Magic/Energy/Dark Blapper Help????




I'd say I play about 70/30 Ranged/Melee.

I am level 8 and have the following

Power Blast, Energy Torrent, Power Burst and Sniper Blast

Along with

Penumbral Blast, Death Shroud and Shadow Maul

All are slotted with various Enhancements.

What should I do for my next couple of levels???

I mostly DFB and do contact missions inbetween.



What's your travel power? If none yet, pick Fly. You'll need to leave Atlas Park soon (you've almost out-leveled it), and you'll REALLY need a travel power.

Otherwise, Smite or Aim both seem ok. I'm going by numbers, I've never played this combo.



There's way more content than DFB, you should explore it. Next step is usually Kings Row, when you enter the zone a Detective will be added to your contacts, go talk to him to get a Police Radio that will give you repeatable mission content. Do enough missions and the Detective will send you to stop a bank robbery (a Safeguard mission). Complete that and he'll introduce you to a new contact. There are Detectives in all (?) the main city zones. The zone listing on the tram will give you level ranges so you know which zones you should move to next (they're not level-locked but you're asking for trouble if you go somewhere beyond your level).

And yeah, a travel power is a must. Fly or Super Jump would be good ones for a new player.

EDIT: Also, as a point of order, people generally don't list origin when describing their characters. It has virtually no effect on any meaningful gameplay.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I have already picked Fly as my travel power. So should I go with a primary or secondary as my next pick?



Your call. Smite looks like almost as good as Shadow Maul, damage-wise. Aim is more situational but nice for boosting a big attack. Try to think what you actually use more... up close melee or longer range strikes. Go with what feels best for your playstyle.

P.S. It's not hard to change your build if you pick "wrong." Most folks when playing a new set pick everything to get a feel for it, then go back and redo their build based on what they feel is best. This is easy to do once, with a second build, which you still have available.



My character looks like a tank or a brute but is an energy/dark Blapper and I tend to play him like a normal blaster in the essence that I keep my distance and blast away and use the Melee stuff when enemies run up on me while blasting others. I suppose most people do this? I do however sometimes run right into the fray and use only my Melee stuff to throw down and then back out to blast if it gets to thick.