285 -
> They both have the same damage type, lethal.
> They both same recharge, 60 seconds.
> Rain of Arrows is Location AoE, which is much more versatile and safer to use than Full Auto, which roots you for the entire duration.
> Rain of Arrows has a higher base accuracy than Full Auto, by roughly 19%.
> Rain of Arrows has longer range than Full Auto, by 10ft.
> Full Auto has a 20 degree cone, which makes it harder to hit an entire group.
> Full Auto costs about 5 endurance less, which is the only thing that's better compared to Rain of Arrows.
As a whole, these little differences add up to a lot. If anything, Full Auto should deal MORE damage than Rain of Arrows, not just equal to. -
Does Stealth, from the Concealment pool, stack with Cloaking Device and Smoke Grenade?
The description says that it "doesn't stack with any other form of Concealment power such as Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist." Therefore, from the description alone I'm guessing it wont stack...but for some reason I remember someone telling me that it does stack.
Please clarify! -
I think you need to just keep playing and get the hang of it. Stalkers should be the easiest to play, at least for me.
The actual Taunt power itself accepts accuracy enhancements. I've been away from the game too long and don't remember if you need to put an accuracy enhancement in there or not. I vaguely remember that Taunt doesn't miss, but I could be wrong or there could've been some changes within the 2 years that I've been gone.
Yes, the only reason why someone would be against this idea is the whole system requirements thing you've mentioned. I don't see why else someone would be against it. I mean, who wouldn't want the game they're playing to look better?
A lot of powers in CoH/CoV give off some sort of light. In fact, a ton of powers have extremely bright animations. The only problem here is...why doesn't any of those light illuminate their surroundings?
It would be neat to blast a fireball down a hallway and have that hallway be illuminated by the light from your fireball as it travels.
How cool would it be to have the sparks from your Electric Armor illuminate its surroundings? And yes, I do mean each individual spark illuminating its respective surroundings, be it the ground, the wall, your teammates or even yourself.
Fire Armor would be a walking torch. The "puffs" from Fiery Aura would look pretty cool if it illuminates its surroundings.
The idea as a whole seems pretty good to me. For example, a group of players fighting a GM somewhere in a zone. Obviously, that area should be pretty bright, given all the powers being used by the players themselves along with the GM. From afar, you can see some sort of light pulsating and KNOW just by looking that something big is going on there. As you look around the zone, you see other lights pulsating, small fights breaking out everywhere around you.
I know this is a lot to ask, I'm sure it's a lot of work to do and will probably take a ton of resources to implement it this late in a game. Chances are, it will never happen...but hey, a person can dream :] -
Honestly, all my Scrappers/Tankers have Tough. Tough just provides a huge chunk of S/L resistance that's hard for me to just ignore, then again my toon is all SO's and no IO's.
Do you guys think Tough is pretty important for all Tanks? -
Two good secondaries would be Regen and Willpower. Both have Quick Recovery that will stack with Stamina, that'll make sure you never run out of endurance, and just in case you do, you can always grab Physical Perfection in the Body Mastery APP. Don't go with /Dark or /Fire simply because their damage aura uses a lot of endurance and doesn't give you that much dps in return.
I have a 50 Spine/Regen that I do farm and solo farm with that works extremely well. I would say that /WP is great as well, except it doesn't have its own self heal. With /WP, you'll have to keep jumping back into the middle of mobs for RTTC to do its thing, I prefer kiting around with /Regen better. -
Just out of curiosity, how much influence does it take to soft cap Shield Defense?
I see, that makes sense. I've already tried all other Tank primaries though, was just looking forward to Shield Defense.
So what you're saying is that Shield Defense is broken for those who can afford to IO it out the a**. How are the Dev's planning on fixing this issue? The majority of players don't have that much influence to push the set's defense to its soft cap. If the defense is going to get nerfed, the set may become useless, since less than 20% defense is practically useless. As for Shield Charge, I'm happy if it does the same damage as Lightning Rod :] -
With Scrappers, sometimes just repeating fights over and over will eventually put you on top. Why? Random crits. Yup, sometimes I would get lucky and crit so much that it'd turn the tides in my favor. That being said, you mostly need Lucks for +defense and reds/yellows will help as well, but don't pop more than 2 reds/yellows each time.
Just came back to CoH/CoV after a couple years and pretty intrigued about this Shield Defense secondary for Scrappers.
Could someone shed some light on this matter for me? Do assume that I don't know ANYTHING about Shield Defense to begin with. I have heard that it's the BEST secondary for Scrappers at the moment, which is huge to me since there should not be a best of anything.
Any inputs would be greatly appreciated. Anything from as basic as an in-depth power description to something advanced such as how to maximize certain powers would be great. I do know the game mechanics so you don't have to explain that to me.
Thanks! -
MA crits a ton, or at least way more than other primaries for Scrappers. I thought it was my own imagination but I'm still in the process of testing this and so far, it's critting at least 2x more often than other primaries for Scrappers.
MA also deals pretty high single-target damage, for some reason it doesn't seem like smash is as much resisted as lethal...although lethal/smash resistance usually comes together. -
I agree with most others here that Hibernate is not just your standard phase power. I'm not going to reword everything that's been said, since everything's pretty much covered on the Hibernate power.
What's your secondary? That's somewhat important. If you're Ice/Ice, you have an AoE knockdown that is spammable and pretty much makes you invincible. If you're Ice/Stone, you have 2 AoE knockdowns that, once slotted for recharge, can be the only 2 powers that you'll ever need.
Also, just a thought, Fire Armor Tanks have it way worse...at least their tier 9 power anyway. Rise of the Phoenix, it's a freakin rez, enough said. Actually, it does have a nice stun and invincibility time...but nonetheless it's a freakin rez, and you have to be DEAD in the first place to even use it? o.O -
To avoid an offensive comment, you can also say in team chat: "k tanker, it's all yours," and the tanker SHOULD get the message and charge in...
It's better to use a form of public chat, such as team chat, over private message because private messages can be misinterpreted as aggressive and can be misunderstood as "telling others how to play their AT." Also, if the Tanker doesn't listen, team chat assures that EVERYONE else on the team will also think that the Tanker's a noob and want him out. Peer pressure ftw!
If nothing else works? Roll a Tanker. Call GG. -
Quote:I disagree. Don't stop herding.As this is something that sticks in my craw, I'll take this opportunity to request of you, and all of tanker nation: Please, please...stop herding*.
I understand that in a lot of cases, herding is unnecessary. However, there are several cases where herding can be advantageous. For example, when mobs are spread out all over the place, the best thing to do is to herd them all around a corner, or large object, so that they are nicely grouped up. This is useful for the Tanker, why?
> Most Tankers have amazing smash/lethal def/res, herding them this way makes sure that mobs use their melee powers more often, which in a lot of cases are smash/lethal damage.
> By putting mobs in melee range, they are also within the Tanker's range as well, which means the Tanker can actually hit them and taunt them.
> A lot of powerful debuffs are location based, which means it's more effective to use when all the mobs are...well...all in one location.
> A lot of AoE powers are obviously more effective when they can hit most or all of the mobs. Herding mobs help people that relies heavily on their AoE for damage and/or debuff...thus in return helps the entire team.
> Team formations are more organized and easier to handle, since the mobs are all clumped up, you wont have teammates chasing mobs in every directions, which makes it much harder for support toons to manage. It also makes AoE heals a lot more effective.
> This last case is situational. Willpower Tankers rely a lot on Rise to the Challenge for the massive regen and moderate to-hit debuff that it offers. This means that WP Tankers preferably want mobs to be grouped up so that they can make use of RttC more effectively.
Now, if mobs are already all nicely grouped up where they spawn, then it's really pointless to herd when you can just jump right in the center and start taking a beating.
For the OP, the best primary powerset for herding is probably Ice Armor. Chilling Embrace is practically instant aggro, and you have Icicles to help out with holding aggro as well. However, this isn't really important since all Tanks can easily run up to a group, use Taunt, and run behind a corner and wait for them all. If you don't have Taunt yet or if you're not planning on getting Taunt, then hitting the highest ranked mob within the group will generally aggro them all. However, to hold aggro, you'll need either Taunt or some form of AoE that actually effects the mobs. -
Pretty simple really, it depends on if you want to tank or deal damage. Having a Fire/Fire Tank at 50 myself, I can say that the damage is not that bad at all because of the 2x Build Up.
However, Fiery Melee for Tanks differs from that of Fiery Melee for Scrappers. As Fireheart mentioned, Tanks get an extra AoE while Scrappers get an extra single-target power.
Personally, I like the Tanker's version better just because all of the AoE means a lot of aggro and it'd be more difficult for a Scrapper to survive all that aggro...considering the fact that Fiery Armor is weaker for Scrappers than they are for Tankers...and you get a smaller health pool to work with as a Scrapper. -
Quote:Tankers are definitely easier to solo than most Defenders and Controllers.There's no doubt about it, the bottom line of City of Heroes is dealing damage to defeat the enemy. You don't gain experience for getting hit, debuffing enemies or buffing allies. It pretty much only comes from beating people in the face until they fall down and don't get back up. To that end, people have taken this pursuit to the extremes, such as soloing Pylons, AVs and GMs, even duoing a mothership raid, all without temporary powers.
By choosing a tanker, you cut yourself off from being able to do those things. Tankers are the least damaging AT, and unlike defenders, have very limited means of increasing that. So in a game so focused on dealing damage and feeling super, why do you enjoy playing a Tanker?
For me, it still is about feeling super. In fact, it's about feeling outright awesome. I've termed myself an "aggroholic," though I doubt I'm the first person to think of that term. I'm always actively seeking larger groups of stronger enemies. If I don't have to keep a finger on my Dark Regeneration bind, what we're fighting isn't tough enough. It makes me feel awesome to know that what I'm up against should be able to kill me, but can't.
That's not all of it, though. By being able to keep all that attention, I'm letting an entire team of people be awesome. Everyone can go full bore with their attacks and not worry about return fire. That makes me feel awesome.
As for why I enjoy playing my tank...well I don't trust most tankers out there :P.
Seriously, it's just fun to play Tank and being able to hold aggro. Believe it or not, a good tanker is probably the most important thing on any team, effectively holding aggro means that your entire team is taking ZERO damage and not taking other secondary effects from mobs. How many Archetypes can do that?
Sadly, there are a lot of pretty bad tankers out there. Most people think good tankers = survivability, a lot of resistance, a lot of regeneration, a lot of defense...etc. However, what most tankers forget is that even if you never die, you're useless to the team unless you can hold aggro and keep mobs off your teammates. -
Just a request... pick up Taunt the moment it becomes available. Us squishies will thank you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to mention your girlfriend will thank you too! -
You might want to update this with Will Power now. It's probably more "synergistic" than Electric Armor now simply because a group of knocked down baddies will only add as a source of fuel to your regeneration from Rise to the Challenge. Quick Recovery will also make up for Power Sink.
Well, about the damage department alone, if a Blaster uses both the Primary and Secondary, then the Blaster will do way more damage than the Scrapper. If Blaster's Primary damage were increased to have the same base damage as Scrappers, then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.
But yes, Blasters are lacking overall. There's no arguments there.