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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Wilkinson View Post
    While the phone number is nice to see. I don't have a phone. I must be contacted by email.
    If you have a microphone and speakers, you can sign up for a free Skype account. You can call toll-free numbers for free there, too. There's also Google Voice if you have an invite there.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Will we be getting new minimum and recommended requirements to enjoy Ultra Mode in all of it's beautifulness?

    I know it's not a required option but I want to know what I'll need to run it, or maybe I already have a computer capable of doing it.
    Posi's Ultra Mode shopping guide is here ->
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc Delilah View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    I just want to take a moment to say how excited I am to be working with such a dedicated player base and what a privilege it is to be part of the City of Heroes team.

    This is going to be an exciting year for City of Heroes. Rest assured that I'll be working closely with the Community Team to support and keep you updated on relevant publishing news.

    -Doc Delilah
    Hey there Delilah!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Sounds like what Ten__ said was correct then, which means it looks like you'll have to use those servers directly to test your scripts.
    Man, reading comprehension ftl on my part. I really need to work on that
  5. So again, I post something, then try and get results -.-

    It turns out that changing the language in the Euro client actually modifies the "Locale" Reg key for you. I duplicated this change in the American client and found out that it does affect the UI settings.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to change the power/badge messages, or the badge flavor text (mentioned above). It seems as though this information isn't actually stored in the client, but (my assumption) is instead sent to the client by the server in the server's native language.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but to save you a little bit of trouble, you could probably "Export" the necessary registry keys to a file and "reinstall" them at the appropriate time, without having to open regedit every time.
    Definitely a good idea once it's all hammered out.

    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    As for the language not changing in some places.. what happens if you change the value of "Locale"?
    Yeah, I'm just not sure what the various settings for "Locale" would be. It's a hex key, and in order to test the settings, I would have start up the game and log in to test it out.

    Originally Posted by Ten__ View Post
    The text you're still getting in English is generated by the server, not by the client, so your client settings do not affect it.

    You can see the same effect on the European servers. If you log onto the French server with your client set to English or German, you will still get quite a lot of French text, etc.

    And what is wacky about it is that it appears to be the close to the inverse of the settings from if I log into the French Server. The chat messages (like "Congrats, you've earned X badge" or "You have activated Y power") and the flavor text below the badges are in english (along with some other stuff), but the badge name (in the window) and a lot of the UI pieces are in the other language.
  7. From the wiki:
    This badge is not defined at this time, which makes it impossible to even have on a character; let alone earn it.however.
    You can't earn it in the game.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Product View Post
    I've been one of "those" people for a bit now. Marketing is to blame.
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I think we should blame society!
  9. Whoops, looks like I celebrated a bit too soon *doh*

    Doing this translates the bulk of the UI, but there are still some chat messages and such that are in English. *boggles a bit, desides to sleep on it*
  10. Eureka! *runs through the town naked*

    erm >.>

    Pseudo-solution found:

    I had kinda tried the key change, but wasn't having any luck. It would work when launching CohUpdater.EU.exe, but the US client wouldn't keep the setting.

    I played around with it a bit, and it turns out that the US updater is actually resetting "Installer Language" and "Locale" every time it launches. When the actual game launches, it reads these and sets the settings.

    Here's the workaround I found:
    1. Load the US Patcher. Do not click anything here yet.
    2. Run Regedit (at your own risk, I guess)
    2a. Changing "Installer Language" to the appropriate code (1031 for german, 1036 for French)
    2b. Delete the "Locale" key from the Coh folder (This is the important one, as it appears to override the "Installer Language" key.
    3. Tab back over to the Patcher, Click "Next ->" and agree to the EULA.
    4. The program should load display the splash screen with the "LOADING" text in the appropriate language.

    Note again that the registry keys will be reversed the next time you fire up the patcher, so it isn't a permanent solution. But it'll work for my purposes

    Thanks for re-triggering a brainstorm
  11. Over at Titan, I'm working on multi-language support for badge verification.

    I've currently signed up for a trial on the EU servers to test some of this stuff, but I'm looking at a more long-term solution.

    Is it possible to change the client's display language without connecting to the foreign servers? I'm talking about the general, system generated stuff.

    I found an old link via a Google search, but couldn't quite get it to work correctly. Might just be my brain being fried for tonight.
  12. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ectomy View Post
    > **** Please enter your reply
    > *below* this line ****
    > **** Please enter your
    > reply *above* this line ****
    As mentioned that it is an automated response, It likely is probably expecting each of these to be on a single line, as that is how it appears in all the email's I have gotten.

    > **** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****
    > **** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****
  13. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ectomy View Post
    Well thanks, I guess I don't want it that bad after all then...

    How about the other helments are they tintable???

    Did you see there's also a tailor ticket I'm missing out on gives my boy up top a shout out for that bit of info
    You can't alter them ie 'they aren't tintable'.

    Yes I saw it. I linked the article in my first post. Good to know you are reading these
  14. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ectomy View Post
    For 2 month sigh...

    That's why I'm uncertain what is going on. I have the crab helment via a special perk. I only have the one helment which is unalterable except for the lights on side of helment.

    I want the 3 others plus an alterable crab helment, if the vet one is. 3 days isn't bad I'm on day 33 now.

    Like you I have always had a great experience with support, otherwize I would've moved along along time ago. That's why I am miffed now.
    As a note, the helmets can't be altered either. They only way you can have one is if your character's is of the Arachnos Soldier archetype.
  15. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
    Per the Wiki, here's what should come with the 51 month badge:

    51 Month Rewards

    Tried and True Badge
    Costume Change Token given to all characters on account
    Costume Pieces: Crab Spider, Blood Widow, Mu Mystic, Wolf Spider Helmets

    Sounds to me like you do have it - what more were you looking for?
    Not necessarily. He mentioned only having the one helmet (from his original preorder). If he had all of them, then yes, he'd have it.
  16. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ectomy View Post
    I have a crab helment perk from best buy I believe attached to this account. I have several returns saying we'll get back with you but then they never do until I resubmit inquire.
    You shouldn't be submitting new tickets. You need to reply on one to keep the information in one chain.

    My advise is to create a support account, and use that as your record keeping. At that point, you can even just add information to the ticket from the web.

    My emails about broken vet rewards were simple.
    Department: Account Support
    Subject: X Month Vet Badge
    Message "I haven't been awarded my X month Veteran's Reward badge. I believe I should have gotten it on X date."

    Maybe that's it. What department were you sending these to?
  17. SaintNicster

    Vet Rewards

    Originally Posted by Ectomy View Post
    So I have petitioned, I have submitted questions, I even tried skying customer support, so now I bring my problem to the boards as directed. Why I don't know you will have to ask that question to support not me.

    I have gone 2 months now without receiving my vet rewards of 51 months. I have never missed a payment I have been polite and not complained figuring it will be the tomorrow it will be there after maintance it will be there tomorrow well 2 months of that has kinda pissed me off.

    Its to the point now where support won't even reply to my inquires. In march I'll roll 54 you reckon they both will magically appear then?

    Anyone else ever have a similiar problem? I have a arachnos perk on my account and don't know if that is effect the 51 month reward.

    Thanks for your ear had to vent, hope someone might be able to help.
    Not sure what you're meaning by "Arachnos perk on my account", but the "Tried and True" Badge, along with Arachnos Helms being available at the tailor are indeed the reward for 51. (ref)

    You say you have "submitted questions." Have you done this under a support account? If you do this, you will have a record of recent petitions and tickets.

    When submitting these questions, you should be getting a "Request/Incident Number" via email (within a few hours at most). You should also follow the directions in this email about replying to the ticket.

    Is NCsoft Support <> on your email program's SPAM filter white list? You could be inadvertently dumping all their correspondence.

    Have you tried other means? NCSoft has a number for phone support listed on their main page
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    All events are on switches. They can be manually turned on or off, or a timer set up to turn them on or off. They are not patches, though, if there is a last minute change to an event before it starts, they would need to bring the servers down for that patch and then start the event.
    I remember talking to GhostFalcon at HeroCon, and he mentioned that some of the events required a few backend changes. I don't believe he specified which, though.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    A phased enemy will still trigger the mines, but won't be damaged.
    My /traps corruptor runs with a /sonic corr who likes to use Sonic Cage. A lot.

    If there is only the one enemy around (caged), and I place a Trip Mine at its feet, it will tick and display "UNNAFFECTED" for the duration of the cage. Once the cage drops, the bomb can be triggered.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    (psst, you're not cleared for html code on the boards. )

    Clicking on an emote will bring you to Mantid's animated gif of it.
    D'oh >.<
  21. If you are specifically looking for the emote animations, the vast majority of them were copied to the ParagonWiki before his site shut down. The list is available <a href="">here</a>
  22. SaintNicster

    Joyful badge

    Originally Posted by UltraBatz View Post
    This badge was obtainable in one of the winter events in previous years. Does anyone know if there is a way to still obtain this one? It doesn't look like it can be obtained through candy canes, but I could be wrong and I'm just missing it.
    Looks like you need to do Father Time's mission and select the "Golden Rings (12 day Single Target Hold Temporary Power) and the Joyful Badge" option as your reward.
  23. SaintNicster

    titan network

    Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
    is anyone else having issues loading the titan network right now? i was editing some stuff in my CIT profile and some characters and it doesnt seem like any of the pages want to load at all and some load slowly. im not sure if its my internet connection or if its the site so i thought id head here and as since i cant seem to get the titan forums to load.
    I was doing some backend stuff last night that was futzing with the CPU resources. It was pointed out, and I stopped those jobs.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Anyone can have full invisibility way before level 35.
    Except that Rikti Drones have crazy perception :P