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  1. "Bought" Auto Assault? I got that game for free from a store the Christmas months before it was cancelled.

    Also, if you're still on a trial account then you werent committed to the game. And in this game ... 2 million is next to nothing end game wise.

    IF you play the game and get a toon into the high 40s, you'll make that every 30 minutes or so you play.

    Pay for the game. If you do get the game for real and not cause it's free kinda thing... send a petition in and see if you can get your stuff back.
  2. Rejolt

    15 People

    Small teams can also be dangerous. You can burn your resources.

    I worked for The Daily Commerical in Leesburg, Fla. (a.k.a. smalltown paper) in the sports department that went from 6 daily workers to 2 in the span of two months, leaving us to hire someone on the quick and we went with 3 for over a year.

    We maintained the level of coverage (10 high schools, a junior college, community coverage plus formating national AP stories), worked lots of overtime and earned roughly the same amount of awards.

    The reward at the end? No increase in staff because we proved we could do it with three. The sports editor left within a few months for a job with the Daytona Beach News Journal (he's still there and good for him) and I left a few months after that.

    The sports editor did an insane amount of layout during college football season. He formatted 11-13 page sections all by himself on Saturdays and on deadline. When he told me later that year he had gotten accepted by Daytona Beach I immediately shook his hand and said congratulations ... now run!

    He was an insanely good writer. He was a nationally regarded sportswriter but had to fall on his sword and do all the layout (save for his days off) if we were to get any writing done during a 5-day-a-week work schedule.

    Hats off to your achievement for maintaining a game this size so long with that size staff... but I hope the following: You're working in areas you enjoy and not of necessity/and you haven't burned the candle at both ends!

  3. "Players can optionally disable the Visual Sounds in the options menu, but are encouraged to keep them on, as all the sounds in the game are being removed to make room on the playersÂ’ hard drives for the new Visual Sound graphics."

    Officially: Lawlz. I was only 60 percent sure this was an April fool's joke until I read that. Yeah, now it's 95 percent capped (cause you know, 5 percent happens).

    Please, Forum Monkeys.... don't start whining that this won't be coming in the future lol.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I bet the devs are just taking two days off for March Madness.

    This whole i12 thing is a cover.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What... and you wouldn't?

    "Sorry, Boss, I can't finish that power set FX today, Georiga is up 9 in the second half on Xavier and I have them in the Sweet 16!"
  5. It's hard to not like Milla and some seriously rocking action scenes in Ultraviolet, but oy - I swear that script was written by monkeys after watching an Ed Wood movie marathon.
  6. Sadly, the director of Equilibrium went on to make the visually fun but braindead Ultraviolet... so more Gunkata/Gunfu may not be in our future (and yeah, I was one of the 100 people that actually saw Equilibrium in the theater before the release of LOTR: Two Towers just crushed it for need of more screens).

    There was a group of college kids rocking out to Equilibrium in front of us and when I asked if they liked it they said it was their second time seeing it. Keep in mind the movie was only out for about 10 days - literally (opening one weekend and a day after it's second weekend was pulled for Two Towers almost nation wide. Darn you Dimension!).
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    <ul type="square"> [*]Igs are bad, very bad.[/list]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Come on: an enemy AT with slow and immobilize resistance on Warwolf levels and the ability to perma knock you down (yes, even scrappers who, like regens, don't get their mez resistance until lvl 16) and travel in packs of 10 unless they're rolling with 2 or 3 bosses that can perma hold you if they're 2 levels or more over you....

    It's a challenge!
  8. I do like this change, Lighthouse. On paper, it's logical and if someone griefs by just logging out after helping you start then you can quit that TF and reform that TF again.

    This still stops solo spawning and is fair to small teams.

    EDIT: For Thor, maybe the team window never removes the name of the player if they're offline. So the color behind the name is black and to the right it says OFFLINE. Thus, the team leader still has he ability to kick. Here's the evil thing: Do not let a Pickup player get the star by being the 2nd or 3rd add.
  9. Waits for will there be double chance for drops posts...

    And woot! May be the first double xp weekend where I fight for double cash than xp. Darn Very Rare shopping.
  10. God, my jaw was on the floor for most of this but seeing the:

    Regen is not gettin nerfed...

    Just cracked me up. We'll see on this stuff how it affects us, but you can't say anything now but wait and see. We'll see how important this move is on Nov. 08.

    This is a VERY important step and proving that Marvel Universe Online is a different game from City of Heroes in both play and spirit.

    Best wishes to both. (Goes back to grinding CoX toons...)
  11. Global: @Rejolt
    Gender: Male
    Age: 34
    Location: Central Florida
    Height: 6-6
    SG: X-League/Assault Incoporated for CoH, Insidous Assault for CoV.
    Recgonizable Characters: Rejolt for CoH, Voltjolt for CoV.
    Goals achieved: One of every AT at 50 (dual builds allowing for all four Arachnos types in two toons) and having fun with friends I've made here since May 2005. Update: Will be trying for one of each AT with an electrical primary or secondary (or both) at 50... soon(tm).
  12. AVs are not immune to Immobilize or Sleeps. You can drop an even level AV with 3 or more dominators as long as you have pets. If you follow the Purple triangles you can time when to fight and when not to, mostly spamming Immobilizes. I think it'd be fun to watch/try. Not saying it wouldn't be difficult. Heck, I'd have the tray stacked with stuff for surviving a long fight.

    But how often do you see 4 Blasters kill an AV without some serious Inspiration swollowing. Dominators are combo controller/blasters with no dedicated buff/debuff secondary, which is the key thing to killing AVs. 1 Corruptor and 2 or 3 Doms should take an AV, but I'd do it with veterans.

    IF you mean standard PuGs, yeah, i'd want a debuff MM, a Corr, a brute in front and then anyone else is just a bonus.
  13. I think I saw a post talking about how +Heal percentage to all healing powers doesnt effect powers with secondary effects. This means while Thermal, Radiation and Emapthy toons will love it, Regeneration toons wont get a boost to powers like Reconstruction or Firey Aura with Healing Flames that get resistance to Toxic damage.

    I'm curious if that includes Health from Fitness for it's resisitance to Sleep or Aid Self for it's Stun resistance.

    Thanks for this thread, too. I love the fact my FA/SS tank may be able to get Haymaker or (gasp) Taunt before the endgame with a knockback resist IO in Combat Jumping or Weave. And that I'll have the option to respec out of CJ once I get Weave. Nice to have choices.
  14. Rejolt

    Drops II

    There's also no real string to scanner missions and they're often very easy to complete. Story Arcs tend to be more involving and at times more difficult.

    I agree that its still 3 to 5 missions to get to a safeguard, but you can get shared credit on teams and not even have to do scanners to unlock one.

    An 8 man 50 team can do 5 scanners in PI and run 8 Safeguards in a row. Does that sound hard to get to?
  15. Rejolt

    Drops II

    Tying Arc drops to Safeguards sounds like a bad idea, as Story Arcs take a long string of missions to complete (especially hero side).

    And hold a tick, there's a Wentworths! Just buy the story arc content from a player. I'd advise waiting a bit, the economy's gonna be broken for a few weeks.

    Everything can't be handed to us guys. Ever play Final Fantasy XI? This game is much more forgiving than you'd think.
  16. Rejolt

    Drops II

    I don't know, forcing people to do the story arcs might get some real teaming in Skyway, Steel Canyon, IP, Talos, Brickstown and Founders Falls again.

    As great as Striga, Faultline and Croatoa are, a majority dont give the reward menu for completing their arcs (just the Agent in the 4th arc in Faultline). I hate the fact I've leveled many toons past many of the arcs, but I like rewarding people for using the content.

    If you have to concede letting the entire team getting a taste then I'm for that too.

    Being in a holding pattern to not miss arcs until Issue 9 so I dont miss contacts .... ouch lol
  17. I'm with you, Clock. But Clap has always been a panic crowd control power. The developers will never remove + knockback from it. It's a minor EMP with much better recharge, it can't all be perfect.
  18. I love how working as intended turns into a known issue when enough players complain lol.
  19. Of all complaints I had for this game is that nothing new is created, just old maps, powers, ATs "re-imaged."

    Chain Induction may use Energy Transfer's animation but it's something new. Let them work out the bugs. I don't like being a developer's beta tester, but at least the game isn't any less fun in the meantime.

    Thunder Strike and LIghting Rod are your PBAoEs and you get a cone attack (a small cone for sure) in Jacob's Ladder. Giving another PBAoE with Chain Induction would be a bit much.
  20. Lightning Clap is a panic power if you can't handle your herd/taunt/aggro. Fun, but yup not really as useful as other powers.

    The damage is irrelevant if you play the toon for crowd control. Thunder Strike and Lightning Rod continually get minions and lts. off their feet. Things die pretty darn fast for me but boss and elite boss killing is like going to the dentist. It may not take much time in reality, but it feels painfully long lol.

    And here's a BIG note: Chain Induction has the same animation time as Energy Transfer and does the same if not a hair damage more than Havoc Punch. That's pretty much a one second cast time (the ET animation may have a 1/2 second cool down after you fire it so maybe two seconds total). You have to get it with as weak as your single target DPS is.
  21. Just hit 50. As long as you fight energy users you can herd old-school style with this toon and have the aoes to kill them all.

    I've been told many toon ATs would be bad/great to use but I never knew if I liked them until I got intot he 20s or 30s. If you're lvl 33 and dont like a toon anymore then reroll something else. We are supposed to have fun here lol. I have a friend who got a trick arrow/archery to 50 and he had a blast.

    Voltjolt takes a proud seat next to my other 2 50 electrics on Infinity and my 50 electric on Freedom. Did I mention I love electrics?
  22. at level 48 with the 10 and 5 percent HP boost accolades my elec/elec has over 1700 hp. Surge going down left me with 270 or so hit points. That wouldn't be bad if I wasn't fully detoggled.

    The only time have no inherent smashing/lethal resists really gets ya.
  23. My elec/elec/Mu brute has been an absolute blast to play. Electrics armor excels vs. energy, so fight swarms of energy damaging minions and lts. and throw Lightning Rod once you've herded them to a corner.

    I play CoH mostly for the comic book theme and present day world (mostly MMOs go Fantasy or far Future), but it hands down beats most other games in massive room clearing brawls.

    Yes, I have completely drained non-signature Elite Bosses of Endurance before I killed them. Yes my single target dmg stinks (and I'm 2 acc, 2 dmg, 1 recharge, 1 end redux in most powers).

    This set is new. Have fun first then worry about how Uber it is. I've played this set like an addict the last 4 weeks. The Mu Mastery pool with Electric Fences and Ball Lightning works well with your Crowd Control Mastery.
  24. I took my elec/elec 40 into the patron chain and fought Silver Mantis, Barracuda and others as Elite Bosses and really had no issues with them. I had even fully drained their endurance at one point, removing their alpha strikes for at least half the time they wanted to use them.

    My build took Hasten, Super Speed, Tough, Boxing, Fitness line. I had ZERO vertical powers which made getting around the zone quite funny. Lightning Field on my elec/elec was 2 acc, 2 end mod, 2 end redux. On my Dark/Elec i went 2 acc, 2 dmg, 2 end redux and farming even levels went smoother.

    In combat I loved the build, but I'll have to work in a vertical power afterall (I may go CJ/SJ over Hasten/SS).

    I also tested a Dark/Elec and found it much more agreeable to survival, but my Lightning Field was doing the most damage as I tried to lineup Shadow Maul and my endurance replacing powers.

    Dark feels better, but Elec was more fun to play.
  25. I've always wanted a straight up sapper -end power in the electrics. The /ice set has Shiver, and there are powers like Heat Loss and Transference that rob a target of endurance.

    Make Chain Induction rob double it's current Endurance from each target it hits, with a degredation of the effect as the chain continues. Offset the loss of continued dmg by upping the actual target dmg by 10 percent, and by giving you a chance of recovering endurance for each target hit in the chain thereafter. The amount of possible endurance drained would decrease by 10 percent with each target it carried on to.