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  1. Primary Power Example

    Beast Form

    Level 1- Swipe (from the Claws Primary)
    Level 1- Strike (from the Claws Primary)
    Level 2- Beast Hide- This power allows you to gain a temporary buff to your defense from Melee damage.
    Level 6- Roar of the Lion- This power allows you to let out a monstrous roar that installs fear into your enemies which causes them to tremble in terror and reduces their chance to hit. (basically same as Cloak of Fear from DA)
    Level 8- Slash (from the Claws Primary)
    Level 12- Bite- This power allows you to clamp down on your opponent with your teeth and furiously shake them causing disorientation.
    Level 18- Eviscerate (from the Claws Primary)
    Level 26- Frenzy Strikes- This power allows you to make several swipes and slashes with both claws that deal moderate to major legal damage.
    Level 32- Unleash- This power allows you to release a full fledged attack on all enemies within Melee range. You swipe, slice, slash and bite dealing minor to major lethal damage as well as draining damage over time. This attack has a very long recharge time and leaves you at reduced endurance levels.

    Levels 1,8 and 18 can all be used in human form at half damage and double recharge.

    Levels 2, 6, 12, 26 and 32 can only be used in Battleform.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
    OK. I think I need some clarification here.

    You're essentially asking for something like Kheldians, but with only one form, and with defensive secondaries, right?

    What happens if you stay in human form? I want to make sure I'm reading this right - you have (say) plant-related powers of some sort in Human, and change them while in Battleform, correct?


    Pick one of the battleforms and write it up, as shifted and non shifted. It'll give a better idea of just what's going on with the character.

    I'm not sure about having a timer on the form, honestly. One of the things I didn't like about Brutes previously was this need to rush-rush-rush to keep the Fury bar up. To keep people from just staying in form (which they will anyway,) give some reason to drop to human - something that covers a weakness, gives a buff, that kind of thing. (Looking at Khelds again, for instance, a Human/Nova has to drop to Human for mire/eclipse/stygian circle (WS) or healing/HP boosts/Lightform (PB.))
    In human form you really only have your secondary's which is the weakness of the AT besides being very vulnerable psionics. I like your idea though of having maybe weaker versions or very limited versions of your primary powers while in human from and they are put at full strength or full use once in Battleform. I will def work that in somehow.

    The timer bar is also kind of a way to make the AT not too über, make the player have to fight wisely and figure out ways to conserve endurance and not receive damage all the time or they loose the form. The timer also is the whole reason to shift. If the payer could simply choose that form and always be in it than they might as well just be that form instead of a shifter, there has to be some kind of limit to how often or for how long the player can shift into and stay in a form. As for the abilities while in human form I really like what you said. They could however drop to human form to use specific powers from their chosen primary.

    I am already taking the time to right out the specific powers for each primary, their effects, ranges, damage, aoe's etc... That's is going to take a while and will prob need a lot of rewrites to get them fair and even, but I got the time and desire to do so and will post when complete.


    Primary: Shapeshifting/Assault
    Secondary: Defense
    Inherent: Battleform
    Base HP: 1338.6
    Max HP: 3212.7
    Primary Sets: 11
    Secondary Sets: 7


    Shifter's deal in the art of physical transformation . As a Shifter your signature ability is to shift into a Battleform, a predetermined physical form used to assault your enemies. Your offensive and defensive powers depend on the predetermined Battleform you choose from your primary power set. Your Battleform grants you temporary powers, abilities and traits in direct relation to the chosen form. Shifters are extremely weak against psionics and can be reverted to their human form easily through psionic manipulation.

    The Shifter’s Power Sets Are:

    Survivability: 7
    Melee Damage: 5
    Ranged Damage: 5
    Crowd Control: 2
    Support: 3
    Pets: 2

    Power Sets

    Primary Power Sets
    A Shifter’s primary power sets are designed for combat shapeshifting. They are:

    - Beast Form
    - Robot Form
    - Plant Form
    - Elemental Form (fire, earth, air, water)**
    - Energy Form
    - Light Form
    - Dark Form
    - Demonic Form*
    - Celestial Form*
    - Kinetic Form*

    *Demonic/Celestial/Kinetic forms require minimum level 30 and VIP status or purchase on the Paragon Market

    ** Elemental Form, player will choose one element before a shift and can only use the chosen element during that shift. A different element may be chosen after a current shift ends and a new one is chosen.

    A Shifter’s secondary power sets are designed for defense. They are:

    - Invulnerability
    - Regeneration
    - Super Reflexes
    - Willpower
    - Shield Defense
    - Empathy
    - Poison

    Ancillary Power Pools

    Body Mastery
    Beast Mastery
    Form Mastery
    Celestial Mastery
    Demonic Mastery

    Patron Power Pools

    Leviathan Mastery
    Mace Mastery
    Mu Mastery
    Soul Mastery

    Inherent Power


    Battleform is the signature ability of a Shifter, however the ability to stay within the current form only lasts for so long. While a Shifter engages in battle using their chosen Battleform the amount of time remaining in the form is shown by an orange bar between Endurance and Experience Points. The bar very slightly increases each time the Shifter successfully deals damage to an enemy and quickly decreases each time the Shifter receives damage or uses up Endurance. If a Shifter uses up too much Endurance or receives too much damage they will revert back to their human form and suffer the effects of being stunned.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    OK, flaw from the outset.

    - Martial Arts
    - Street Justice*
    - Staff Fighting*

    All offensive powers. If they are gonna have a defensive set, have it be battle forms only or sumin, the rest being something like stalker powers. So basically, stalkerish most of the time, but tankerish in battle form.

    How I would do it.
    Amazing idea. Those three could simply be removed from the list and there would only be the five left and maybe add in Empathy and Poison.


    Primary: Shapeshifting/Assault
    Secondary: Defense
    Inherent: Battleform
    Base HP: 1338.6
    Max HP: 3212.7
    Primary Sets: 11
    Secondary Sets: 8


    Shifter's deal in the art of physical transformation . As a Shifter your signature ability is to shift into a Battleform, a predetermined physical form used to assault your enemies. Your offensive and defensive powers depend on the predetermined Battleform you choose from your primary power set. Your Battleform grants you temporary powers, abilities and traits in direct relation to the chosen form. Shifters are extremely weak against psionics and can be reverted to their human form easily through psionic manipulation.

    The Shifter’s Power Sets Are:

    Survivability: 7
    Melee Damage: 5
    Ranged Damage: 5
    Crowd Control: 2
    Support: 3
    Pets: 2

    Power Sets

    Primary Power Sets
    A Shifter’s primary power sets are designed for combat shapeshifting. They are:

    - Beast Form
    - Robot Form
    - Plant Form
    - Elemental Form (fire, earth, air, water)**
    - Energy Form
    - Light Form
    - Dark Form
    - Demonic Form*
    - Celestial Form*
    - Kinetic Form*

    *Demonic/Celestial/Kinetic forms require minimum level 30 and VIP status or purchase on the Paragon Market

    ** Elemental Form, player will choose one element before a shift and can only use the chosen element during that shift. A different element may be chosen after a current shift ends and a new one is chosen.

    A Shifter’s secondary power sets are designed for defense. They are:

    - Invulnerability
    - Regeneration
    - Super Reflexes
    - Willpower
    - Shield Defense
    - Martial Arts
    - Street Justice*
    - Staff Fighting*

    * Street Justice/Staff Fighting require VIP Status or purchase on the Paragon Market

    Ancillary Power Pools

    Body Mastery
    Beast Mastery
    Form Mastery
    Celestial Mastery
    Demonic Mastery

    Patron Power Pools

    Leviathan Mastery
    Mace Mastery
    Mu Mastery
    Soul Mastery

    Inherent Power


    Battleform is the signature ability of a Shifter, however the ability to stay within the current form only lasts for so long. While a Shifter engages in battle using their chosen Battleform the amount of time remaining in the form is shown by an orange bar between Endurance and Experience Points. The bar very slightly increases each time the Shifter successfully deals damage to an enemy and quickly decreases each time the Shifter receives damage or uses up Endurance. If a Shifter uses up too much Endurance or receives too much damage they will revert back to their human form and suffer the effects of being stunned.
  6. Very good stuff to point out. What would you recommend???

    My idea is basically that lets say right before your about to throw down you shift into whatever. Each different form is like a temporary power and each different from provides different things. For example lets say you shift into a beast from, it would provide claw attacks, maybe like a beast hide kind of natural armor defense. Or in the higher levels you shift into demonic or celestial form and it grants you wings, some kind of energy blast etc...
  7. where is the suggestions area
  8. So how would you make this entire thing better? What would need to be done to lets say have it considered for actual in game implementation?

    This is just for the heck of it anyway so whatever!!!
  9. Sorry about that, I don't have access to the Suggestions area. The AT weakness is tat their only real power is the Battleform. They are just normal people when not shifted.
  10. I welcome all criticism, both negative and positive. There are those of you out there much more experienced than I so please give ideas to improve this proposed Archetype.


    Primary: Shapeshifting/Assault
    Secondary: Defense
    Inherent: Battleform
    Base HP: 1338.6
    Max HP: 3212.7
    Primary Sets: 11
    Secondary Sets: 6


    Shifter's deal in the art of physical transformation . As a Shifter your signature ability is to shift into a Battleform, a predetermined physical form used to assault your enemies. Your offensive and defensive powers while shifted depend on the predetermined Battleform you choose from your primary power set. Your Battleform grants you temporary powers, abilities and traits in direct relation to the chosen form.

    The Shifter’s Power Sets Are:

    Survivability: 7
    Melee Damage: 5
    Ranged Damage: 5
    Crowd Control: 2
    Support: 3
    Pets: 2

    Power Sets

    Primary Power Sets

    A Shifter’s primary power sets are designed for combat shapeshifting. They are:

    Beast Form
    Robot Form
    Plant Form
    Elemental Form (fire, earth, air, water)**
    Energy Form
    Light Form
    Dark Form
    Giant/Mini Form
    Demonic Form*
    Celestial Form*
    Kinetic Form*

    Demonic/Celestial/Kinetic forms require level 40, VIP status or purchase on the Paragon Market
    ** Elemental Form, player will choose one element before a shift and can only use the chosen element during that shift. A different element may be chosen after a current shift ends and a new one is chosen.

    A Shifter’s secondary power sets are designed for defense if or when a Battleform wears off. They are:

    Super Reflexes

    Ancillary Power Pools

    Body Mastery
    Beast Mastery
    Shift Mastery
    Celestial Mastery
    Demonic Mastery

    Patron Power Pools

    Leviathan Mastery
    Mace Mastery
    Mu Mastery
    Soul Mastery

    Inherent Power


    Battleform is the signature ability of a Shifter, however the ability to stay within the current form only lasts for so long. While a Shifter engages in battle using their chosen Battleform the amount of time remaining in the form is shown by an orange bar between Endurance and Experience Points. The bar very slightly increases each time the Shifter successfully deals damage to an enemy and quickly decreases each time the Shifter receives damage or uses up Endurance. If a Shifter uses up too much Endurance or receives too much damage they will revert back to their human form and suffer the effects of being stunned

    I did not hash put the individual powers for each Primary yet but you can imagine what would be there for each.
  11. Is it me or is this equation true? It seems like the Brute is the perfect moderate combination of the best parts of both the scrapper and tanker. So my question would be if the primary and secondary power sets for all three are pretty much the same (obviously there are some differences) and the biggest separation is the inherent powers, is the Brute the best Melee archetype to choose!!!!!
  12. Now I know this may seem rather petty, or not such a big deal to some of you gods of the game but I just made level 16 with my main character. I have not been playing long and the game told me I could pick a title and it seemed like a bit of a stepping stone for my character. I am trying to figure out what to do now. A challenge for my toon, a significant something to say "Hey I am only my way". Any ideas?????
  13. My character looks like a tank or a brute but is an energy/dark Blapper and I tend to play him like a normal blaster in the essence that I keep my distance and blast away and use the Melee stuff when enemies run up on me while blasting others. I suppose most people do this? I do however sometimes run right into the fray and use only my Melee stuff to throw down and then back out to blast if it gets to thick.
  14. I have already picked Fly as my travel power. So should I go with a primary or secondary as my next pick?
  15. What's your origin and archetype?
  16. I really think that your costume should fully tie into a theme for your character. I like the look, powers, backstory, battle cry and costume of my toons to all be a parts of an overall theme for example

    If you have a melee oriented toon and you say you like roman armor as a costume than fully go with tha theme across you're entire toon, every aspect. I spend a lot of time on my characters look before I follow through. Get into the role playing aspect of it with a full description and backstory, that will help mold the look and overall theme on the end.

    Just my opinions, of course do whatever you want and have fun
  17. I'd say I play about 70/30 Ranged/Melee.

    I am level 8 and have the following

    Power Blast, Energy Torrent, Power Burst and Sniper Blast

    Along with

    Penumbral Blast, Death Shroud and Shadow Maul

    All are slotted with various Enhancements.

    What should I do for my next couple of levels???

    I mostly DFB and do contact missions inbetween.
  18. Whats the advantage of waiting to go staff/dark????
  19. I have a level 8 Tech/Energy/Energy Blaster and a level 5 Natural/Broad Sword/Energy Aura/Scrapper. I have worked more on the Blaster doing beginner missions but I think I like my Scrapper more. I am waiting to buy some stuff from the markey because I really want to take the theme/costume/name of my Scrapper and recreate it as a Natural/Street Justice/Dark Armor/Brute.

    Both of my characters are on the Champion server, I also have one slot on the Protector server with no character made.
  20. What do you mean by sub???
  21. I have an idea for a Brute or Scrapper with a "Darkness" theme. What would you recommend as a primary- Street Justice or Titan Weapons to go along with Dark Armor as a secondary??? Open to all suggestions.
  22. Uh.. I am not a she!!!! But I am a Premium player, not F2P
  23. What are the Intro Arcs????
  24. Now by playing the actual game you mean like getting contacts and going on missions?
  25. Very cool, thanks. Another question. y'all talk like getting to level 19 pro 20 is easy and fast. I am only level 7. What do I do to level quicker? I took me forever just to get to 7!!!!