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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airea View Post
    aaaaaaand down again
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by panthera View Post
    And they are back up
    Beautiful! Thanks for the update!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Actually, it's the West coast servers that are down. Virtue is a west coast server. NCSoft is aware of the issue. See here.
    Ooooooh. I got it backwards there then. Thanks for the correction.
  4. Yep, so I'm playing, then Virtue crashes out of nowhere. I go to log back in and see that all of the West Coast servers are down, and have been for some time now. So wondering what everyone who plays on these servers has to say about it. For that matter I wonder if there's a dev around who might be able to give us an idea why these servers are down, particularly Virtue which seems to be have all sorts of issues since i17. The devs seem to be on it though as stated in Celestial Lord's post though. Thank you CL for giving that link in case anyone else had trouble locating it.
  5. Um, I thought the problem here was consistent server crashes. When did it turn into performance issues. And yes, I understand the TOS states they aren't responsible for service interruption, etc. But they are responsible for keeping the game running, which was my point to begin with. Now the problem seems to have died some, which is good, and I'm happy with that. I and a few other people have had some problems with the updater connecting as of late, but I hear that's being worked on as well, so as long as the effort is being made, I'm happy and can live with whatever we have to endure until the issue is solved, as long as eventually it IS solved. That's all I ever really ask for, though I wouldn't ever complain if as a way of saying "sorry for the trouble" they did something like open the Ski Chalet for a weekend or some similar gesture to let people get things they've missed out on due to unavoidable absence from the game. ^_^ But as long as I can play I'm happy.
  6. "I'm sorry people, but all sales are final! If you bought a defective Giant Monster you will have to go through our support center to discuss trading it in for a new model. We do not handle returns in the store. Thank you."

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NezuChiza View Post
    NCsoft owes you nothing for problems with the servers. It's in the EULA and TOS you agreed to. That said, people seem to think that they're sitting around purposely letting Servers crash and stay down just to annoy the player base...and I'm pretty sure that's not true. So rather than complain and they demand free stuff, accept that things happen, and that they're working to fix it because, you know, leaving the server down is just soooooo good for their Customer Service, right?

    Seriously, when your car breaks down or a hurricane interrupts power, do you start complaining and demanding compensation from the dealer or the utility?
    Okay, for one, nobody really demanded free stuff. It's not like anyone asked for free game time or anything. Just small things to maybe make up for the fact that they can't receive the service they're paying for. And the ToS states that you agree the gameplay might change and accept that. That does not mean paying for services you aren't getting to most people. Like one user here said, something as simple as opening the ski chalet for a week, or even a day to let people get costume parts or badges from it would be an acceptable compensation and costs NC Soft nothing. And nobody has accused them of intentionally leaving servers down. They've only said that it doesn't seem to be a high priority on their list compared to some of the other petty things they tend to focus on like nerfing farms, which I am all for, but not at the expense of quality gameplay. So before you go slinging accusations at people about "wanting something for nothing" maybe you should pay attention to what they're trying to say. Oh, and in response to the car remark, yes. It's called a lemon law. A dealer sells you a bad car they're bound by LAW to repair or replace it. Just FYI.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TehCoop View Post
    I agree here.

    Extra toon slots, free server transfers, etc... I'll be happy.
    Or freespecs, game perks, something. Glad I'm not the only person who feels this way. Sometimes I can be too vocal on my opinion for my own good. ^_^
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Voided_Soul View Post
    One good thing about it being down is now i can at least stop getting the copy & paste responses from the tech department claiming its "my hardware, settings, or connection".
    Get to work monkeys!
    Heh, at least I'm not the only person annoyed by those generic responses...
  10. Don't we pay to /play/ the game? So if we're not actually getting to play because the server is always crashing, then personally we should get some sort of compensation for it, otherwise we're paying for a service we're not receiving. Just my thoughts. Or we can just find a game that is actually stable whose devs are more concerned with making sure the game runs like it should than finding and killing exploits and such and leaving huge stability issues as a result. Once again, just my opinion. Not that I condone the use of exploits, but it seems the devs put that too high on the priority list over game stability, and we all suffer for it as a result. At least to most of my experiences that has been the case. I mean one of the more recent exploit "fixes" broke the game badly for a lot of players, and it just keeps happening. Maybe stability should be higher on the priority list and exploit "fixes" moved down a bit. Yes, the devs should indeed try to eliminate exploits when they can, but isn't keeping the game playable and enjoyable for the people who /pay/ their salaries by buying their product what should be the first and most important priority? Some may agree with my point, and some may not. And I'm not saying this crash is over an exploit "fix", but those seem to be the highest priority to the devs these days over keeping a steady and stable game for the players to enjoy. So chime in. Roast me, agree with me, debate with me, do whatever you will, but I'd like to hear some feedback from other people about these issues.
  11. I have a few favorite memories, so will name a few in no particular order...

    - Soloing Lord Recluse on my Bane Spider, who was my first EAT ever!
    - Coming to Virtue after playing on another server for a long time and realizing there ARE roleplayers in this game, which inspired me to move all my mains there!
    - Sitting in Grandville and chatting with Dark Watcher in Broadcast with some friends about i16, which was really just random and not a planned event, and that only made it better! "The first rule about [Walk] is you do not talk about [Walk]." Of course we immediately told everyone we knew about it. We were also pleasantly surprised that it was actually released before i16!
    - Being challenged to a MM vs. MM Arena match by a friend and pwning him so bad in a first to 5 match that he quit after the third consecutive defeat when he learned my pets were never even set to defensive!
    - Most importantly, the great friends I've made over the last few years playing this game. They've been a blessing and I hope they remain in my life for years to come!

    Thank you, and I look forward to seeing more memories shared by others here!
  12. Well, aside from the occasional screen flicker, my real issue so far is that i17 seems to be causing problems with my chat clients, i.e. Ventrilo and Skype, both of which I use often to communicate verbally with my friends in game. When I have the game up, these clients can't seem to stay connected, and I have problems with it seeming to block all audio and communications from them. I never had this problem before i17, so I know it's not my system, and my connection is fine. I can run ultra mode with hardly a hiccup, and it looks beautiful, but I would like to be able to keep communicating with my friends without having to stop and use in game chat every few seconds when I'm running a TF/SF or a trial, as it gets annoying. Any solution there?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    just to let it be known that not everyone agrees with you here. If this bug is a result of the farm nerf, I'm happy to put up with the bug till its fixed, which I assume won't be long.

    Well, like I said, I don't exactly condone the farms, but I would rather be able to play my game without all the stability issues. I say let them farm. They don't affect me so I just don't worry about it. As for the devs telling us workarounds, how many replies have you seen that said the workaround doesn't work? Yeah, really fixing the problem guys.
  14. Know what's funny about all of this? It wasn't part of any preparation for i17, but just to introduce a code to kill out a farm. Not that I condone extreme farming, but honestly I think the devs should put a little more focus on game quality and a little less into worrying about people power levelling. There are always going to be farms, and people using exploits to gain certain advantages. It's part of any game. Live with it. Let them do as they will, stop it when you can, delete the farms as they appear, but stop messing with the game structure just to try and nerf them. It always seems to cause some sort of stability issue, and honestly in the end you end up with more players angry that you bugged their game than those angry that you nerfed their farm. Just some food for thought.
  15. Broadsword Brutes. Villains deserve to have an AT with the ability to use Broadsword AND Shield, and honestly, it never made sense to give the Broadsword to Stalkers to begin with. Honestly, who do you picture more with a Broadsword? A sneaky guy or a hulking barbarian? Just my humble opinion.
  16. I've seen some of the additions to the game, and the new faces and costumes coming with Issue 15 are great, but there is still one detail that has been bothering me for quite some time now. We can adjust the size of our characters when changing costumes at the tailor after creation, making them slimmer or thicker, but I would like to see the ability to change the height of the character as well. Many of us make characters with a shape changer concept, and the ability to make them taller in some forms than others or vice versa would greatly enhance these concepts and make gameplay overall more enjoyable. Maybe even the ability to change body type (though I would limit that in some ways, primarily the Huge can only be selected for characters with the Male body type, and vice versa, then again, the ability to change one's gender could make for even grander shape changing characters). Among other things, this is one feature many of us would truly like to see added to customization options, not to mention there's always the case where you made a character a little taller or shorter than you like, but have already put too much time and work into them to start them over. This is the case with a few of my toons actually, and I would like to have the option to remedy this after the fact. Thank you for your time, and for those who want to get on the band wagon or don't agree with me, feel free to post your opinions and let's see what happens.