenade to make incineration nets/webs that immobilize or hold a targeted area of effect people while dealing great DoT. So in other words, fireball that is High-Extreme DoT, immobilizes Target AoE.

    The second option is simple but hard to animate. Lets take a plant controller for example. You could combine 2 primary powers to make a new one like the other, but the power has to be of the same type (primary, secondary etc.). Lets say a plant controller uses carrion creepers and seeds of confusion. Obviously you would not just use both of their effects, or otherwise your just compounding confusion and the number of creepers. So, to solve this you need new animations and a new effect. Lets combine the powers to make a "summon" that will grow a large plant that all foes within a medium range, are confused. The plant cant move, it cant attack, but it can be destroyed.

    That's my new theory... but i know the devs will hate the 2nd option (at least the number of animations they have to make)
  3. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    Run Dr. Leo! Run!
  4. Well the guy who lives upstairs takes prayers... dunno about suggestions for updates...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    okay, in order:
    [ QUOTE ]
    First: CoH decided to fry on me...

    [/ QUOTE ] Been there, done that. You have my sympathies sir.
    [ QUOTE ]
    Second: The new virus got into my computer, deleted my internet explorer thus deleting ALL internet connections, and then I was forced into MMO exile on... <Shudders> ... World of Warcraft...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Agian, been there, done that. Agian you have my sympathies. [ QUOTE ]
    It's odd, internet goes down, but MMO's still work, figure that out and I'll throw you a cookie.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    There are approximatly 200 possibile answers for that. Most of them can fixed with a simple downloadable fix called "Winsock Fix" Look it up, Download it, Run it. Clears up a lot of problems.

    Where's mu cookie?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Forgot to say I'm back because I got a new computer with a 26-inch screen monitor .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Until I get a 36" monitor, you officially suck sir!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e throws Prime a cookie cake.
  6. Dear sweet mother of the Earth... Why do you have to be so dam good? Ruining my dreams of every beating you in video-making... (j/k)... Way to well created, loved the blue-print to foundation to mission specs idea. I'm afraid to see what you would do if you ever decided to run 2 MMO's and make Aion the next one. But anyhoot, HI! Long time no see, great vid, happy new year, marry christmas, happy birthday, have a good valantines day, ya...

    Oh and if ya been wondering why I have not been posting and spreading my happy-go-lucky enthusiasm and witty comments out recently is because I was fighting the the devil called a New Virus.... Ok, i lied, that was the 2nd thing I was fighting. First: CoH decided to fry on me... Second: The new virus got into my computer, deleted my internet explorer thus deleting ALL internet connections, and then I was forced into MMO exile on... <Shudders> ... World of Warcraft... It's odd, internet goes down, but MMO's still work, figure that out and I'll throw you a cookie.

    Forgot to say I'm back because I got a new computer with a 26-inch screen monitor .
  7. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    heh, nice. i like the 2nd one better however =D.

    The origin: I like the beginning with all the rustic themes and mission logs and stuff, story aint to bad either.

    The PK invade: Funny story, really funny how they can't beat a single drone.

    Oh and btw to anybody who's fallowing up on my CoH not working, well the problem is seance issue 13, or a patch after it, my processor is kinda fried. So it hates CoH atm, goina need a new one, but anyhow, so many good vids! Can't wait to see more!
  8. Sharpshooter_III

    Tale of a Hero

    Not bad, so the character is kinda like what zelda would be if link was a wimp. >

    But good story anyhow, I'm not much of one to have my characters be cursed with cybernetic bodies but that was a good read >.
  9. I like it =D

    It's witty and at the same time entertaining, like me when I wake up for school! xD
  10. maybe having 100 pages of signs will make them post here O.o.
  11. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    Sooo I'm in High school still and that simply sounds like a copywrite-monopoly.

    Simply. copy, give away, then reap being the best! That's about it.

    Oh and sorry if I have not posted lately, I'm going insane with MMO stuff of late and my CoH game went slow-motion. Fixed that by getting the pound of lint off of the video card. But now my CoH game is glitching like I have 2 fps, so in other words, I'm experiencing some technical difficulties.
  12. Well this is an obviouse and loud song that allot of people may know... heck it may have been posted here but I'm to young to die by reading, so here...
  13. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    Not bad at all in my opinion.

    I just dunno why I'm so slummed out and not ecstatic about issue 13, might have to deal with going back to lvl 1 for new powers and everybody will be using shields and there's gonna be lots and lots of pain domination villains walking around pvp now.

    But never-the-less, great video again.
  14. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    I'm just glad I can make a smiley out of someone before the day was done .
  15. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    It' magical...

    In a way, I'm just glad to see a video of heroes actually trying to shoot down rikti ships. Makes me wanna daydream about epic space fights now...

    Good song choice btw...

    And sorry if I'm not all gitty and enthusiastic as I have been in previous comments, I'm just starving for more adventure than paragon city. And don't say get a new MMO, I'm currently reaping the benefits of the "Good bye and thx for playing" shut down of Tabula rasa package. So that's $30 a month, and my allowance can only go so far .
  16. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    More epic'ish videos yay!!! (Thats the phrase of the day for me)

    Now I wanna beat up some villains and knock some sense into them lowlifes. (No offense to people who play allot of villains)

    Great vid, as always. I see your adding more and more voice acting into the movies, good going.

    Longbow Ftw!
  17. Sooo like an epic meter?

    You deal enough damage or take enough or affect enough people with your powers after a certain amount? And you can only use the power every hour or so would seem fair. The epic meter sounds good to me, we could make it an insane amount say like this...

    Blasters: 1000 damage dealt per level.
    Tankers: 1000 damage resisted/deflected per level.
    Defenders: 500 uses of powers per level.
    Controllers: Immobilize, hold, confuse, disorient, sleep, or slow villains for 1 hour combined per level.
    Scrappers: 1500 damage dealt and taken/deflected per level.
    Kheldians: Epic meter fills after 10 successful missions in a row.

    Deflecting/dodging = 50 points per level.
    lvl 1: 50
    lvl 2: 100
    lvl 25: 1250
    lvl 50: 2500

    This is just a rough sketch of what I had in mind when I heard about some bar or meter involved. I don't know how well this will work but feedback on this idea will be appreciated.
  18. Hero Con killed a video star... Hear the story on the 12:00 news at 11:00.
  19. Can't wait to try my remake of a guy I made on Guardian server. He is a rock/rock tanker, and I gotta say, bad idea when your a damage fiend like me. So I'm goina change his Rock armor to shields and give him a big slab of earth to protect people with. I can't wait to see if I can make any more epic natural heroes. (I have a natural origin fetish, I see them as more heroic and epic)
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    what worries me about custom powers with custom effects is players ruining the game with them.

    Making spider webs that heal the team..for some reason, and flaming explosions that hold foes in place...cof*

    a guy named YelloSNO1132 who fires yellow ice blasts.

    That isn't to say it couldn't be done right but total customization I'm against.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Point taken, but hey... Stupid is what stupid does, and if they do that, then their just rotting their minds.
  21. Horray! I love stories! Epic ones especially! And that did pretty good in my opinion. Personally I would have put in about 100 longbow agents in there and a larger arachnose force but I'm crazy like that and have no respect for my processor xD. But anyhow, very good vid, if you do another one let me know so I can watch it.
  22. Issue 14 has its hands full mastering the mission architecture now from what i heard, and 15 is to far off and not a single dev has posted here about this idea I think.

    But ya, having signature powers would be a cool asset to a superhero. I'm only afraid with all the content they will do something odd like raise the lvl cap to 60 or something to compensate.
  23. Got another Song here by 3 Doors Down, think the song fits pretty well into the Hero Theme, specifically longbow people. The song is Citizen Soldier by 3 Doors Down. Oh and I think you may wanna boost the volume, it's kinda low for some reason to me.

    I'm no movie maker but I like to help in any way I can
  24. Let's face it, if states and recluse where invited to the party, states would throw the car at him.