
Forum Cartel
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  1. A few hours of putzing around with my 50, here's my take. It's a ton of fun, buggy fun, but still fun. The invisible skirt line of recluse is very annoying. The heavies are fun. The AV's that spawn are absurdly tough. I understand that they aren't really intended to be taken down, but at least make it so the give no debt and no xp. Zone spawn debt is fine, but these AV's are ridiculus for it.

    Just IMO.
  2. I doubt it's that simple. Wouldn't they have to basically give EVERY power a very low magnitude knockback? Low enough that a level 50 brawl wouldn't knock back a level 1 hellion, but still have it effect the ball. I think it would be much easier to just have the ball be affected by every power normally, just give it a high immobilize protection.
  3. And what power is that..........

    Anyways, is it tied directly to endurance cost or is it a seperate attribute just calculated relative to end cost. Meaning if you slot for end reduction currently, does this lower the chance of a successful taunt?
  4. If this gets implemented, talos will be an even more fun place, and my scrapper is slotting for knockback.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I want a big red ball in every zone now after reading this.

    Give it some kind of odd objective beyond just knocking it around. Maybe some goal posts somewhere in the zone?

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    I also think there should be one in each zone, but as far as goal posts I think it would best be left to the arena. That way there could be scoring and a special field. Also less chance of greifing.

    Although detention field and sonic cage would be really annoying...
  6. If greifing is a problem for the big red ball, then use the technology from sirens call to track it across the zone like it was a bounty target.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Awesome Idea! although a big Gold ball would be better.

    sorry red.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NOOOO!!! It must be Red!
  7. Here's my take on the matter. Yesterday I copied over a level 12 claws/invuln and respec'd him into every attack I could get and stripped all enhancements out of the attacks.

    I was extremely impressed with the new animations for claws. The barrage animation for the first tier attack was attractive and deadly looking, the same can be said of each of the first 3 attacks. With swipe, strike, slash and spin I found myself almost constantly attacking. I took myself to steel canyon and started picking on some level 12 outcasts. I continued street hunting like this for about 2 hours and stuck to even level foes only to get some halfways decent herostats data.

    Where I noticed the sustained dps most was against bosses, it was very satisfying to see their health bars drain like there was a leak on the left end. No big hits, just a constant quick drain on them. It worked very well.

    The new endurance cost of spin was very nice. If I was running a less end intensive secondary I would consider running without stamina, over the course of two hours I never once had to rest for endurance. My temporary invul was slotted 2 resist/2 end reduction dual origins.

    According to herostats my accuracy percentages for only even cons averaged 70-73 percent for all attacks, seemingly normal for unslotted. I noticed no odd bugs or irregularities regarding the new claws animations and recalibration.

    All that being said, I really want to play a claws scrapper regularly again, but will wait until it becomes a little less FOTM. Sorry that it's all anecdotal evidence, but that's my experience with "The New Claws".

    EDIT: note that I did take follow up, but did not use it in my attack chain in order to test unbuffed accuracy. I know no one else cares, but i'm paranoid about acc.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    I think there's a real-world brand of soft drink called Whupass.

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    Middle of the second row
  9. That's great to know! Thanks!
  10. For real. "Magnet O" is going to ruin the game for the rest of us and should have their account suspended for a few days.
  11. More wild speculation on the matter, I also think it's going to be aggro-control related. They (mostly) figured out how to get tanker punch-voke to work in pvp, now it's just a matter of giving that to the pets.
  12. Red_Tape

    Forum Girl Vote!

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    Is she even with the game anymore? She hasn't posted in.. forever.

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    Thus the reason for the nomination, she's the one quiet woman in existence.

    *dodges bullets, hurled rocks, brick laden purses*
  13. Red_Tape

    Forum Girl Vote!

    I only personally know 2 other women who play this game, 1 of which has never been on the forums and both of them would kick my [censored] for submitting them.

    Er, other than me of course. Cause i'm a chick. Not Red_Tape.

    I still think War Witch deserves a nom.
  14. Red_Tape

    Forum Girl Vote!

    I nominate myself. I'm not a dude.

    For Reals. Trust anything on the internet.

    BTW, Red_Tape is hawt.
  15. Red_Tape

    Forum Girl Vote!

    I don't think I can nominate you. As of 11pm EST yesterday I own you. Isn't that kinda like insider trading?

    I nominate goddess
  16. Red_Tape

    Forum Girl Vote!

    War Witch, or is this no dev's allowed?
  17. Re: Future events

    You know, Baltimore is nice and central for the east coast...

    We have a nice convention center...
  18. Then is there any chance of the drop rates for lyso's and enzymes being reduced to better even out the "economy"?
  19. Red_Tape

    Two things...

    Is the "one shot change" planned for I7, or after?

  20. Red_Tape

    Two things...

    Rock out with your [sock] out.

  21. Red_Tape

    Two things...

    Well, maybe it'll help curb the yelling about how defiance and vigilance are useless at high levels, particularly against av's
  22. Red_Tape

    Two things...

    [ QUOTE ]

    2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't this going to have an adverse effect of hamidon raids? I.E. No one dies during the mito phase.