Showdown - Epilogue
I hate you Wordie, in the nicest possible way.
Let's see what I can come up with to top that, if at all.
((*sniff* Nuff said))
(( Thanks for the couple in the window imagery. I like that, most useful. ))
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
((Useful? Now I'm getting worried.))
((Said it to you today in-game, but also wanted to add this has been a really good plot. ^-^ Can't wait for the next one.))
((Agh! Epilogue to what? I just got here. The writing's great but I don't understand much of it! Got pre-epilogue material lying around? =P))
Showdown - Part one
Showdown - Part two
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
((This has changed a lot from how I first imagined it would happen. Blame Stargazer
"Alan...I love you...."
It was a quiet night. At least, it was quiet where Nevermore stood. At the edge of a rooftop looking down upon Steel Canyon, the city glowed below him. Lady Chill...Su...was in custody. The Order had been driven from Paragon City.
His heart still ached.
From his vantage point he could see a couple in an apartment building. They were nestled in one another's arms on a sofa, warm soft light caressing them. He had been ready to give up everything for Su. He was going to tell her everything, every secret. Then he was going to promise her he would leave it all behind for her, and ask her to spend the rest of her life with him. He'd never suspected who she really was. He'd wanted more than anything for Sam to have been wrong about her.
I won't make that mistake again.
In loving Su, he had nearly lost a part of himself. As Stargazer had told him, he could not live without both sides. He was Alan Drake, and he was Nevermore. He couldn't have it one way or the other. Both were one. Sometimes, that meant one side would have to suffer for the other.
A part of him, part of Alan Drake, still loved Su. Still loved that side of her that had made him face his fear and open himself to another person. But just as he had kept a side of himself from her, so too had she hidden herself. He knew she was lost to him, forever. He knew it now, and wanted to move on. He wished he could just cast aside his feelings, but they clawed and cut at him like knives. It would take time. All wounds healed with time.
The city called to him. The police band signal being fed through his earpiece alerted him to robberies, fires, car chases. He still had a job to do.
He felt Stargazer land down next to him before he saw her. Her concealment spell dropped, and she faded into view. What would the future hold for them? He had no answer. He wanted to see, to know. But it would take time. Time.
"They're waiting." she said softly, a hand reaching for his shoulder.
Nevermore nodded and a signal came in over his comm unit. "Nevermore, this is Alex. We're ready when you are."
"Nevermore here. I'm on my way." With a glance and a nod to Stargazer, he un-clipped his grappling launcher and raised it. The grapple exploded forth and arced out over the city. His cape blowing in the wind, he dropped into the void, letting his city bring him to where it needed him the most. Here he was needed. Here he was home. Here he was loved.
Something to fight for.