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  1. Sharkhead Isle is a perfect example of Arachnos' tendency to not control things. As has been said, Grandville is tightly controlled. Well, the core of it is; the Gutter is another matter. However, out on Sharkhead the miners strike quite regularly. As far as Recluse is concerned, that's Cage's problem and if they can't control the miners, he isn't going to do it for them.

    A full on dictator would have a Flyer or two and a very large strike force down there the first time it happened. Examples would be made. Messy examples. I'm sure it's quite within the power of Recluse and his minions to finally destroy one ghost.

    No, I really doubt Recluse is too bothered about overt displays of control outside his core facilities and in the kind of environment the Isles have, rebellious or nihilistic music would seem like a given.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
    One last thought:
    I think that's about all I can say on the subject.
    I honestly don't know what to say. Really. Um... Yeah.
  3. That is true. My current personal plotline is distinctly "for a mature audience." That said, while Rei would have no qualms about killing a child, what's the point? Adults are much more 'fun.'
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
    But the map of Paragon is not a direct copy of the Providence area at all. Vaguely similar with a complicated coast with lots of bays and islands, but not identical.
    That's always been my 'issue.' The map of Paragon doesn't really fit Rhode Island anywhere.

    I seem to recall the inclusion of Salamanca made it even worse.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
    However, when it comes to the authorative side of creating such a sub-plot, for apparently such an evil character, postponing this event and THEN unleashing it would've worked out insomuch as the sheer timing of it all. Distasteful and vile as it is, even for CoH standards, it's a legitimate threat ALL heroes have to be on the lookout for, and for truly evil characters a very possible route to inflict terror, pain and suffering upon the masses.
    True evil does not require huge scale. I'm not saying it can't, we can look at real life for 'fine' examples. 9/11, several of the bombings in Northern Ireland and in England as a result of the Troubles. Terrorists use this kind of thing to great effect, though not always the effect they wished.

    The Warrington bomb is a good example of this kind of event which could be used effectively in a shared universe RP setting without causing too much 'trouble.' A bomb was placed in a rubbish bin in Warrington town centre and set off during a busy shopping period. Two children were killed. It was a national tragedy and one of the events which really pushed public opinion toward a resolution to the Troubles. Big, nasty, one could say evil, but the scale is such that direct action by every hero in the country would not only be a little OTT, but also probably counter-productive.

    Personally, I prefer my evil on a much smaller scale. Or, if it's on a larger scale (I ran a demonic incursion plot recently which had city-wide scale and would have resulted in the deaths of possibly the entire population if the demon hadn't been obviously intended to fail) I don't like having villains so powerful that they don't have to be careful what they're doing. Enormous death tolls should be a feature of the end-game, and so preventable.

    My current villain, Rei, is really not a very nice person, but she demonstrates her evil in the way she handles individuals. She's more the serial killer type (well, actually, she's a serial killer, basically). Given time, she could easily be responsible for way more than 2000 deaths. She just does them a few at a time (and the rate things are going, she isn't going to have the time to put that many notches on her surgical kit).

    I don't see why anyone's villainous character should have to be portrayed as any less villainous than any of the NPC villains.
    Quite, but the purpose of the NPC villains is to fail. If an NPC villain were to attack a school with a giant robot, that would be a mission, probably a TF, and the object of the exercise would be to demolish said robot before it killed so much as a hamster in the school science labs. When Lord Recluse launches a giant, psychic spider robot at the city, heroes are dispatched to stop it before it gets there, and they do.

    It's great to say that this is a comic book world and should have comic-scale villainy, but that also means it should have comic-scale results. As soon as that robot appeared, the freedom Phalanx would have mobilised and Stateman would have had the thing in orbit before the first foot stomp.

    Given how all of Union participates in all these RPs, how your server has created this "shared-world" view for RP events, it's obvious that such a discussion thread about these wide-scale events has been a good thing. As an outsider looking in, however, I must say that the unwillingness of the majority of the RP populace to even acknowledge that something like this can be pulled off by a player-character is ludicrous.
    Beyond it being impolite to stage an event which forces involvement, there are some particular practical aspects which come into play. One of them which is particularly apparent here is communication. I'll use a different, far older, and not villainous plot as an example.

    Years ago, someone had a bright idea to celebrate the heroics of the non-heroes of the city (White Vampyr, I think, may be wrong). It was a nice idea and one I would happily get behind normally, but there were a couple of issues.

    IC, the first many of us knew about it was a sort of press release sent to a lot of local businesses and such. It just so happened that my main at the time was running a courier business and so I could happily justify him receiving a copy. He was not happy. It was the way it was written, really. The idea was that it was drumming up money to build a park and monument to the policemen, firemen, hospital workers etc of the city, but it didn't just say they were heroes and should be celebrated, it seemed to belittle the efforts of Heroes.

    The plot's owner explained that wasn't the idea, but they did that out of character, in the forum, and those of us (not just me) who had IC taken exception to the release explained that that was nice, but what had been written said that Heroes were basically worthless glory-seekers.

    (First point about communication, and not really related to this discussion, you can't make people think something says something, just because that was your intention. It says what it says, filtered through their perceptions, not yours.)

    Anyway, then the OOC arguments started. The plot owner was determined to have the city government bulldoze a section of the city (in King's Row, IIRC, the irony of which later) and replace it with a park and statue. Many of us said 'no' because it wouldn't really be there. Others said this wasn't a problem because we would agree to know it was there. We said we'd go with it if you could get the game designers to change the game map.

    The problem is that we get new players, and we get people coming back after breaks, and we have people who roleplay, but don't read the forums. They aren't going to know that that block of houses doesn't exist in 'our world.' It would need to be very carefully handled within the Unionverse to be sure everyone was on-page, and that's without a constant need to reinforce it. (The irony is that, maybe a year later, the statue of Breakneck appeared outside King's Row station. Not exactly a commemoration of firemen, but certainly a memorial to the unsung heroes of the city.)

    This plot has a smilar problem. Such an event would resound world wide. No one in the civilised world would not have heard about it, but we're going to have a constant situation where it would come up in conversation and people wouldn't have a clue what was being talked about. (Right or wrong, GG is one of the major public faces of RP on the EU servers, and we do attract new roleplayers all the time.)
  6. In another thread someone pointed out that Rhode Island is the smallest of the states. (I don't know if that's right, technically, but I can look on a map and see that it sure is very small. I suppose if DC was considered a state, that would be the smallest, but it's not.)

    Now, in our world, a lot of RI is taken up by the city of Providence. I came to the conclusion a little while ago that Paragon City pretty much must occupy the space taken up by Providence, so Providence doesn't exist.

    Any thoughts? Particularly from the Americans, some of whom may actually know the state?
  7. Appearing on page 4 of the Paragon Times and page 2 of the King's Row Courier
    Off Duty Police Officer Killed near Industrial Avenue

    Police issued a statement to the effect that Officer Kerry Clement was killed late last night in the Industrial Avenue area of King's Row. Officer Clement was a single man, 23 years old, from a family of police officers, and a respected member of his local church. His niece is an officer in the Galaxy City Precinct.

    Currently, gang activity is suspected, but sources revealed that peculiarities in the case have resulted in investigators from the FBSA being invited in to assist.

    Industrial Avenue is noted as an area of high crime figures. Both the Skulls and the Lost operate in this area, and it has long been known as one of the red light districts of the city. Officer Clement's beat covered the area of King's south of the Precinct, including the avenue. Reports indicate that he recently survived an attack by Skulls thanks to the help of a local, unnamed, hero.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    Right, back to the main point of all this... I don't think there's a problem with having a villain committing a truly evil act. In some cases, if it's done carefully, I think it can really add to any plot that's running.
    Evil upcoming one week today.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forse View Post
    I was aware they ran for a long summer, starting early. I wasn't aware that Mar should already have started back at school though. Meep. He should be starting his High School stuff now and be at Skyway High where Rauri's the counsellor and Tam's assistant coach.
    Huge amounts of ROFL!

    Rhode Island's summer holiday runs from June 25th to September 6th this year. (Source: http://www.bank-holidays.com/holidays_2010_378.htm)

    Staff might possibly be in, I doubt even Summer School kids would be still in school. Let's face it, broken plot.
  10. I'm not annoyed. I am ignoring it. It didn't happen. End of story.

    Of course, as I said, I'm in the unenviable position of being able to do so quite in character.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by A_Random_Thing View Post
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait, so you're suggesting let Heroes start a war with Arachnos? Forgive me if I'm wrong but Arachnos own the Isles and it's a Country.
    Ultimately, yes, the result of this would very likely be that a war between the US and the Isles took off. A massive number of heroes attack the Court. arachnos sees it as an attack on the Isles. Huge numbers of people die. There's some significant possibility that nuclear weapons are used.

    We coud be talking about a war which would weaken both sides sufficiently that the Rikti or Praetorians could step in and take over.

    It won't happen simply because it can't happen.

    Hence plots on this scale are not viable for players to run.
  12. Guess I should say something...

    Well, as the instigator of the aforementioned personal plot, which has been cooking since HeroCon last October, I find myself in the wonderful position that I have a stunningly brilliant reason to ignore the aforementioned large-scale plot. My main, both versions of her, are well out of it. One is currently missing, and is actually a psychopathic villain who would probably have a good giggle at the news report. The other is trying her hardest to remain out of sight of all the heroes because she murdered her Praetorian dad and is an illegal immigrant to Paragon City. All in all, neither of them is going to get involved.

    I'm afraid that, even if this were not the case, I would be coming up with excuses to avoid this one. I've done it with other plots not nearly as large scale as this one. In this case it would require some OOC activity, namely declaring that, as far as I was concerned, it didn't happen. Unsatisfying, but necessary. Something on this scale is just a Bad Thing. Sorry. (That's a generic statement on a plot of this scale, not a specific comment.)
  13. Evening TV News, Paragon News Network, August 31st 2010

    The presenter looks up at the camera , well, the telprompter, and developes a slightly bored expression. "Peregrine Island Mutual was today's bank heist target with Arachnos troops and mercenaries providing cover for another of Lord Recluse's goons to disturb the peace. While these attempts are frequently thwarted, this time the thief got away with an estimated haul of around a quarter of a million in cash and bearer bonds."

    The visuals switch to footage of the thief leaving the bank. She is fairly tall, has short, blond hair, is dressed in dark, padded armour, and is carrying a pair of Vanguard-style energy swords.

    The voice says, "Police are looking for the woman shown in the video footage, an as yet unidentified villain."
  14. What I find odd is that villains arriving in Sharkhead get a welcoming comittee, but heroes arriving in Paragon don't.

    Red-side, you're greeted by an arachnos representative who happily tells you what's going on and where you should go next. I guess Evil is always that much more efficient than Good. ;p
  15. Being a guide to identifying which Annette Barrington you may be talking to at any one time.

    A Note on Terminology: The Primal Earth version of Miss Barrington will be referred to as Annette. The Praetorian version is Louise. Ni refers specifically to Annette when Ni is in control of their body. Similarly, there may be some mention of Rei, another aspect of Annette’s personality.


    The most obvious physical difference between the two girls is their eyes. Annette has brown eyes. Louise had her eyes replaced with cybernetic ones, which are more or less blank (some detail can be observed up close), beige-coloured orbs.

    Their natural hair colour is brown with a little hint of red from their mother. Annette always used a shampoo which brought the red out naturally. Louise did not, and tends to get her hair streaked with blond tints.

    Physically, Annette has more muscle mass than Louise, though it may be hard to tell without a fairly careful examination. It shows up most in the arms and shoulders.

    Louise has pierced ears, Annette does not.


    Annette has a Rhode Island accent which her father encouraged her to educate herself out of, so it is fairly soft.

    Ni has a far stronger Rhode Island accent and tends to use even more contractions than Annette does.

    Louise’s father had her take elocution lessons to get rid of any accent she originally had. She’s probably closest to a flattened New England accent.

    Rei has a similar accent to Louise, having never really developed one.


    Both girls are fairly smart and inventive. Their main talent is the ability to learn quickly and easily, though this has been applied in different ways. While Ni seems to learn as quickly as Annette, when she gets the chance, Rei does not. In fact, Rei is very fixed and seems unwilling to learn.

    Annette developed street smarts out of necessity. She left school as soon as she could because she had to support herself and begin her quest for revenge on the Rikti. Louise, supported by her father and living in the relative paradise of Praetoria City, went to university and studied electronics and cybernetics (a discipline revolving around control systems, not ‘bionic implants’) achieving two degrees.

    Battered and bruised by her life as a ‘hero,’ Annette has developed formidable defences against life. She tends to shrug off life’s little problems fairly easily, learning from them when she can. She has problems, particularly an over-developed sense of responsibility she has trouble setting aside.

    Obviously, she has a split personality, but she is pretty cool with that; Ni and Annette get along quite well. Generally, Annette is a well-balanced girl.

    Louise, on the other hand, is practically suicidal. Her past is a constant burden, she left a comfortable life to come to a world where she has to sell her body to make money. She has the same sort of over-developed sense of responsibility, and that is one of the few things which actually keeps her from eating one of her pistols. On the other hand, she never developed the truly cynical attitude that Annette did, so she’s more of a hero and less of a vigilante, at least at the start.

    Confidence-wise, Annette had to learn the enormous amount of self-confidence she now possesses. Louise started gymnastics when she was seven and was never the slightly plump teenager Annette was. Her confidence is both natural and not quite so extreme. Annette wears skimpy outfits because she never used to be able to, Louise wears them for work or pleasure. Annette never had a boyfriend, or any other relationship, until she started her hero work, Louise had a string of boyfriends through high school and university.

    For reference, Ni is a soldier learning to be a normal girl. Rei is a psychopath and sociopath, completely off her rocker, and enjoys inflicting as much pain as possible to her victims.


    Louise owns a mongrel dog named Mickey.
  16. How about an option to not have weapons pour out spent shell casings?

    Caseless ammunition actually exists in the real world, and it's pretty reasonable to assume that it would be used in a lot of high-tech weapons since it reduces jamming.

    Admittedly, this may involve a lot more work than it seems, depending on how the animations work. If it's all one thing then there would need to be new animations for every weapon type. Not so good.

    Just a thought.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    It is most certainly a paradise out there.

    Eden, you might say.

    The question is whether or not it is a paradise that is going to turn you into a DE or not.
    Ah, but that's the thing. Is there any evidence that the place is overrun with Hamidon creatures, or are you just chompin' down on the TPN news feeds?
  18. Nope. Certainly weren't any there when I went looking.
  19. True.

    Cole is, however, planning to fight a war on two fronts. However:

    1. He thinks he's going to win the new one without much of a fight.

    2. There is always the possibility that the story that the outside world is a hell hole is nothing but a control measure.

    Think about it. If you head off to the edge of the city, you get blasted by a sonic fence. Supposedly this is to stop you going out into such a dangerous place, but surely a big fence and a load of warning signs would do. After all, if it's really that dangerous out there, anyone stupid enough to go out wouldn't come back. Surely the guns should be pointing outward.

    It could be a paradise out there. No war to fight.
  20. I'm going to leave it to Z regarding what briefing goes out to the UV. Jacob has/will have shortly, some information regarding Annette.

    Well, there may be someone else who's been shot, stabbed, whatever on that bridge, but it's likely that the blood belongs to Annette.
  21. I just read yours and FFM's comments. I don't think it matters which terminal mission you do (I've done both the Warden and Responsibility end points, on one character) and Cole isn't stupid, he's just amazingly power-hungry and just a bit off his trolley (though nowhere near as bonkers as Mother).
  22. So not fair. You're getting two of them!

    Besides, if you think that's evil, wait until you see part two.
  23. The New Divide Trilogy is the next step in Nitoichi's evolution, into a rather nasty piece of work called Rei.

    The following story contains adult themes and you should only go look if you're:
    1. Interested.
    2. An adult.

    Black Skies

    (I'll be doing a PDF version later, and obviously there will be two more parts to come later.)

    Anyone trying to track down Annette from these goings on may get wind of events in the story happening on August 31st. She has, however, changed her appearence at that point.
  24. Ravenswing

    Gunwitch Stories

    Broken Mirrors the next installment of Gunwitch's story.

    Unionverse version for those who don't like PDFs.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    Partly due to Political Correctness needs in the game, there seem to be no organized rules for worshipping Cole.
    There is at least one dialogue example of someone saying "By Cole..." So at least some of the population sees him as a godlike figure, which is fair, since he is.

    I suspect that Praetoria has a considerable illusion of freedom. So, for example, the Internet appears to be quite open, but is actually massively monitored. Consider it as a form of honey trap; give people the illusion of freedom and then lynch them when they overstep the mark.