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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    You learn a lot about the Carnies on Madeleine Casey's arc

    Paragon Wiki Article on her missions, yes there are spoilers

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks. So it looks like the answer is yes, a Carnie can be reformed if the psychic link between the Carnie's soul and the head Madame can be severed. There's a magical ritual that would need to be performed; it would be more than just taking off the mask.

    Yes, no, maybe so?
  2. My Carnie-lore-fu is weak. Is there anyone in-game that is a reformed Carnie?
  3. OK, I suck.

    Gotta beg off Dr. Q. Turns out I need to go out of town unexpectedly this weekend. Please take me off the list.

    I was actually looking forward to this.
  4. OK, I'm in as a definite. Thanks.
  5. Put me down as a "maybe" with Physics Lass, Level 42 Grav/Storm Troller. She could use teh XPs and teh merits.

    I'll be able to be more definite in a couple days.
  6. 1. Server slots
    2. Respecs
    3. Travel Power at Level 6
    4. Wings
    5. Team Recall
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    who said anything about "trading" wins?
    I'm going to fight. With my Energy/Stone brute. It will be nice to use him again with his "improved" Energy Transfer, he's had no purpose in life since that fix.
    The fact that it will be a team match and I ended up with no teammates doesn't mean I'm exploiting the arena system at all, nor is your whole team of 8 winners exploiting anything by beating him up in his moment of loneliness and mis-placed bravado.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I fully intend on earning my badges by fighting against friends that will be trying to beat me.
  8. Best. Thread. Ever.

    More on the 5th Column:

    1. The 5th were tasked by Hitler with the Atlantic Fleet attack in 1938, and the attack occured in 1941. Was the 5th Column already operating in the US in 1938, or did they spend those three years infiltrating?

    2. How much of the Council is comprised of European agents versus Americans recruited into the organization?

    3. Is the Path Of The Dark an organization, a philosophy, or something else completely? When someone becomes "part of the path" like Requiem, is it a partnership like the Peacebringer/human relationship, or does the Nictus essentially take over? Whom did the Path back in the 5th/Council War, or did they take sides?

    4. Is the Path Of The Dark and the Blood of the Black Stream the same thing?

    5. What is the relationship between the Blood of the Black Stream and Gadzul Oil?

    6. Is Martin Henri, leader of the Luddites, a decendent of Father Gerard Henri of Bat'Zul and Fort Hades exorcism fame? If so, um... did Father Henri break his vows?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    How about this - something similar to the mentoring badges, but tied to teaming. For example, a "Team Player" badge or badge series for spending X (and Y and Z) number of hours on a full team of 8?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very afk farmable.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Not if they tie it to time spent "in combat", a state that they can track.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    For you to get your first 50. I'm asking this out of a somewhat self-pity because a month or two ago I got my 12 month vet award and my highest level toon that I had was a level 21 that I will scrap as soon as i get a toon to the same level. If you plan to ask What my play time/style I usualy only got to play on weekends for about 5 hours at a time. So back to my original question how long did it take you to get your first 50.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Started January 2005. Got to 50 in September 2007. So, 33 months.

    I have crazy altitis though. I got my second level 50 literally two days after the first.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    Posi has publicly stated that he doesn't like repetitive, aberrant behaviour. But ... WTH. Accolade requirements are larded with badges that require farming to achieve.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, that was apparently the old philosophy. Nobody wants that, including (now, apparently), the devs.

    Synapse indicates that they aren't going to revisit the pre-I14 badges, but I hope that the new stuff going forward is more fun and dynamic.
  12. RosaQuartz

    The Finest

    I don't think I have a character that would side-switch, but I'm looking forward to making new characters in Praetoria.
  13. From Synapse:
    [ QUOTE ]
    So, going forward—beginning with the Mission Architect badges—we’ve decided to move away from “count” badges that might encourage farming and/or aberrant game play. Instead, we’d like to encourage players to try all of our content by offering badges for completing 1 time accomplishments and achievements.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is my hope for the new badge philosophy:

    1. We get honest-to-gawd souvenir artwork, and it can be seen in the character info screen. Souvenirs, even more than badges, represent the "journey" that the character takes. And make them trackable.

    2. Have more rewards for collecting groups of badges and/or souvenirs. Nothing game breaking, I'm thinking things like costume pieces. Example: collect A Note From Akarist, the Envoy's True Name and Frontline and earn an accolade that allows you to craft (with Spirit Thorns and Thorn Tree Vines, of course) a Circle Of Thornesque mage robe. Villain-side the same thing could be earned with comparable souvenirs and badges.

    3. They re-instate some of the Mission Architect badges, but make them time-spent in missions rather than "complete X thing Y number of times". Make the timer only work while in "combat mode", a condition the game can apparently track given the Clubber and Caregiver/Pain Specialist temp powers, to help elimate AFK farming.

    4. More badge and souvenir unlocked content. Certain combinations unlock story arcs that, upon completion, give bonuses against certain factions.

    In other words, use the badge system as a roadmap for playing the game, getting rewards, and filling out your character, rather than grinding mobs.
  14. It's a Trojan Puppy! Run away!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    NO It's not, It's ALL a Nemesis Plot!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who do you think Frostfire really works for?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You have it backwards, Nemesis works for Frostfire.
  16. Gratz on the RedName.

    But shouldn't it be El Ocho?
  17. RosaQuartz


    I like Devices, since I tend to play may Blasters as, well, ranged fighters. Targetting Drone, Caltrops, and Cloaking Device make the set for me, and are available early on.

    I generally don't take the mines, since I find that I can do enough damage with my primary (Archery) to put down most foes quickly. For bosses, I have Taser and Stun Arrow (or if you're AR, Beanbag) to stun them early so I can pick them apart at leisure.
  18. NP.

    I'm going to let some more results accumulate so I don't bombard Ex's PM box every hour. Also, hopefully Synapse will report in within the next day or so with "official" merit changes, which will make updating this thread redundant.

    Thanks to everyone who has tested and reported in so far!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Level 45+
    Lady Grey TF
    39 merits (+9)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Still not added to the OP... Also here is another one..

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's in the Rikti War Zone section, near the bottom of the OP.
  20. Villain 25-29

    Arc name: Midnight Draws Near
    Contact: Darrin Wade
    Merits awarded: 5 (unchanged)
  21. Updated, thanks to everyone who is testing!
  22. Thanks Synapse (and whomever gave the "thumbs up")!