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  1. I think the whole idea sounds great.
    My only concern is I'm away from my PC over christmas.
  2. Grrr, if only I had today off I would have been totaly up for it.

    Make it tonight after 8pm and Stainless Steel's your man.
  3. Congratulations, I've not teamed with you as Kid Hellfire but from one Hellfire to another; nice one!.

    Another Elite Mentor for the Rangers?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Although we might discover there's only 10 actual players across the entire coalition, each with an awful, awful lot of alts...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's quite possible, I have all twelve Union slots full, and only two of them are villians.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I discovered today that the safest place is RIGHT NEXT TO THE INFECTED ENEMY!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's right, back in the days pre ED you could six slot rad infection with acc debuffs and dive into the cluster of mobs. A quick Irratidiate to get all the mob's attention on you and you were away.

    Another neat trick is to pull your anchor around the room with you to each successive spawn, thus debuffing them too.

    The most fun I had with this was tanking Frostfire. An eight man team, all of whom had faceplanted but me. I ran critically low on endurance but was able to stand and let Frosty wail on me whilst letting my endurance come back up to full. He couldn't hit me at all.

    Enervating Field I find is very heavy on enduarnce drain and it's worth putting some slots in End Redux to mittigate this.

    I'm gutted I can't join you with Roengen Storm. I might make up a second Rad/Rad to jump on the Band wagon with but I'd still like to level all my other eleven alts on Union.
  6. I'm on-call all weekend (which is why I can't get to Brighton).

    When I'm not at work I'll definately be up for something.
  7. RoentgenStorm


    I'm in two minds about bases. I do think that functional items should have to be worked for. Achievable mind you, but a definate goal to strive for rather than relatively easy to get.

    On the other hand, as a roleplayer I think a non-functional base should cost almost nothing, even for the biggest plot size. Decorative items should have negligible cost if not be free. There should then be a scaled fee applied if you want to upgrade to a functional base.

    This would then allow RP supergroups, (or even SGs of one) to have Fortress of Solitude or Batcave scale bases to RP in without making them unbalanced against PvP groups.

    After all, costume options and base decorative items are just fluff. They are of almost no importance to the "Leveling" game, but these things play a much more important part in the "RP" game.
  8. I'm running a LRP event that weekend but if I'm back in time (and can stay awake long enough), I'll be there.
  9. I'm stuck at work for the next twelve and a half hours, I'll be thinking of you guys.
    Hope you get enough for the team.
    Post some screenies so I can get a CoH fix while I'm here.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Nooooooooooooooooo BB is half the fun on these TFs. Get yourself to 35 now!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh heh, cheers for that mate.
    Wish I could make it up three levels by Sunday, but I'm now working from 9am 'til midnight on Sunday too, just to add insult to injury.

    Still, if any of you ever need a stiff upper lip to help bash those blighters, give the British Buldog a call.
  11. Loved it. You guys are great at this fanfic lark. Makes me want to have a go.

    They give a real feeling of background to the Rangers.
  12. Shame I can't join you guys. British Bulldog's been loitering at level 32 for over a month now. Come to think of it, I've barely played for a month.

    I had a blast on the Ernesto Hess/Bastion double whammy.

    For anyone who can make it; definately do it. These guys are great, you'll have great fun.

    Good luck for Sunday guys.
  13. Jolly good show old man!

    (Sorry I didn't post earlier but I missed this thread completely. )

    My heartfelt congratulations to both you and Miss Magenta.

    I remember when you were just a teeny weeny hero at level nine when we ran into each other in Skyway City. (In fact, if I remember correctly, it was you who ran into me hotly persued by a gang of Trolls)

    It's been a pleasure teaming and RPing with you along the way.

    As Bulldog would say; "Frightfully good news, old chap. Pip, pip!"
  14. It's all a bit poorly thought out, isn't it.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Chives sat stunned with his cap in his hand asking passers by to contibute prestige to the group so that they could save up for a cardboard box and a bin liner to keep it dry...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why else do you think they put the "Pan handle" emote in Issue 6?
  16. I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).

    Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?

    I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.
  17. I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).

    Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?

    I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.
  18. I dunno, maybe it's the Halloween atmosphere.
    Mine are;

    Jack O'Lantern - Fire/Dark Corruptor
    Allhallow's Eve - Necro/Dark MM

    As you might have guessed, both have more than a little of the Halloween about them.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    we'll be billed in sterling in the near future anyway (and I can't see them billing two different rates for the same product).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can't?

    Maybe I'm a cynical, twisted old bugger then, but I have no problem forseeing double standards.
  20. You know, I think Ramas may well have hit the nail squarely there. Subscription is presently what? $15 US at the moment. What do we recon UK sybscription rates are likely to be. My guess would be at the £15 UK mark, just like everything else over here in good old Blighty, take the US price and just put a £ in front of it. The exchange rate be hanged.

    This would be the only reason I can think of for this move.

    I've been thinking about this very deeply since this thread started and I've had to come to the conclusion that sadly, I will end up buying the game again. Much as I feel exploited, I love this game too much to miss out on the UK server goodness.

    I do hope, however, that the possibilty of transfering characters from US to European servers becomes a reality. (Preferably for free, or very little)
    This might at least take a bit of the sting out of the whole business for a lot of people.

    Mr Bridger, are you able to give us an indication as to the cost of UK subscription?
  21. First of all, I'd like to say welcome to Bridger.

    Secondly, I'd like to add my comments on the "Euro server" debate. I have followed the development of CoH avidly from almost the very start. Recently I have moved house which has finaly allowed me a broadband connection. I was able to get my copy of the game when a friend went to New York for a holiday and kindly picked it up for me. (I was unable to justify the total cost of importing).

    I have a sizable number of friends I still regularly play Champions with, and CoH was a dream come true for us. I have been the only one of us able to get the game so far, the others waiting for the UK release. I (quite naively, it seems), have been looking forward to playing with them all when they get their UK copies. I have made many friends in Paragon in the short time I have been a resident, most people are friendly,courteous and always willing to help, but it is a bind having to regularly play until 3am in order to have a reasonable number of people on line. I always get surprised reactions when I have to log off after being in a team for only 2 hours because I have to get up again in 4 hours to go to work, when the team I'm with have just logged on after their dinners. At weekends when I could get some time in, the server is down for reset in the middle of the day.(Nobody forces me to play, I know, I know). I have been greatly anticipating playing on a server with lots of people that keep the same time as me, not to mention my real life mates.

    I can cope with not having my characters transfered, I'm a newish player so the emotional impact will not be as great for me as for others.

    I can even cope with someone getting to my character name before me, all the best names have already been taken anyway.

    What I find completely unacceptable is having to pay again (at Britain's artificialy inflated prices), for the privilege of playing with new players from my own country. As far as I can see, European players have supported this game, and community, just as avidly (albeit in fewer numbers) than our US/Canadian cousins. I may be showing my utter ingnorance, but why can an account not be transfered from the US to Europe? A nominal admin fee would not be too painfull, but to shell out all over again? I've paid my dues to Cryptic and NCS, it's not like I've pirated the software.

    Paying again to make the move is simply not an option for me as I have two children under 5 <que violin solo>, and I'm sure I'm not alone, weather it be teenagers with limited funds or us old wrinklies with bigger financial commitments.

    I don't want this to be a rant, but I realy love this game. I find it incoprehensible that such an otherwise customer orientated operation, should find this kind of move necessary.

    I'm bitterly disappointed, not to say outraged at this decision, and I sincerely hope that those concerned will reconsider this policy.

    If you have read all of this mamoth post, well done! It is realy just to register my thoughts with the appropriate people on the dev team. Hopefully, if enough of us do, it might bring about a change of heart.
  22. Well, I had a great time. Cheers to all the guys I teamed up with trick or treating, and a big thumbsup to the devs. Can't wait to see what happens at Christmas.