62 -
You want horror in that ilk, go watch The Rocky Horror Show... While at GenCon one year (THE best four days in gaming apparently
) they put on that movie in the main hall at midnight. Many of the short, fat BLOKES were in fishnet body stockings!!!
<runs off to bleach eyes> -
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I actually think this explains a lot about the mentality of many (most?) live roleplayers*
Give me a pen and paper game with some mates, pizza number and booze at the ready, any day over this.
*I merely dabbled in my youth. Vampire was good, met lotsa women for one (including my current partner of 10(!) years), but I was never into the giant latex hammer and camping out, wearing furs yadda yadda. Too much like hard work to me. -
P.S. Sausagemaster, are you from Bradford? Your live action vampire story sounds very familier, or does all live action vampire involve police armed response?
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Nope. Sometimes wish I was though, there's a hardcore gathering of Call of Cthulhu players in Bradford (Paul of Cthulhu of YSDC fame), but then I remember.... It's Bradford
So I guess it IS similar to many other Live Vampire games. -
Found this little story of what can happen if you take your Roleplaying too seriously:
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Actually, this is what happens when you take roleplaying too seriously.
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And people wonder why I get upset with the media...
He's a prat, just because he may play D&D does not make it responsible for him.
Does American Football get blamed for turning O.J.Simpson into an alleged killer?
Does Boxing get blamed for Tyson?
*goes off to drink more coffee*
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Don't take this too seriously man - its taken from a show called 'Reno 911'. Its not hugely popular in the UK, as its only seen air time on the FX channel (179 if you have Sky). I thought it was quite well done to be honest, but then, I knew it wasn't really. -
Anyway, half these creepy people don't sound half as creepy as people I've played withI thought they'd be actually scary.
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Read the editorials on THIS site then. Maybe not scary in a 'that guys pointing a gun at me' way, but if I was in many of those situations, I'd definitely be afraid....
Edit: Made link more direct. -
Because no-one in RPG circles ever exaggerates about stories...
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Oh, I'm sure many of those tales are. However, I guarantee some of them aren't, and that is scary enough....
My armed response tale is not, incidentally -
Anyone found the link to that post? I want to know if it is one of the stories I know or if it is [censored], but my search-fu on rpg.net sucks.
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If memory serves, the search function on that site has been disabled *boggle* However, as luck would have it, I had the good sense to copy that story, so I can PM you it if you like (until some poor soul actually finds the post - I've read the thread through once, I have NO WISH to do so again
Edit: Or, follow FFMs link - cheers man -
?!?!? Since when is RPing inherantly satanic?
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You just have to find the right group FFM
I think at this point I'll draw your attention to this thread on rpg.net. Man, if you've never roleplayed before, this will surely put you off trying it
If you can find it in there, read the 'Brazillian Death Squad' post... Holy cow. -
Garlic and crosses don't affect most Vamps from White Wolfs 'the Masquerade' setting. However, having someone shove a lump of wood in my chest would distract me somewhat.
I distinctly remember the female officer that turned up to. She was a might....unstable. Upon finding the cup sized lump of blue foam marked 'stake', one of the other players remarked to her that 'we could really hurt someone with that' (in his best sarcastic tone too), to which she responded 'its not funny, if you had pointed that at me, I'd have shot you without thinking twice about it'. Jeez...
Funniest moment of the night was the when they collected all of our names and addresses - a friend of mine was smoking a joint at the time <tut tut>, and thought it would be suspicious if he quickly threw it away or what have you, so continued to smoke it while she took down his details. Classy
We had some visitors from the Warwick vampire group visiting at the time. They said they'd had a blast, but they couldn't top the armed response team next time we went to visit them -
I love the game Shadowrun, one of my favourites - this story is frankly embarrassing
In my youth, we had the armed response team show up to a live Vampire game we were playing in. Was quite worrying... I kept the newspaper article though. It said we 'claimed we were rehearsing for a play'. Journalistic spin. It also said the weapon was recovered. Um.... What a load of crud.
Incidentally, that wasn't the only time the police turned up to a live Vampire session I was involved in, just the only one they showed up with automatic weapons at. -
You can have both the combo unit AND a generator? Hmm.... An easy/cheap way to get a little boost in the power & control department.
I've never used the combo energy/control item (by the time it was introduced we already had the bigger versions), but can it take aux items?
Alternatively, you can join our SG - our base is fully up and running -
Oversight Centre?
It was my understanding that provides enough power and control to run a telepad, a workbench and a reclaimator, so you might be fortunate to be able to run 2 telepads.
The difference between an oversight centre plus the combo power/control item, and an individual power and control room, plus a generator AND a control item is MASSIVE, so I'd try and make this work as best as you can...
Edit: Don't forget the beacons for the telepads too. Which require you to get all the exploration badges for the specific zone WHILST IN SUPERGROUP MODE. Each pad can accept 2 beacons, and each beacon requires control too (and possibly power, though I can't recall). -
The fact is that our base uses really more space that we really need (about 25% of space used by decorative rooms). We could "reformat" and pack an ugly base with maximum functionality in a minimum of space. But I'm never going to do that. We're paying more than some other SG which provide the same functionality. But our base has a personality of its own now.
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Amen to that man. We're on the 12x12 plot and really, aside from a MAHOOSIVE teleporter room, we really don't need most of that space. In fact, aside from the workshop going from 2x2 to 3x4 and therefore being a LOT less cluttered, no functionality has changed whatsoever from when we had the 8x12. Still, whenever I fly round the base I feel a sense of pride -
some base tips m8.
non pvp:
1)go for the power room first it costs the most with the things in it i think but you get it out of the way.
2) then control room with things in it
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Nah, go for an oversight station first and get the combined power/control device. It's a LOT cheaper than than the seperate ones. A LOT.
With the oversight centre you have just enough power and control to run a rez ring, a teleporter and a workbench.
My advise is to only build a bench when you need to use it (re-selling it when you're done - teleporters can only be made at benchs), so concentrate on the other two.
As for which beacons to get - I favour Steel Canyon for one, as it tps you right next to the Green Line. Kings Row might be another good one as, if memory serves, that lands right next to the yellow line.
Other advice. DON'T pay rent as soon as the notice is up. Wait until it's AT LEAST over due, or better still, until the powers been turned off - it takes 5 minutes for power to return once you've paid up, so you're hardly missing much. However, as others have said, stick with the smallest plot (8x8) and you'll never EVER have to pay rent anyway, thanks to the new recent changes. Means saving up is a distinct possibility now, for even the smallest SG.
Also, remember, if you are into the roleplaying thing, ANY room can be decorated to look like a meeting room or what have you. That 2x2 oversight room is pretty large for the teeny contraption that it houses. Use the rest of that space for jazzing it up. Decorative items are very cheap, and make otherwise useless space look top.
Hope this rambling helps -
ive trained my coh mate to be a good empath, e.g dont do stupid stuff like RA + AB
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How is it stupid to use the powers from your power set? Especially something as powerful as AB... -
Also, a respec can breathe new life into a character. Try messing about with your power choices and see if that makes any difference.
The lure of the AES was too much and I have gone out and installed one in our base. Its bloody HUGE and solves any control issues you may have! Takes a hell of alot power to run it though (you probably needed two power supplies thus a secure plot).
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Come on man, screenshots. Show off your AES with all those decorations and wotnot -
Yep, this is a ceiling you hit atm until/or you can go up to the plot that allows more than one function generator. There is of course this rumour of the next generator up, unlocked via PvP. I've not seen any apparent info at all on it.
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I understand its a total of 50 hours in SG mode in the PvP zones. However, I also understand that its bugged. Not good. -
Does it not depend on how low/high your floor and ceilings are?
I'm still thinking its better to use 2 supercomputers due to the number of aux items that can be attached...
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That costs an additional 1 million prestige straight away, and produces 500 less control... False economy. -
Petition dude, see what they say. There may not be many Euro SGs that need the fusion generator, but I bet there are a crud load of US ones that are spitting teeth right now about this bug.
Be aware, I've seen a picture of it too, and its a WHOPPER. Won'y fit in the 2x4 room for definite, will probably need the 4x4 (or similar of one doesn't exist). -
For those of you that are interested, I did a search on the US forum and found a screen shot of the AES (with decorative items underneath).
This badboy costs 2mil prestige, smallest room it will fit in is the 3x4 control room, takes 2500 power to run (ouch), and generates a massive 1500 control.
Edit: The Supercomputer costs 1.5mil, and can fit in much smaller control rooms. So even though its only 500k cheaper, the fact you have to increase the room by so much means its actually considerably cheaper. -
Justice squads, you mean - when Heroes gank, it's always justified
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Huh, what? *hides SG name from sig* -
Anyone out there got the Doctors Ally badge mission? If so, please gimme a shout, its one I managed to miss.... Dammit
Also Flush, a little advice. Go on the test server to try out a build before doing in on live. Respecs are pretty valuable, and wasting them can be painful.
The test server is VERY useful indeed, definitely worth the effort.