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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    To see for sure when you got points, log into the NCsoft Master Account site, click on "Billing Summary" on the right side, then at the bottom it will tell you when you were awarded points. Verify against your billing details to see if you're actually missing some points, or are just having a derpy moment.
    I did verify that I'm missing points. I checked it after reading the thread in the News Discussion forum about points being awarded late. I thought that maybe the points were late, or I mistook certain stipends for the wrong date.

    However, I checked again, and confirmed that the two records don't add up. One entry states that I bought a month of subscription on March 22nd. The only entry on the bottom record, however, was my 400 points on the 16th of March, for the previous month. Nothing was listed after that.
  2. Hello folks. First, a bit of background. Because I tend to hop back and forth between CoX and another game, I only ever purchase a single month of VIP subscription at a time. After about 24 hours of subscribing, I cancel the recurring payment, as I don't want to risk forgetting and being billed for a month that I don't play. I thought this was okay, as it says I will continue to have VIP time until the paid month runs out. That park works fine.


    Once, possibly twice now, I have not gotten any of my monthly Paragon Points for the month(s) of time I purchased. The first time it happened was back around January. I'm not sure about that month, but I lean towards having not gotten the points. In March, however, I was awarded my 400 points on the 16th, a few days before my VIP time ran out. So, since I was going to stick around for another month, I purchased an additional month once it ran out. The billing date, as listed under my account management screen, was March 22nd. The total amount of points I had before I subscribed on the 22nd was 160. I have spent absolutely -no- points since that 160.

    Anyway, I was pulled away from the game for RL reasons, so my account ran through its subscription and reverted back to premium as usual. I just checked an hour ago today (May 7, 2012), and I still have only 160 points. That means that, despite more than an entire month of subscription time passing, I was not awarded any points at all. My account page verifies this, as it shows a record of me purchasing VIP time on the 22nd, but it shows no record under any of the records on that page that I received 400 paragon points at any time after the 22nd. It is the seventh of May, more than 30 days later (and my account is premium again), and I am still at 160 points.

    Has anyone else had this problem? I also hope for a CM response, as Avatea helped me out with another problem last year. I do also plan to contact live support by phone tomorrow, as I refuse to purchase a new subscription, or more points for that matter, until this issue is resolved and my points awarded.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Thanks for the info!

    I've come up with various builds, but have always stopped short of the character creation screen, afraid that, using ninjas, I won't be able to endure the large battles that I love both solo and on teams.

    But, what you folks have said gives me hope, so I'll go ahead and create one tomorrow and see how it goes. I'm torn between Dark Miasma and Thermal now, though. Heh.

    Again, thanks for the replies.
  4. Hi folks!

    Normally I play ranged masterminds (mercenaries, thugs, and robots), but it's too frustrating for me to play those types right now as they love to run into melee and die, despite whatever commands and/or macros I use.

    So I decided until they get fixed, I might try a ninja mastermind. The question on my mind, though, is this: Can ninjas, despite their lack of resistances, survive on higher difficulty and spawn size settings? I know they mainly use single target attacks, so I don't mind a longer battle so long as they can survive it.

    I think you'll ask what secondary I plan to use. I was thinking of using Dark Miasma, Pain Domination, or Thermal Radiation. Paired with those secondaries, and a player who knows how to control ninjas and keep them from running off, would they be able to survive large fights?

    I imagine Dark Miasma's ToHit debuffs would complement their inherent defenses, and Thermal Radiation would give them damage resistance as well as healing and damage powers. Pain I'm not sure of, but I enjoy playing healers.

    Anyway, yeah. The question is: Can ninja pets, paired with the secondaries I listed, survive large battles?


    EDIT- I solo most of the time, if that makes any difference.
  5. Thank you both for your answers!
  6. Hi folks!

    I'm working on a Fiery Aura tanker, and plan to take Burn. A couple questions, however.

    1) The patch notes said that there is high initial damage, followed by a few ticks of damage. When I look at the details on the in-game power page, it still says 13 ticks of X damage over 10 seconds. The scrapper version's details have the initial burst, though. Which do I believe?

    2) According to paragonwiki, Burn, at least pre-i18, did not require accuracy enhancements and did full damage. Is this still true? When I read the patch notes, I did not see anything saying that it does need accuracy now, but a post in the tanker forums hinted that it does.

    3) I've never played a Fiery Aura tanker far enough to get burn, but from what I've heard, it does quite a bit of damage. When looking at the in-game details, however, it does less than scorch damage. Is this intended, and the only advantage for burn is that it is AoE? Or is it neglecting to include the initial burst?

    Thank you all in advance for your answers.
  7. Hi folks!

    I use game cards for my account's playtime. Today happens to be the day that my account expires, which means I need to put the new card in. My problem is that, despite today being the expiration date, my account is still playable.

    If I add the 30-day card now, will it overwrite the little time I have left on my last card, or will it add onto it?

  8. Raizen_NA

    PC Advice Needed

    Hi folks!

    I'm using a pretty old PC right now. It's held up extremely well over the years, but for the new games coming out (Dragon Age, ME 1&2, Fallout 3(Well, these are out already, but you get my point)), I'm looking to buy a new one, one that I hope will last me for at least 5 years.

    I'm not experienced at all when it comes to building a computer, but I know several people who are, so that's not the issue. The same people say that it is better to buy a pre-built PC than design my own due to 1) Warranties and 2) Part Compatibility.

    So, I'm wondering whether or not this is true. I trust their experience with building computers, but I'm not quite sure that they're right in thinking that problems 1&2 mentioned above are so bad nowadays.

    Anyway, that's the type of advice I need.

    Thanks, folks!
  9. Quote:
    There is an amount of $ limit and number of transactions limit per day, or something like that, for a 24 hours period. That must be your problem. Try again in a day or so.
    Ok. Is that 24 hours starting after the initial transaction (the martial arts pack) or my latest attempt at 5:17?
  10. Hi all.

    I'm trying to purchase the valkyrie (mac) pack and the cyborg pack from the store. Last night, I successfully bought both a month of time and the martial arts pack. Using my second, unused debit card, I tried to purchase the valkyrie and cyborg packs, but was given this error:

    "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."

    That was last night at 10 P.M. I tried again later, a few hours later. No go. I tried again just now at 5:17 P.M. No go.

    How do I resolve this?
  11. Thanks for the reply, Werner. I'm not so discouraged about it after reading that. I love the character concept I have, but was worried that it might not work out. From what you've said, though, it looks like it will be quite fun.
  12. Hey folks! First, a little info about my playstyle. After gaining two level 50 characters through the mission team format, I found that continuing to level characters in that way to be dull for me. Plus, I found that I quite enjoy working through the storylines. So, since then, I solo most of the time, teaming only when someone is working through the same arc as me. I've turned into a roleplayer as well, so all the better. Also, for future reference, I use SO-level enhancements until I reach late game stuff. I am used to playing controller/debuffer-types, so scrappers are a bit different. I also start from scratch with every character influence-wise, so that when I reach level 50, it's more of an accomplishment.

    That said, one of the concepts I've come up with is a Broadsword/Shield Defense scrapper. I've run into a few problems with this.

    1) I've read that Shield Defense is squishy, though I've also read that this is partially remedied with Parry and full slotting.

    2) I can't seem to fit what I want into the build. There's no point in me posting a mids build, because I keep leaving something out.

    3) I'm not sure how to slot attacks. As a controller, only one accuracy was generally needed while solo, with the 90% base accuracy and all. As an earth dominator, I debuffed my enemies' defenses to the point where accuracy wasn't a problem.

    These are my main issues. Also, with twice-stacked parry, is health much of an issue? Do I need Aid Self? Can I fit in Tough/Weave without having to rest after each combat?

    Here's an idea of what I'm hoping to fit into the build.

    What I want in the build

    Slash (To be replaced with Hack once I have a good rotation)
    Whirling Sword

    Shield Defense:

    All but Grant Cover. I don't care for the final power either. It's nice, but I don't mind skipping it.

    Fighting (if there's room):


    Medicine (if there's room): Aid Self

    Leaping: Combat Jumping (I don't mind skipping a travel power)

    Those are the powers I want and hope to have. I just can't fit them together myself, as I'm not sure on how to slot the powers, and how to fit in the extra pools (if they're even needed). So, help would be much appreciated.

    Also, I ask that if you decide to help me with a build, that it be suitable to follow while I level up. This meaning that slots are assigned to the powers when they're needed most, if that makes any sense. You probably already know this, but some builds I see on this forum line up powers and slots with only endgame in mind, not caring about the order in which they assign the slots.

    Thank you for your time.
  13. Thank you all kindly for the advice. From what's been said, I think I should've beefed up my Fossilize a bit. I will apply this knowledge on my new character.
  14. Cool, thanks for the quick response! Now that you say part of it was the mission, I don't feel so bad about having such a rough time with it.

    I'll try that out on my next dominator. As for Domination, I use it the same way, but it seemed there was a mez-resistant lieutenant or boss guarding each hostage. At one part, there are three of the hostages each being guarded in an open cave, one of them having being the disgruntled lich.
  15. Hi all.

    I enjoy soloing. I enjoyed playing a controller (Level 50 Earth/Radiation). I seem to have a problem when trying this as a dominator. I did make it to twenty...four? as an earth/electricity dominator, but ran into a wall (aside from not enjoying the theme much).

    Bosses. I can handle minions and lieutenants, but bosses give me quite a lot of trouble that I didn't get on my controllers. The brick wall occured on Darrin Wade's story arc. At that point, I had Fossilize, Quicksand, Stalagmites, and Earthquake in the way of controls, and all available electricity assault attacks as well as Build Up. CJ and SL from Leaping and Swift, Health, and Stamina from Fitness. I also had a Kismet +6% Accuracy that I found.

    Anyway, onto the mission. Again, minions and lieutenants are cake. But I run into a boss. He puts up a furious fight. The nameless Lost boss barely noticed my Fossilize, Quicksand, and Stalagmites, and Earthquake was only a minor inconvenience. I managed to beat him, but he lowered me to 30-ish% health, and Stalagmites/EQ were now cooling down. No biggie, I run down the hole in the office building, then nearly fell over when there were two bosses (a generic hero and named Lost), along with a minion and possibly a lieutenant.

    This time, stalagmites did stun the minion, but the bosses shrugged it off and began with singularity and everything. The combo knocked me out several times till I couldn't wake up anymore, and then I had to run back from the hospital. Long story short, it took an hour, maybe two, to complete the mission, because bosses barely noticed my controls, and even if my Built Up attacks lowered their health, they lowered mine just as much or even had another boss to help kill me. Pulling from max distance didn't help either, as they remained in groups. (Oh, and liches aren't very grateful to their rescuers, heh )

    End of Story

    As a controller, that wouldn't have been a problem. I could debuff their tohit, defense, resistance, and damage to silly levels, or even heal myself. Controls worked better because my controls constantly overpowered, so mezzing even a Lost boss could be done quickly. My Ice/Empathy Controller took on two even-level Outcast bosses, Lightning and Stone-typed, only using critical controls and Healing Aura (Maybe one ice patch during that fight too).

    The inherent Dominator power didn't seem to help either. It was on a long cooldown, and -maybe- lasted for two fights at most. Then I had to wait the while for it to return.

    So what am I doing wrong? Was that just a difficult mission (You can find it on Paragonwiki under Darrin Wade, the one where you rescue an oni, 3k Kelvin, Bane something or other, etc)? I want to play a dominator, as I like the sets, but there seems to be a lack of defense and control that can only be provided if I invest greatly into inventions, which I couldn't at the time.

    Also, I've wanted to find a different dominator that fits me. I like Plant, Gravity, maybe Fire and Ice. I'm aware of Gravity's lack of control (Wormhole). I have fears of the assault sets, though, so I'm asking if the rumors are exaggerated or true.

    Thorn Assault- I reeeally like the look, but I hear, and read from a spreadsheet, that lethal and toxic are heavily resisted the further into the game I get. Is it really that bad, or can it be overcome (without the assistance of inventions)?

    Fire Assault- Not resisted very ofted, but it seems sort of slow. Flares (3 second recharge), Incinerate (10 second recharge), Fire Breath (16 second recharge), then fire blast (8 second recharge). Does this make for an okay attack chain? Also, and this goes for all sets: I'd love to slot recharge, but it seems I barely have room for the standard 2 Acc and 3 Damage. Sometimes, like in the case of my Earth/Electricity, I had to settle for only 1 Acc 3 Damage for each attack. What is the correct way to do this?

    Ice Assault- Also rarely resisted, but its damage doesn't seem to bloom until late, which annoys me. I prefer sets that bloom at even intervals throughout my career.

    Psychic Assault- I don't like the feel of this set, but even then, I've heard that Psi damage is one of the top most highly resisted damage types out there.

    Earth Assault- New, but similar to Thorns, does the smashing resistance of enemies lower its damage too much?

    These are my concerns for now. Please respond with answers and advice, veteran dominators.

  16. Hi folks!

    I'm rather new to the Dominator archetype (never made it past 17 with one). Right now, I'm creating an Earth/Fire dominator. I have a level 50 Earth Controller, so I understand the control aspects, but I'm not sure about the /Fire powers.

    As the title states, I'm wondering if Combustion is necessary in this kind of a build. It has a long animation time, slightly high endurance cost, and a moderately long recharge time.

    Also, I assume that Blazing Bolt is skippable? I plan to take all of the other powers. It's just these two that have me wondering.

    As for sets and stuff, I'm not worrying about that till 40+, though I may use what I pick up along the way. I usually use SO's/Basic IO's till 30, then frankenslot till 40, then worry about sets.
  17. Raizen_NA

    Proc Question

    Ok, I play a warshade. I found a recipe for Energy Manipulator: Chance to Disorient. If I were to equip this into Dark Nova, what would happen? Would I stun myself? Would it give my attacks a chance to stun? Or nothing?

    That said, if Dark Nova is a bad place to put it, where would be a good place?
  18. I think here is where the people in player questions were directing me.

    I'm a level 50 Thugs/Storm Mastermind, and my friend is a level 49 Claws/Dark Scrapper. We are looking for a supergroup or villaingroup that is interested in doing the Lady Grey taskforce (and in doing so, getting my friend to 50). I ask this because I'd prefer not to try a PuG.

  19. Thanks for the replies, folks. I decided to sell till 30, then get into IO's. I'm usually a solo player (I like the storylines, and I find few teams who do these types of missions), so I shouldn't have to worry about it interrupting my playtime too much.

    Also thanks for the TF info. My friend is now 4 bars into 49, and I want to do a taskforce with him to get him that last part. Unfortunately, we're not part of any supergroups, nor do we know anyone, so PuG's are all we have.
  20. Two-ish questions unrelated to each other.

    1) In your opinion, is it wiser to sell low level salvage and recipes and stick to regular enhancements, or should I invest in basic IO's? Some say wait till 30-35 to do the IO's, but I'm not sure.

    2) How long do the Imperious and Lady Grey task forces take?
    2.b) Would a level 49 scrapper, who's 2 bars into 49, be able to make 50 by the end of one of these task forces?

  21. I've been enjoying playing a villain, particularly the mastermind. However, a friend who plays hero-side almost has his first 50 (I've been teaming with him in RWZ), so he's about to start over with a Kheldian. So, I've decided to create and play a hero for awhile. I'll also mention I'm a roleplayer who enjoys the story arcs on villain side. Most, if not all, contacts have a story arc of some sort.

    I was looking through the CoH wiki and can't find near as many story arc contacts. All I see are random missions with no real storyline or importance. These missions are even shared by multiple contacts, if I read and understand correctly.

    I figure I'm missing something, so I'll ask here. Do you know of a chain of story arcs that will keep me going throughout my career? In other words, what are the good story arcs for each bracket (1-4, 5-9, etc).

  22. I have a few questions about the mastermind primaries. First, a little background. I like playing masterminds a lot, but until last weekend, never got one past 23. Before the build would mature, I would give up on the mastermind because it felt weak. So x2XP Weekend comes, and I reach 50 with my Thugs/Storm character. At 48-ish, I stopped with the AE Boss teams and went the rest of the way teaming with a friend in RWZ. We did the missions at level 5 difficulty. Now that I was actually up against something normal, I had a fantastic time with my mastermind. The build had matured, my pets were fully upgraded, and my enemies died quickly.

    That said, I want to play something just as fun and similar to that character. The things I liked were the damage (pets and lightning storm), survivability (Steamy Mist, Hurricane, Thunder Clap, sometimes Gale and Tornado), and the minor bit of healing. The fact that 4 of my pets (darn arsonist and bruiser) were ranged and out of the way of fatal melee blows helped tremendously.

    Now I want to try a new mastermind that I will level up normally (now that I have hope that things won't always be so dull). I'm not sure what combo to choose though. Also, I would like to note that each character I start receives no financial help from my other characters, which means I am in basic IO's or TO/DO/SO's till 30-ish, maybe longer (my 50 MM is in basic IO's and SO's, so no set bonuses at all).

    As for secondaries, I like active ones like storm and dark miasma. Trick arrow looks like a pale shadow of its controller and defender self, and it's a late bloomer, so I'm not too into that. Pain and FF sound rather boring to me. I don't like traps much at all. As for poison, I like it, but it means buying extra accuracies for powers that have the same abilities as autohit powers of other sets, but have a chance to miss and are only single target.

    The general questions that apply to each of these is: Are my observations correct? What are your thoughts and input?

    Thugs- I would prefer not to play the same primary twice.

    Mercenaries- I don't care for the first tier at all. They're nowhere near as cool as malta or crey. Spec Ops and Commando are fine, though. That aside, I like that they do ranged damage, but I dislike the lower damage and knockback (from the commando). Plus, since I start of my characters and play them with only their own money, I can never seem to afford the achilles' heel proc, and especially not lady grey's proc, when I need them most.

    Necromancy- It looks like a lot of fun, but it worries me. 1) 5 out of 6 pets are melee. They have resistances, but more exotic ones instead of the lethal/smashing I need more. As I saw with my arsonist, and even bruiser to a degree, melee attacks from a +2 enemy will destroy them in 2-3, sometimes 1, hits. If I play this set, I'll likely combine it with Dark Miasma. Will this be enough to keep my melee'ers from getting squashed often? 2) With the lich being mostly a control and debuff style pet, do the zombies and grave knights make up for this lack of damage in the third tier?

    Ninjas- They have defense, but no resistance (cept for the oni). So, in my eyes, it would be like having melee thugs. Also, I don't care too much for the style of the first two tiers. I love the control from the Oni, but the kicking and slashing from the first two just seem a bit dull.

    Robotics- I've heard many good things about this set. When I've tried it (I have a level 20 Robotics MM) though, they felt really sluggish. Combat went "Bzzt...long pause...Bzzt...long pause". Does combat become interesting? I know the assault bot is powerful (does his flamethrower really have a 6ish second animation time?). The secondaries that have synergy, traps and FF, don't really interest me much, which discourages me from playing this. Also, in my time at the AE building, I barely saw anything other than bots and thugs, which is kind of a bummer.

    Those are my observations and questions. I also ask that if you have a level 50 version of one of these sets (particularly mercs or zombies), that you post a link to it.

    Sorry for the length, but I am eager for input. Thanks.
  23. Thank you so much. By the way, do the walkietalkie.ogg's cover the summoning sound for spec ops and commando? (Haven't gotten there yet)