Rajani Isa

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I was wondering why it wasn't, to be honest.

    And just imagine if you had a mini-me to handle all those little tasks!
    Like actually responding to phone calls?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    Solar Flare was changed to work in the air somewhat recently.
    The Tank form AoE, yes (cause of teleport's auto-hover) - but the human form version?>
  3. Shadowfield is a psuedo-pet yes, but not Distortion Field. As far as i know it works in psuedopets just fine.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    6 months would have two tokens (one for each of the two vet badges 6 months would have gotten) plus one for opening an account for a total of three at the very least, but most likely have plus one more for having applied a box for a total of four. It would have been possible to have an account and not get one for the box by using the Bootleg Edition trial disk, but that is probably a very low number.
    Bootleg and the old "Friend" code that they gave out for the Valentine's event one year.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    Can anyone confirm if the chance for +1 mag to controls will work on location holds like shadow field and distortion field? Thanks.
    Why WOULDN'T it?

    Or are you asking if it's bugged?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If I remember correctly, Hail of Bullets has a cast time of zero, so it begins recharging immediately upon activation. Its not an exception to the rule in that sense.
    Yeah yeah, quit showing off :P i was just trying to keep it simple (and in reference to animation time as the OP originally asked about)

    Interesting avatar by the way.
  7. Note Hide refreshes itself in 8 seconds, where normal stealth powers refresh after 10 seconds.
  8. Rajani Isa

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    this is reasonable.
    if you manage to get yourself banned, you forfeit your name rights.
    With some time limit - there have been bans that were reversed due to errors and situations not the account owners fault.
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I think he's from Texas. How different is their film rating system?
    Well, to start, Texas did have a certain political organization release a mission statement saying they are against teaching Critical Thinking skills...
  9. IIRC, the ONE exception to this rule is the T9 in Dual Pistols - but that's because to get the Animation-time-defense-bonus to work right, the power's duration starts right away.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    If I'm reading this correctly yo're saying when you try to send a "Tell" to another player you are getting a confusing message that says to get the "Power Level 2 Pack".

    I'm guessing that means you haven't unlocked the Tier 2 paragon rewards yet. You need to assign two Paragon Reward Tokens to unlock the ability to send tells to other players.

    Here's the wiki page that explains Paragon Rewards.

    You don't need to assign tokens to earn the tier bonus, merely earn enough tokens, total, for each tier bonus.
  11. The big thing to know is the search auto-discards three or less letter words.

    Such as "DXP"
  12. 10% IS 10% - just realize that regen buffs are good because a) they increase your HP recovery, and b) does so in a way that improves your survival in two ways (getting the regen tick sooner can make you survive that next hit, vs simply getting a bigger one later)
  13. Rajani Isa

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    If the account holder logs into the game before anyone else tries to claim a name then all the names on his account are reset as beng unavailable.
    Actually, the pre-existing scrip required you to log into each character so flagged to reset said flag. Such characters were discernible by their lack of an avatar showing on the character select screen.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    lol, thanks.

    So Absorb HP is essentially a second and separate HP stat unaffected by mechanics that would normally affect the main HP stat.
    In other games it would be a "shield" or "Forcefield" stat.
  15. Rajani Isa

    Name wipe

    If they run it again, they should just do all names, any level, and only accounts that are banned.

    Which probably won't free much.
  16. Just to see how much attention I was paying as I logged in.
  17. Rajani Isa


    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    And I think you did it all without any of the following as the sole content of your posts.


    And I think the estimated number of posted words may be a bit on the low side.
    You sure? I think there might of been one or two (as a joke).
  18. Rajani Isa

    VIP to Free.

    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    You lose the ability to pay your base rent unless they changed that (find a trusted VIP), and you lose access to all incarnate content plus some of the missions in the new zones (first ward for example).

    You will also lose access to some characters but not many, if you've unlocked 14 extra slots, you'll probably have access to 16 characters.
    Fixed :P

    And it doesn't take much - advertise that you need help, give newbie members the ability to pay rent, and there you go.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Oh god. I wasn't in highschool in the 80s, but I did catch the tail end of LOGO.

    In a way, I kind of miss that etch-a-sketch turtle.
    I remember my mom buying a 10 poker game on a disk, and finding our 486 couldn't play it (36MHz required, ours was 25) and being amazed at the zip drive - a disk that held 4/5s of our old computer's hard drive - on the computer she then went to buy to play her poker game (one of the original Vaios - even had a coax connection for TV!)
  20. My first computer was rocking dual external 5.1 drives.

    I remember updating dos, later, on our intel based machine. And getting modem drivers to work.

    I also recall waiting in anticipation for the AOL Nickelodean zone to finish downloading, thinking it was awesome it wasn't charged against our time (couldn't do anything else online while it was downloading)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    I asked about this and was informed it should be 4x.

    Sure? isn't such usually 3x? In games, x2 +x2 usually equals x3.. (aka +100% + +100% = +200%)
  22. the iApp has been working decently for me *shrug* - just needs a way to refresh the connection in-app.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    It took me about 5 minutes to get the OoTS reference.
    How many times did you refresh my avatar?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
    if i24 is a "Fix Everything" issue... they should REALLY get rid of "redraw".

    Its an old old old issue ive had with COH...
    Well, it was either Retcon shields out of existance, or keep redraw.

    Guess which they picked.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't think it was ever explained when the costume toggles first arrived. I have a sneaking suspicion there is no reason: at least no specific restriction that mandates it. It may have been done that way for certain expediency reasons, but I can think of no practical reason why even then with the tech available at the time they needed to be exclusive of stealth powers.
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    I think that some of the earlier powers like this were used in arcs and DID affect Stealth, so it seemed as if you were costumed as one of them and could pass through their base.

    If the other costume toggles are based on that, then they may all be considered "Stealth" powers, even though they don't change your Stealth any. If that IS the case, they may be able to make it work more like Granite Form.
    That sounds right to me. The very first costume power was the Freakshow power that stealthed you - and so it would of received the "no-stealth" flag as a matter of course. I could see the power's +Stealth being overlooked and the "no Stealth" carried over.