237 -
All just a strategic bait n switch.... roll out the negatives first(issue 13) then roll out the positives (issue 14).
However, timing of the negatives couldnt be worse when you factor what else is going on.
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Could you tell me whats negative about i13?
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Power changes.
Power changes are ALWAYS bad, until you can prove it didn't change anything someone liked, and only improved what others like. By about 5000% percent.
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So the MoG change was bad? -
yay infinite respecs on test!
[/ QUOTE ]
Huh... I hadn't thought of it that way -
You know apple, you make this post look really weird to anyone not reading it in a threaded view(which is most people). Maybe you should limit your individual replies to PMs
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That, or hit quote instead of just reply. -
I like what has been stated regarding upcoming I12 content, but i have a question regarding the upcoming Improved Character Creation in Issue 12...
i realize that this additional content is addressed for new character creation, but i have several accounts and a few toons on them [even though other characters on those accounts function properly with respect to showing enhancemnt updating for new enhancement slotting] that have never permitted me to see the #'s whenever i insert an enhancement into a power slot... will this update/new issue content provide any fix/patch to allow enable viewing enhancement # adjustments in an existing character that previously/currently does not permit viewing the number adjustment????
Plz dev respond to this post since i know other players have this issue as well and my prior inquiries have always been that devs are aware of the issue but no plans for correcting/addressing.
[/ QUOTE ]
A dev has already responded
Pohsyb -
So if i look at the numbers on my future powers my gaming expirience is ruined or is that just for the stat monkeys who dont play for fun but for " i have the best build because nerd prime (tm) said it had to be build this way, i dont care if its fun or not".
Also a werewolf with a cats tail, uuuummm, crossdresing canine??
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Huh? -
Sliick! I didn't realize you had this thread stashed away in the guide forum. Lots of great new features in this version (allowing you to see raw scalars, defiance, pet links, wow).
I have noticed one bug: I can't find Lightning Rod's pet anymore (manually or by clicking the link).
[/ QUOTE ]
Lightning Rod. Took a little bit of digging to find.
Great job as always, TomaxI love being able to click through to pets
Though there were a few broken links
Some that I found were
Controller_Control.Fire_Control.Fire_Imps: Currently links to Pets.FireImp, should be Pets.Imp
Epic.Dominator_Leviathan_Mastery: "Water Spout" Links to Pets.Patron.Powers.Water.Spout, should be Villain_Pets.Water_Spout. "Summon Coralax" Pets.Patron.Powers.Blue.Corolax to Villain_Pets.Corolax_Blue_Hybrid
Sorry to point these out, it's just what I foundI know how much a PITA can be to debug this stuff
Did you know that this thread needed to be bumped
You forgot about vetspecs
Those fall under the Earned Respecs category once claimed -
Saw the part that says "one full frontal screenshot of contestants in-game hero/villain."
Are we going to make sure that these are actually costumes available to player characters, and not like the Carnie clone from last year?
Just curious -
that this thread can't die? :P -
I would happily hand over Positron to you at no cost...
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Hehe, exactly what I was thinking RE: this -
Let's see if we can sneak a villain into the 3rd hero Respec Trial.
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Oh, I forgot that he was in there. Eh, they'll probably move him to PI -
Da...Dark....Dark Watcher!?!!?
I knew it!!!
I knew he wasn't dead!!
(for those of you who didn't know, Dark Watcher was an original founder of the Freedom Phalanx, along with Elementar(died in battle), Vambrace (two man team, the hero died of old age, and the tech guy behind him is the grandfather or father, forgot which, of the science origin contact in Atlas), Maiden Justice (old age and wife of Statesman), and of course, States himself. If you didn't know this.... go buy the CoH books you slackers, they're like 8 bucks and you can read them in a night if you went at it. Plus, you can learn more about the backstory, which will help you appreciate the work the devs have put into this game to give it such a full, rich storyline.)
*possible brown-nosing off*
[/ QUOTE ]
hehe, wait until Issue 19 of the comic is available for download. Or you could go pick it up at a comic book store -
Is this going to be put onto the Test Server like the CoH Collector's Edition was?
For those that weren't there, before they released the box, they temporarily gave access to the items for those that logged onto the test server. It was a short window (maybe a day?) and they dissappeared after that, unless you upgraded your account. -
Mine is off 3 months
[/ QUOTE ]
There is a link right above the Games list that goes to an explaination of the new screen. Linky
Total Paid Time The Total Paid Time section lists the total amount of time you have actually paid for in years and months for that game account. This includes time paid for using both credit/debit cards and game time cards. However, it does not count any included time that came with any applied serial codes. This section will only be available on accounts that have paid time
[/ QUOTE ]
I bolded the relevant part. I know that I'm missing roughly 3 or 4 months. I also know that I have the "free" months from the regular CoH box, collector's edition box, and my CoV collector's edition box. I'm not sure on the last month, as I might have had a lapse, or it might not have taken into account my most recent month yet.
Also, Cuppa mentioned this in her post - [ QUOTE ]
... - the system already tracks this 'included' time. It is just not set up to make that data visible to you in your account management screen yet.
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I have my faith that things will be resolved in due time. I mean, this isn't due out for at least another 2-4 months (my speculation) -
you missed part:
left hand never leaves the left side of the keyboard
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It's for things like using powerslots 6-10 on all three trays, map being bound to M by default, things like that. -
Your power crystal requires control to operate(so does the table). You'll need to purchase a control room and a primary control element.
- How to build an inspiration dispenser
[/ QUOTE ]
This is the AutoDoc/"tree of Wonders". You unlock this by earning the First tier SG healing badge. Then, you have to build it with salvage (AutoDoc at a tech table, the tree at an arcane)
- how to build infirmary heal enhancers
[/ QUOTE ]
Robo-Surgery and Combat Log SG badges(not sure about arcane equivilent names). Unlockable with Second and Third tier SG badges. Again, build at work tables.
- how to place item on desks (very hit or miss, there must be instructions?)
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My best advice is patience, and trying to zoom in, and use a top down view.
- how to move rooms - (this seems to work when it "feels" like it?)
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All rooms have to be connected to each other, therefore the base editor isn't perfect
- how to store salvage/enhancements/inspirations in base?
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Isn't available yet. Coming in I7 (found in here). If you're talking about the "vault" rooms available, those are for the Items of Power (not yet live), though it's possible the new storage could go in there.
- what is the prestige awarded for varios mobs? Just a chart please
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They aren't going to release this. just know that Prestige is better in the pvp zones.
Cuppa's not accepting PMs because she's on vacation (found through devdigest)
The Search function is your friend.
EDIT: Fixed borked links -
Severe: You did them before I5, correct? an old thread you started. I had already posted linking to what positron had said about this, and why they aren't data mining.
on a side note i find it funny how the 10-12 badges currently bugged on coh for 3 months now are still broke but the two for the v-day events weree too and only took a week to fix...wth is that about???
10 bucks say we get them as our ONLY badges in issue 7 and a "hey you got badges didnt you"
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what are those 10-12 badges that you keep refering to? Specific names, please.
and unless they add new content hero-side for CoH, then why would they add new badges? Do you want even more epic badges that will (and should) take a lot to do to get them? -
the only time that i had to wait hours for an ingame GM was in about month or two following CoV's launch, and occasionally after an Issue was released.
Looking at the email you quoted (which are timestamped), the GM responded to you 3 minutes after your submission. As far as I know, the GMs will almost always try to respond ingame. Did you /petition and then immediately log off? What category did you file the /petition as?
oh, and the irony that I beleive was being refered to above is that it is spelled "Incompetence" -
Fall-from-grace/restored-to-grace is a BIG feature, and it would have been a big part of the Features Preview that was released yesterday. (had it been planned to be released with I7)
EDIt: clarification -
Is there an Arcane Version of the mission computer?
[/ QUOTE ]
The Oracle is the arcane version -
Will it be possible fo you to decide which buffs affect those powers? For example power boost will affect both slow and knockback in powers like freezing rain and blizzard. Obviously the boost to slow is very welcome in those powers but knockback distance is not.
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I'm pretty sure that Blizzard and Freezing Rain do Knockdown, not knockback. I think that Knockdown is unenhanceable, too.
EDIT: last sentance added