136 -
Alrighty, what's a good set up to balance both survivability and decent DPS? The only brute I currently have is claws/reflexes and he's strong, but overly squishy
Okay, I am loving CoH so far, however I often find myself having no choice but to solo.
My solution to this is simple: Make a tanker, however I have no idea about what's a good tanker combo.
So, my question is: Assuming lots of solo play, what is the best tanker power set? -
Alrighty, I know lots of people have been wondering how to go about getting the gold VIP name, so here's the how to.
First, visit your user control panel
Then, on the left hand side under "Networking" select "group Memberships"
Select the "Identify me as a member of this group" next to "VIP Player"
Click "Update display group" and you'll have a shiny golden name on the forums
Quote:The mental images this one paints.* Subject: Freitag... Re: Disciplinary Action... We have decided that Freitag is simply overworked and so have required him to take a week's time off work using his accumulated vacation time. This decision was reached after the fourth day in a row of finding him in the server room, hand on the circuit board kill switch, dressed as a 5th Column cosplayer and screaming in german that his demands must be met or Paragon City would perish
I laughed so hard -
I believe it was mentioned somewhere that the Paragon Rewards table contents would be changed from time to time. My questions is, should anyone know, will VIP's be able to immediately claim new table contents, or have to work up badges again? (ie, if I claimed everything, including tier 9 VIP, when tables change would I be able to reclaim every new item, or would I have to start from 0 tokens?)
This is probably a very stupid question, but who/what is "Mids"?
I've been wondering about the rollout. One thing I find odd is either I have been looking in all the wrong places or CoH isn't doing all that much advertising
I love CoH. I love chatting to my friends and messing around.
However what I love better it talking to, laughing and getting to know my friends on a deeper level. I am very vocal and love actually talking to people, something CoH unfortunately doesn't have implemented, so with that I would like to present...
The City of Heroes Community Voice Chat
- Sign up to RaidCall here. Bear in mind that what ever you chose as your "real name" is what others will see. So I chose @Bloodmoore (my global handle) as my "real name"
- Download and install RaidCall - windows - mac
- boot up RaidCall
Once you're up and running, search in the top left hand box for server ID: 824337
Simply join and chat.
Why RaidCall, why not ventrilo/TS/mumble/insertVOIP program here?
Simply put, because it's Better quality than vent, has unlimited user slots and (most importantly for me XD) it's free. I used to be a ventrilo loyalist but since using RC I've never looked back. I highly recommend it for anyone that runs a guild but doesn't want to shell out for a ventrilo server. Totally low latency and doesn't interfere with CoH (or any other game I've played, for that matter).
This server is NOT in any way affiliated with/run by/checked by/owned/endorsed/etc by either Paragon Studios or NC Soft.
This is a player owned server, and as such is moderated and controlled by players. Admin/owner ruling is final, don't hassle NCSoft support for anything that happens on this server because, to be blunt, they can't help you with it.
Be respectful. any disrespectful or otherwise hateful/slanderous behaviour will mean you lose access to the server.
Over several years I have run multiple player/community RaidCall servers, all have been very successful and some even escalated to having almost 1,000 active (ie, logged in at least once every few days) members. So I'd like to at least try it with CoH, because as far as I'm aware there's no "official" NC Soft/Paragon Studios vent server. -
I'm sure you've lost patience with all the whining, USI-driven threads about the downtime and compensation demands, however I would like to say something different.
That's right, thank you for bringing us an amazing game who's community I haven't been a part of for long but am already in love with, thank you for getting up at 1:30 am just to get the ETA 12 hour maint today out of the way with (something I doubt any other company would do unless scheduled for a night shift), thank you for striving to improve our game experience by upgrading those servers so they don't go bang when F2P starts, thank you for the amazing levels of community interaction and thank you for putting up with the complaining and whining patiently and with a smile.
Thank you, Paragon Studios and NCSoft for being totally damn awesome.
P.S. Just to address those who I know will call me out for "brown nosing"; First: nope, I'm conveying my genuine feelings about this company. Second: what the hell would I have to gain by brown nosing? -
Awesome to know that there are some global channels, just a pity there isn't a default server wide one, for everyone to just chat
thanks for the warm welcomes, peopleand for those asking, I'm on Exalted, as my signature should now reflect
My "main" character is Bloodmoore, a time manip/energy blast defender, but at the moment I'm exploring as many archetypes as possible to try and get a fell for what I like best
Before I start, I'd like to specify a few things about me as a player:
- I have never played City of Heroes before the launch of Freedom, though I had been constantly hounded by a friend to join (and so glad I did)
- My game knowledge is, thus far, quite incomplete so I apologise for any mistakes, I'll just be saying things as I see them.
I was be honest, when my friend first talked to me about City of Heroes, I was amazingly sceptical of the concept. I mean, if you're a super hero who is totally indestructible.. what's the point? Where would the challenge be?
However, I am so very happy to announce that my initial impression was so far wrong I'm almost ashamed. The day since I started my subscription, I have done almost nothing else but sleep, eat and play CoH. The mission story lines are so well put together and linked up brilliantly, it really absorbs you in to the gameplay (my first day, after I'd figured things out, I was so zoned in to the game that I was at my computer for 19 hours before I realised that the time had... gone).
The combat was amazingly sluggish for the first few levels (because I only had my short range origin attack, a power move, a toggle support move and brawl) but that very quickly changed so that, by level 8, I could seamlessly chain together a deadly barrage of attacks.
The sewer trial is a lot of fun. Fast paced, the right level of challenge for a new player and an excellent way to make friends, however I'd love to see this trial fit in somewhere with one of the main story arcs.
The graphics are amazing (ultra mode everything maxed, baby) and I do wonder exactly how much time and effort went in to the coding of those capes, as they seem near perfect.
The character customisation is excellent. There are only a few games (which I won't name) that I have played with a more in depth character editor. I spent about 3 hours in my first character perfecting his looks before unleashing him on Paragon.
Another thing I totally adore is the shared power pools. Once I hit level 4 and learn that "zOMG I CAN FLY" I seriously made a noise like a schoolgirl finding out her crush likes her >.> . I have never played an MMO before where the exploration was so open
The badges are awesome. I've spent a good few hours flying around just looking in totally obscure places for explorer badges. I also hear that getting a certain set of badges awards you "accolades" or some such thing, which in turn unlock extra powers
The task forces are... a grey area for me. They're brilliantly put together but some are just way too long seeing that, unlike missions, you can't just log off and log in later and carry on.
I have already covered my opinion of the tutorial in another post, however I'll give a short version: I think it should teach you a little more while still keeping the same fast paced atmosphere. If a player doesn't know what they're doing by level 10, especially F2P (not really the same when you subscribe and pay to be able to play) then chance are they'll just quit and go off to find another game.
Another thing that genuinely surprises me is lack of a global chat channel, or server wide chat. (most people seem to use the help channel for this, but that's not it's main purpose)
The true make or break for ANY MMO, however, is it's community and, I have to say, you guy are totally damn amazing. Usually new players are met with hostility/indifference/"I'm better than you" attitudes but in CoH I feel welcome, there's always someone patient enough to answer my never ending questions about what to do
Story Arcs: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Combat System: 9/10
Archetypes/Powers/Power Pools: 10/10
Graphics: 9.8/10
Character Customisation: 9.9/10
Tutorial: 5/10
Community: 11/10 ()
All in all, I give City of Heroes a 9.5/10.
I love this game, Paragon Studios. You have yourself a totally loyal and submissive new follower. -
I would say just carry on. If you both have a passion for the game and you both are using the same master account, maybe just one person give the other their subscription fee monthly.
I say take the high road, the whole "QQ we broke up so I delete all ur st00f" thing is amazingly petty and, especially when you're passionate about a game (as I have found myself to be about CoH) something as small as deleting an avatar (or to put it in perspective, something that has been your alter ego for x amount of years) can lead to a whole long road of nastiness -
Quote:Oh, I'm well aware of the history behind Fawkes, and the whole "anonymous" internet cult, but my thinking was more in paying homage to the infamous comic book hero, V from V for Vendetta (hence my modified movie version speech)I would like porcelain/theater type masks (for all 3 models) but I don't want Guy Fawkes.
The internet seems to have some kind of boner for the man, but they don't even seem to know, or care, what he really stood for.
He wasn't some great freedom fighter trying to save the people of England from tyranny. He was trying to replace one tyrant with another. (Replace the Church of England/Protestant Monarch with the Catholic Church/Catholic Monarch.) -
I would like to chip in here (as a completely new player who's never experienced this "old" tutorial)
I found the freedom tutorial overly rushed with no real sense of "teaching" you anything except how to move and (quite shamelessly) how to buy things from the store. I work out most from similarities with other MMO's (ie, hotkey bar placement, how to set up skills to be triggered, tab targeting, etc). I am now 26 and I think I have missed a hell of a lot of these training missions (The developers should consider making them mandatory if you have no other character below above x level). Almost everything I know about the game so far has been taught to me either from friends or from the wiki/forums, including a VERY CRUCIAL game feature of combining inspirations(because you never know when you'll need to do that to get an arise).
I only found out about task forces through a friend, about the sewer trial by an accidental misclick and I still don't have the faintest idea about certain (pretty important to some) aspects of the game such as PvP, badge accolades, what the fire alarm in x area thing means, or what a "bank raid" is.
All in all, the current system is very ineffective, in my view (ie, that of a totally new VIP player) -
Good evening, Praetoria. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine - the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetitive task forces. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, are celebrated with a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted down telephones, and men with superpowers will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the beam rifle may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this City, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? the Rikti War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to who is now the Emperor, Marcus Cole. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed Cole's Tower, to remind this city of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives, and yet, Praetoria does not acknowledge this man. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see as I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one and a half months from tonight, outside the gates of The Nova Magisterium, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.
I was looking through the creator, wondering why the heck we don't have a guy fawkes mask option. So I believe we should remember, remember the 5th of November by implementing this as a face detail.
Quote:This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.