
Forum Cartel
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  1. Got to admit, it isn't the basic cost that bothers me much, it's the onging rent.
  2. Well then, like I said then, it needs clarifying. "must allow it to happen" to me means you can't stop it.

    As usual, Cryptic's clarity of English leaves much to be desired.

    Dark Menace:[ QUOTE ]
    I think that's sorta clear

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, it isn't, and since we won't be going looking for IoPs, that particular feature is irrelevent.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    the defending SG must allow it to happen,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So that means that absolutely no base is ever safe from having a bunch of morons decide to invade and trash the place. It just means there won't be any lasting damage.

    And you lot see this as a good thing?

    here we are, 9pm on a friday, all ready to enjoy ourselves and... oops, instant base raid!
  4. Hikari has been looking at this as a potential mechanism for using bases for RP, and this statement does look kind of like it might be a goer.

    The things it doesn't answer is do you still need an IoP for this to happen?

    I'd imagine you do, which means you're open to standard base raids.

    If you don't that means that owning a base of any kind just became a pain since any old idiot with a grudge can decide to invade you at any time for the fun of it.

    How come it's always me that sees the flaws?
  5. No, that will just result in what little sanity I have left dribbling out my ear.
  6. If this turns into the GG Sailor Moon Fest, I will quit.

    (Edited to add obligatory smiley.)
  7. And the monsters are now running around Croatoa. Nothing like a bit of recycling to make it look like you're spending money.
  8. They make lousy team additions:

    * Too much chance of the team aggroing your target away and destroying your chance of AS working.
    * Since the mob groups are larger, far more chance you'll get planted by the retaliation after you assassinate that Lt.

    They make lousy solo ATs:
    * Not enough hit points or DPS to survive after an assassination.
    * Only way to get around this is to do everything one mob at a time = slow progression.
    * VERY vulnerable to ambushes which see through Hide.

    I can see why you'd have fun with a Stalker in the lower levels... no debt.

    Stalkers are PvP ATs, and Cryptic plan to nerf that anyway.
  9. Ravenswing


    [ QUOTE ]
    With the Respec I enhanced my Auto:Self+Def powers to Six-Slots each, and they're now full of Single (with one or two Dual) Origin Enhancers for Defense Buffs. My attacks are likewise full, although with the new patch, I might move some accuracy buffers into the raw damage slots.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your problem here is that, with I6/ED coming in, your 6-slotted DEF Buffs are now worth about 55% of their old value. Essentially, your ability to dodge blows has been halved with no reduction in the ability of your foes to hit you.

    You get a choice:

    Only attack -3s.
    Start using toggles, which are more effective anyway.

    And I'd just like to add that SR scrappers got hit so hard with the nerfbat it's amazing you can see their heads poking up through the ground.
  10. There are to be no seasonal events. So you're going to be really disapointed by Christmas, mate.

    Personally I'm hoping for a "Christmas Event" namely I7. And I'm really hoping it will have (almost) no nerfs and a lot of goodies... because otherwise, my subscription won't make it as far as 12 months.
  11. If I can be bothered to create a villain when my pack arrives, she will be a Stalker, even if I do think the entire AT is gimped beyond belief.
  12. I'd say the only other potential location would be the University Plaza in Salamanca, which has the right atmosphere. Unfortunately, we'd kill a lot of alts getting to it and even most of our mains aren't high enough level to be ignored by the locals.
  13. Dafydd will be turning up in his red wizard outfit, and will be calling himself War Crow as a joke. (i.e. Crow has the Cabal Hat and Dafydd doesn't. )

    Jason is so used to being reanmiated that that kind of thing really doesn't bother him much. You could all die and come back and he'd be sat there looking bored.
  14. This thing did win an award, WW. One of the only two ever handed out, so it's special.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm just left speechless. All hail the mighty Overlord! Even moreso than you already do now!

    And I'm intrigued by the next issue's title...could we be seeing a Galaxy Girl setting?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    CAn you remember what it looks like?
  16. I'd love to, but the system won't let me make my sig block any bigger than it is.

    Otherwise, hey, only to glad to oblige.
  17. a. Yeah, that was real funny, Q. So, who wrote it?

    b. The Overlord quotes me in his sig.

    c. The Overlord quotes me in his sig.

    d. The Overlord quotes me in his sig.

    e. The... okay, I'll go now.
  18. (( Thanks for the couple in the window imagery. I like that, most useful. ))
  19. (( I do. Exactly what I was expecting, but very well written. Kudos. ))

    (( Now, can I borrow your entire story, plus the Vigil mission for something? *EG* ))

    (( Edit: Hey, the mad swordswoman never even tried using feminine whiles on Crow. She just hit him lots. I miss out on all the fun. ))
  20. (( I suspect it's the new forum. People wouldn't go looking in Roleplaying who weren't roleplayers. But you can be a gamer and still want to read superhero fiction or view wallpaper, or whatever. ))

    (( Yup, challenged. Actually, I have this perfectly good idea, I just need him to do part two first. *cracks whip* ))
  21. (( Nicely done. I'm feeling challenged... Have to see what I can do. ))
  22. SG Name: The Other Ones
    Motto: Know Yourself
    Reason for existing: So people with no Super Group can have a Super Group.
    Regular meetings: None.
    Time requirements: None.
    Positions of responsibility: None. (Well, someone had to fill in the forms.)
    Recruitment policy: We don't recruit, but we do accept any member who wants to join.
    Level of Roleplay: SG channel is OOC unless specifically notified otherwise. All other roleplay is by individual preference.

    Yes. We have no rules, no members, and no desire to belong to an SG. We are the SG for the other guys. We? What am I talking about, I'm the only member!

    Contact War Crow in game if you have any interest in being in a Group so losely affiliated it's untrue.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Nothing to do with the meet but can I get my nomination in for this thread in the "Best Thread of the Year Title" competition

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TY, TY. I still think I need to copyright it, but Syn says it's public domain and I can't. Are we opperating on English or US law?

    Highlights from last night:

    Fusebox... 'nough said.
    Enherezza got a home. (Stunning and totally surprising piece of roleplay that just happened. Not going to explain it anymore than that, but it actually quite made the evening for me.)
  24. So was I, but Glory wasn't supposed to be making it obvious she was listening, and you wouldn't believe how long it took for me to work out that Fusebox was Zortel.

    Glory and Kat anna came up with the hair dye joke simultaneously, which just goes to show that great minds think alike. (There was a dye works near Macclesfield, might be still there, with the motto "We live to dye.")

    And Sentinel was just stunning. Don't know about you, but I could actually hear the cut-glass English accent.