Shadow Wail

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  1. following that scenario:

    Earth Control / Earth Assault

    Fire Cntrol / Fire Assault

    Mind Control / Psionic Assault

    Gravity Control / Energy Assault

    Plant Control / Thorn Assault

    Ice Control / Ice Assault

    Sometime after i17 and GR
    Electric Control / Electrical Assault
    ????? / Dark Assault

    Sometime further than my great mind can say!
    Dark Illusions / Dark Assault


    Seeing as proliferation hasnt happened as frequently as desired, we might have a far off way till the Devs complete the Dom lists by adding Electric Control, Dark Assault and finally Dark Illusions...well have some time to play things our

    Either way this is a favorable since this is a new powerset not some skinned version...and since Illusion is on the list of powers that Will be able to be recolored black and dark purple...I rather have something brand new to play with. seeing as everyone thinks GR will be the end of Heroes Vs. Villains most people will roll an illusion fallen hero...I rather have electric control as a Dom set first...
  2. Give me a Sand Friendly!!!

    I would love a sand storm pet and a stone golem... could make me giggle...I think we should get one since the devs wont give us Ill...
  3. seeing as pistols are quick drawing...I see really fast recharge and mod dmg.

    I hope we get a reload clip animation as a BU/Follow up attack. it would suck if the devs will make us go out and buy our own ammunition...
  4. Why did you take your main attack powers so far apart from eachother? I dont get your power selections?
  5. Most of my female friends are happy Desdemona was built with... umm...human proportions...she reminds me of my LARP days...
  6. Ocho8 doesnt say that but Posi does... I am skeptical about the full going rogue capacity, can you blame me?

    If it was so easy, so remarkably easy to go rogue...why can't I just go have a drink at Pocket D with a hero and go back to their place for hero training?! Pocket D has a PC/RI junction!

    Until Positron himself releases the exact details as to how I will switch and where I will logout I am not taking his word on a hint.

    it is not so difficult for people to grasp that? I dont want a letter to the gamers saying this or that I want the official mechanic/function feature.

    Until I see the exact mechanic log I wont be thrilled... Maybe we get an office in atlas, a redeemed villain support group On the left side of city hall?!

    There is not enough info on anyones part to go all Keyboard-Axe...I just want 100% confirmation
  7. :: Transcript from future gameplay::

    Desemona: From the shadows of the abyss I summon you, Fire imps!!!

    Desdemona: Look faithful Imps, that Circle of TYhiorn Mage is going to sacrafice that baby for it evil gods!!!

    Fire Imp 1: You want us to do what?! Save that baby!
    Fire Imp 2: In the abyss, we eat babies!!!
    Fire Imp 1: Yea thats breakfast!!!
    Fire Imp 3: Baby saving is not for us!

    Desdemona: You see this pact!!! :: Points to a dark scroll:: I own you! Go save that baby from the Circle of Thorns or I'll have you on Laundry duty!!

    Fire Imp 1: ...Fine
    Fire Imp 2: ...I used to rule towns?!
    Fire Imp 3: ...I think we have no choice!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    While I won't comment on the mechanics, I assure you that existing characters will be able to "Go Rogue". I fully plan on running opposite faction content on my existing characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times, THANK YOU. Now I will simply be linking to this post and following with "Shut up please." whenever someone starts spouting that nonsense.

    Also, dunno if it's just the fact that I'm tired but the phrase "Tatts on her clavicle" just sounded REALLY dirty to me. XD My brain is a scary place to live.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yay a Dev answered my post!!!

    I still don't like the quotation marks... it isn't a straight forward answer

    ...JKPhage if he said that " Yea I wont comment on the mechanics, but I do plan my villain to park her fanny at atlas and chill out there for a few and then do some missions with heroes and use an APP and fill myself out"...Nope it said he will play opposing faction content... didn't say where, didn't say how...

    While his answer may make you feel like you are doesn't give us any new info...just says we'll be able to "Go Rogue" and play hero content...not live in Paragon City...which is a direct conflict to Posi's idea/explanation of GR...

    Oh and Tatts on her Clavical does sound dirty...Not my sorta thing...
  9. ...I would pay to see a War Witch V. Ghost Widow V. Desdemona cage match...
  10. Just give us Ill/ for Doms... Stop giving us grief...if Ill/ will overpower the field then say so and stop treating villains like red headed stepchildren...
  11. Its the same thing...diff name and used by diff people...
  12. Shadow Wail


    After this round of proliferation... PP is just another excuse for villains to get shafted...
  13. Shadow Wail

    How is spines?

    I dont worry about Global Acc...If I time myself right I can BU and do Ripper and SoM and get the Acc/Tohit bonus from it. I would go flor global recharge to get BU and Placate up as fast as possible...Your attacks recharge fast enough and having a fast BU means you can take advantage of alot other powers easily.

    I tried to do a Shadow Maul--->SoM--->Flurry for a combo I call "1,000 Fists of Death"...Yea people will say that the rooting effects of the three are very dangerous...but if you are a /Nin or /SR then you are fine and if its chained right and the targets dont move it can be a deadly cone combo
  14. ummm...I dont use IO Set bonuses...I feel they set IO's are aimed towards pvp...that's my solution to the "inbalance"

    If I am playing an /SR I personally dont need or want anymore defense past my limited 3 IO's for...If I am in PvP then I can see how I want to Set IO myself out so I can out perform other AT's... but in PvE... I dont care bout having 10% extra this or doesnt effect me...
  15. Can we get some new base items that are not tech/arcane but add some things like steam pump items, sewer energy/control items?

    I am trying to make my base as a sewer that has been gutted out and gets reconstructed into a tech base.

    I wanna make my energy room into an old pump station and eventually starting at my teleporters become more tech only problem is that I don;t want to have an esthetically screwed up base.
  16. we could both be wrong...Malestrom goes to Praetoria to have his change of heart while Desdemona does not...

    There is not enough valid info to make any comments so I think well just leave it at that.

    When positron says the exact details between side switxhing then we'll comment...all we know is that Praetoria will help...even tho desdemona from what I rememberded has nothing to do with Praetoria...she was just misguided by her father...

    Now I am off to see Harry Potter 6...I will respond to your angry comments later..
  17. Desdemona has a fatty....she is one thick lady...
  18. Hey JKPhage,

    Wasn't it the devs that said we'll be getting some base love and everyone ran up their list of hopes and desires and in the end they just gave us a discount?

    Don't take the Devs words so seriously...
  19. Not to rain on anyone's parade but if I end up paying $39.99 for two new power sets that I don't find interesting, I will be one angry gamer...those demons better be Completely new and awesome looking....if I get to control Nerva Demons, Behemoths and other in game demons...I'll be angry

    --Demon Summoning/Darkness*

    What does Darkness mean? Can it mean Dark Pact? Dark Miasma?

    --Dual Pistols/Energy*

    Is this Energy Melee from the current set?

    A giant part of me already speculates that GR's will be power set specific Already existing Players will be able to go only to Praetoria...I feel like Praetoria will be the only mixing zone for existing toons.

    Here is my speculation:

    If you make a toon from the Going Rogue power sets, you will be allowed to walk between the RI, PC and Praetoria. If you have a pre-Going Rogue hero/villain you will be allowed to switch sides by going to Praetoria and doing opposing faction missions...that is if you are a hero you can go to Praetoria and help Tyrant. and if you are a villain you can go whatever it is that villains do in Praetoria. you will not be allowed into PC tho, I feel that GR will have that limit, you can switch sides in Praetoria and Pretoria only if you made a toon prior to GR.

    See there's another hole in GR...What is the faction in Praetoria that fights Tyrant?

    I do like the expansion, I just don't see GR coming out this year...I see it as a 2nd quarter release for next year. Is anyone able to remember when CoV was mentioned compared to its launch?
  20. Shadow Wail

    How is spines?

    What I do to work with the DoT placate problem is that Ill use Ripper followed by Sands of Mu, this should do two things, it the DoT should indirectly boost the amount of dmg that Ripper does and it will wear out the DoT so I can placate and use AS.

    One thing about the Knockdown/back from ripper is that the knockdown will let you AS something easily since the amount of time needed to gt up from knockdown is just the right amount of time to get an AS in. I also noticed that the DoT from placate and the Interfere for AS sync nicely and will let a Crit to hit while there is a ripper DoT.

    I do agree with the fact that at the lower level it cant be slow, my first priority was to 3 slot my attacks for damage and I decided that I was going to use the SoM vet power. this did some considerable dmg in the early game that I could not have done without, I was close to deleting my Spines/SR because of the dmg.

    The great thing about /SR is that you dont really need manyslots if you are going to IO the toon, I have been IO'in since level 7 so for me 4 slots ( three def buff and 1 endo where needed) leave me lots of space to work with the attack powers, I have most of my attacks ( Barb Swipe, Lunge, Spines Burst, Ripper) 3-5 slots for dmg, rech and acc.

    I mean yea it is slow and it is a very tight build.
  21. Shadow Wail

    How is spines?

    What server are you on, I have a Spines/SR and I love mine. I love the spineburst, Ripper combo...not too many things survive. It will be a very tight set I can tell you that. I am planning on taking all the powers I get,'

    Let me know if you wanna see my Spines/AR, I do thinkthat the animation is a huge hinderance but my toon found a liquid armor that doesnt shred my clothing!
  22. W/e! In the end this game is already dead so I am really learning to care less about the problems of this game
  23. ...people farmed before these IO's, they farmed HO's and they PL to get to the level to use HO's. they also farmed and PL for SO's.
  24. I can't speak for anyne else because I am not anyone else. I do not like farming or PL'n, I have three 50's and it took me 4 years to them to 50.

    I also do not go for uber hidden special loot, I do fine with the regular IO's...Set IO's are for show and PvP and in a game where PvP is dead ,there is no need for me to farm or PL.

    On the contrary, I actually like to level a toon from 1-50; I find it the mos t fun.

    I feel that if the devs set limits to how much an item can go on the markets, then yea it can quelch the farming for salvage/recipies and the such. The only real reason people farm or PL' is to use those coveted items.

    If the devs would just regular the auction house and BM then we have some way to control farming infirectly.