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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    With the first 5 attacks in claws taken, you won't need a secondary. <GLEEEEEEEE>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL touché.

    And Protonic Flux, I think it's just a matter of personal taste. I for one prefer the new Swipe to the old because quite frankly, the whole slashing bit was cliché to me. I felt it pandered to the "cat" lovers more than anything else. If I'm wielding foot-long claws, I'd be looking to bleed someone, which shoving those claws into their soft abdominal area would do quite nicely. But then I liked the old baseball pitch animation too for a similar reason. It always seemed to be a great finishing move ala Mortal Kombat. Heart punch with claws at the end? Lethal! (No pun intended)
  2. Bill (and everyone else), you do realize that Claws has gone from one extreme to the other now, right?

    I know from testing claws/regen that it creates a HUGE issue for me now, but one that's far better than the alternative. Now, the first 5 powers in Claws are almost "must have" in usefulness but the problem is, the first 5 powers in regen are the exact same way. Factor in 2 pool powers (for travel) and you have a very very tight situation. And that's just power selection, I haven't even factored in slotting yet (and early on, I slot the secondary heavily for survivability purposes).

    Oy, gonna have to work on a build to swap to when this goes live. But this is an awesome revamp.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Please, guys. We have teamseek for a reason. If you are hoping to get on a team with experienced players, type it in your search comments and turn the little white circle or little green diamond thingie on. The experienced players will see it, read it, and invite you. Spamming broadcast for teams only serves the break down the system; it is simple, and effective.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    People read search comments?

    Since when?

    Some things that haven't been mentioned yet.

    -Regarding debt: It's not bad. In fact, it can be a very good friend. When (not if, WHEN) you find yourself falling far short of the influence you need for the essentials (enhancements), debt can help. Y'see, you earn the same amount of influence with debt as you do without it. The difference is, the debt slows your rate of levelling so you wind up with just short of twice the amount of influence as you would've had without debt (assuming you have enough debt to last a full level). Alternatively, you can avoid debt and just auto-exemplar into task forces but from my experiences, most folks don't have the necessary time to do TFs regularly like that. On a side note, if you find folks who CAN do TFs straight through, add them to friends and keep in constant contact with 'em. We're a rare breed.

    Under normal circumstances, you're probably not going to be able to afford to fully kit yourself out in DOs (at 12) and SOs (at 22). But the above method should help alleviate that a great deal. A mid 20s character can rake in a million influence within a week doing TFs under their level (can do it in 4 days auto-exemp'd to do Sister Psyche, which is the best I've managed). Good for those folks who can't bear running around with DOs slotted in their powers at level 27 and such since honestly, they don't HAVE to.

    -Regarding teams: I cannot stress this enough. EVERY TEAM DOES NOT REQUIRE 8 PEOPLE. A team of 3 or 4 can be (and in the case of pick-up groups, often is) far more efficient than the lumbering behemoth that is an 8 man team. This goes for task forces as well. If it doesn't require a large team, don't bring one. My experiences have taught me that the more people you add to a pickup team, the greater the chances of inviting that player. You know the one. #3 in the original poster's post. The one with the broken caps lock key (stuck in the ON position). The one who's infatuated with exclamation points. The one who says, "I can pull" and then targets the mob group furthest away from the team and throws an AoE at it. The one who, immediately after causing a team wipe, uses his/her only awaken to rez him/herself WHILE THE MOBS ARE STILL STANDING ON HIM/HER. Then immediately complains about debt, quits the team, and hits the hospital. When you finish the mission, you come out the door to find said person spamming broadcast with 'LFT'. THAT person.

    All that said, try to keep an open mind. But be sure to speak up when the group leader wants to turn your tight team of 4 into a "full team for great xp!". Be wary but keep an open mind (yes, I know very well how hard that is ).
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    You guys will look at my miniscule post count and laugh, but I have read through this thread and it seems like ( and maybe I missed it) but no one is discussing tactics or strategy here or reconnaissance. There is a way to get around the possibility of a death in a Heroic mission or even an invincible mission for that fact. Use some strategy, pull the minions first, use stealth to see what is in the room before busting in like Leroy! I know it doesn't always work but a good bit of the time it does. My two cents! Blast away now!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm, I think you kinda missed part of the point, Bonereaper. You're advocating everyone dip into pools (Stealth, Superspeed) in order to do what they're supposed to be able to do by themselves (using their primary/secondary). UberGuy makes a very good point (and I'm guessing he's referring to Longbow Wardens). All the reconnaisance in the world is not going to help a blaster when they get mezzed mid-fight. I don't think tactics and strategy is the cure-all you're trying to make it seem. No doubt they help tons (I know this), but there are also too many situations where your strategy and tactics are trumped by the game mechanics themselves. Loading up your tray with break frees is a band-aid solution at best. Single pulling, while effective in many cases, to me is too EQ1-ish and kills the major draw of this game for me (its pace).

    But then, maybe that's why I only play scrappers and brutes nowadays.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    (For those who don't know, having a warshade at all means that you've played a character to level 50...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No it doesn't.

    It means there's a level 50 on that account. I've run into Kheldians on 6 occasions (once on Guardian, once on Infinity, and twice on both Virtue and Victory) who were kids or other family members playing on a parent's or SO's or brother's account. How many Khelds with their own 50s run headlong into Void Slayers or Nictus Shards or Dwarfs (and then [censored] about not getting any heals)? It's one of the reasons why, if I had my druthers, I'd avoid teaming with Khelds altogether (and will NEVER invite one I don't know to a team I'm putting together). That's probably the only archetype I can count my GOOD experiences with on one hand.

    As has been said a few times already:

    DO NOT assume the Kheldian is a paragon of heroic knowledge, just because they're a Kheldian.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Fellow Blasters

    Please stop arguing about how much you actually hate defiance for a minute. Statesman came in here and said their testing didn't show a problem with how defiance was working. He didn't say they had a problem with the concept of defiance.

    Instead of wasting time and energy arguing about how bad defiance is, someone please go test it and post your results (maybe some screen shots). It can't get the bugs worked out of it if we don't tell them what they are.

    They are asking us to define the bugs with defiance. Let's at least get the bugs fixed. I would help myself, but I'm at work all day. We've waited a long time for any type of response on defiance, please don't squander this opportunity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dingly, I suggest you read the whole thread before assuming folks haven't posted test results. Also, it might help to go back and find out whether tens or HUNDREDS of people had posted test results when defiance was initially being...oh, I dunno, tested?

    Defiance is less than adequate, by my estimation. I primarily use it as my "suck down purples ASAP" indicator.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    - A general guideline for making a "good" costume is to stick to 3 or 4 colors. Fewer colours can make the outfit look bland and more often make the outfit look hideous. Having colours and patterns match up can go a long way to improving your look, but don't be afraid to experiment. It's a great system with tons of options to try out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, but that's your opinion and should be stated as such. Two color costumes aren't always 'bland' just like 3-4 color costumes aren't always the most beautiful thing in the world.

    [ QUOTE ]
    - At level 20, 30 and 40 you can get new costume slots and a free costume in them. You will need to talk to the head tailor in the level-appropriate Icon store (Steel Canyon - 20, Independence Port - 30, and Founder's Falls - 40), They will give you a mission and after completing it you will be able to make your new costume.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The costume is not "free". When a new slot opens up, a copy of the costume you're wearing (or the one in the previous slot) gets copied into it. Unless you want to have 2 of the same costume in different slots, it will cost you to change them. At least that's how I've always found it to be, unless I still had the free tailor session from I5 left over.

    nice guide though.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    The emote is:

    I've been shot

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That one doesn't seem to work in any way I've tried it
  9. If there is only one positive thing about I6, it is this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    slash/slashthroat - Slashing motion across throat

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am going to LOVE that emote.

    Thanks for the post