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  1. Quatermain


    I don't think pork bellies count as abs.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    On the ITF, don't stand still in a pile of 'em.
  3. Quatermain


    I think she insulted his face.
  4. Quatermain


    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Surely you jest.
  5. I like glad pbaoe's for the kb prot, or erad's for e/ne def + e/d/a triple, when doing IO's. Proc's are kind of spotty.
  6. Depends on how you play, and what epic pool. I went with cardiac on mine, but I have a lot of weakly slotted for end redux AoE, with fire mastery, and tough/weave/manuvers, plus hasten. If you don't have the extra toggles, you can probably go another way without issue, esp if you slot consume. If you have conserve power/pp, you can easily go with another.
  7. If I remember right, BillZ's numbers for EM included Gloom in the attack chain.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    You took the words right outta my mouth! Ooooh it musta been while you were kissing me! And I swear it's true I was just about to say Fire Aura
    When I listen to your heart, I can hear the scrapper; by the light of burn, not another moment to waste.

    I mostly agree with Uber, but Gads previously described toolkit of stuff FA has is pretty nice, if you don't mind kiting a bit you can do very well. It takes some non-scrapper challengy things for me to overcome some stuff shields probably wouldn't have trouble with, with 35 melee/28 ranged and another with 40 s/l, 30 e/ne.
  9. I really like fiery embrace with KM. I don't know that FA is the best in terms of damage, but it is very effective at damage and staying alive with a good build.
  10. Quatermain


    Merms doesn't look like I thought she did.
  11. Quatermain


    oh something, caught
  12. Quatermain


    Pretty sure you'd be debt free before the end of the first mission if you started at the debt cap. I am pretty sure Cai was correct in this case.
  13. Quatermain


    That was also my first thought.
  14. I think you should apologize to gad for insinuating that sort of thing, in a public place.
  15. The seagull is back!
    I have missed it.
  16. Quatermain


    I'd get to the HP cap long before I picked up aid self on a stoner.
  17. Quatermain


    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    You can think of me as a more charismatic version of you, if that helps.

    CHR is a dump stat.
  18. Quatermain


    Originally Posted by Pum
    My hero is Westin Phipps, however.
    Can I leave you bleeding in a freezing ditch?

    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    The first link is like you're channeling Pum
    Not sure the exact progression, but I'm pretty sure Pum picked that up from me. Ume, I think, used to tell me my voice was a little too deep and kind of creepy, or something along those lines. So I used to quote Silence of the Lambs in as flat and emotionless of a voice as possible to her, and later Merm, fairly often, just to be a jerk. Thought Pum started doing it after that and taking it a little further, but maybe it was a parallel development, or he really is a serial killer (prolly the most likely).

    the second one, you didn't post the vid of the guy with the wicked biceps.

    And triceps... and deltoids... and pectorals... and quadriceps... and you can't really see, but I bet gluteus too..
    So picky >.>, next time Ill try to feed your frankenstein.

    Good thing I did not try to burn down your house earlier.
  19. Quatermain


    Do I need a reason?

    You can be one that got away, though
    Enjoy your freedom.

    Can't post the ones I want to >.>