New Skins for Base Items please?




Can we get some new base items that are not tech/arcane but add some things like steam pump items, sewer energy/control items?

I am trying to make my base as a sewer that has been gutted out and gets reconstructed into a tech base.

I wanna make my energy room into an old pump station and eventually starting at my teleporters become more tech only problem is that I don;t want to have an esthetically screwed up base.



Yeah I was just thinking about that today making a new base.

"Rural" stuff too - I'd like access to the look and feel of the Croatoa homes and farm sets: bales of hay, etc.

Those teleporters are very much the teeth-gritters for me too.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'd personally like to see *some* of the stuff rescaled. The desks are fine, for instance, but some of the other stuff makes my characters look like a 3 year old in their parents furniture.


Actually, while we're getting to recolor powers in I16.... I'd like to recolor the items themselves.No need for white/grey selections, pick a primary and secondary.



Can we get the floor tiles reskinned with a top and bottom so we don't have to use hundreds of substitutes to make a decent raised floor.



Can we get some new base items that are not tech/arcane but add some things like steam pump items, sewer energy/control items?

I am trying to make my base as a sewer that has been gutted out and gets reconstructed into a tech base.

I wanna make my energy room into an old pump station and eventually starting at my teleporters become more tech only problem is that I don;t want to have an esthetically screwed up base.

[/ QUOTE ]


SteamPUNK not pump.

That is all.



While we're at it, how about carpeted floors?



I would love to see some new items like that. We need more sewer-themed pieces, a more primitive-looking, yet tech-based teleporter type, and steampunk type items would really fit the bill here.

And yeah, we need real floor tiles, skinned on the top and bottom, even if the bottom is just a flat, patternless texture that can be colored. We need extra floor love in general, not to mention wall panels and doors.

We need a lot actually, but stuff like that would go a loooong way towards pleasing the base-designers.



i would love some new items for the bases as well my group is trying to make a school theme for our base and while its working so far its very hard to get some of the rooms to look just right since the right kind of floors walls etc.etc. are not in the game yet we also would love to have bottoms on the floor tiles since we try to make some of the rooms 2 floors

blu archer lvl 50 ta/cold defender on virtue