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  1. Pwnbringer

    DXP Price Spike

    Originally Posted by Xanatos_NA View Post
    Thanks Kitteh.

    Dammnit. Looks like I'm putting my brute on hold then.
    I'm just gonna spend the influence to get what I want for my shiny new 50. I have it to spend.... you're welcome.
  2. Pwnbringer

    Tanker Rivalry?

    I have been teams with my tank where there was another tank. I analyze thier build and make general assumptions as to what they can handle, and go from there. I will sometimes play lead if the situation calls for it, or support. But the tanks that come right out and say, "I'll lead!" are either really good at thier job or bound for a stupid mistake. In either case I will be keeping my eyes peeled, and react accordingly. I don't do what I want to do, I just do what's necessary.
  3. Pwnbringer

    Cold or FF?

    Between Apples and Oranges, the best fruit is the one you can squeeze more juice from. I think that's metaphorically speaking, I could be wrong though. I was never good at poetry.
  4. My ww jaw will drop when you post the pic of them sold.
  5. My first 50 is a Fire/Dev Blaster. And I can honestly say this. There is absolutely nothing else in this game that is funnier than Super Speeding into a mob with Stealth and nuking a mob before the tank runs in, only to see the tank arrive late.... stand there for 3 seconds wondering what happened.... and run to the next mob. Your job here is done.
  6. Pwnbringer

    Cold or FF?

    I've always viewed FF as a more passive playstyle and Cold as an active set. So, in light of my personal perception of both playstyles, I choose Cold. Now I'm sure more experienced players can find more active ways of playing FF, but for me, it's bubble, bubble X 7-----toggle up and blah, I'll attack things till dead. But with Cold, I like the buff/debuff abilities (at the risk of ruining someones costume contest) with some light attacking on the side.
  7. If there is anything about this game that I would consider unbalanced, it would be this. Tankers don't critical hit, Scrappers don't recieve an endurance discount when teammates are low on health, Defenders don't do double damage on held or immobilized foes, Controllers damage can't fire thier tier 1 and 2 attacks while mezzed, and Blasters can't taunt without the presence pool. Rediculous, I tell you! When will the devs fix this in efforts to balance this game? The Scrapper in this game is the only AT designed from launch to be the "solo" AT. Why is the word "Balanced" wasted when someone can't figure out how another AT can't do it as well?
  8. I have an Idea!.................. we cross the streams.
  9. Pwnbringer

    The Lone Bidder

    To exemp down in Bloody Bay and still keep my set bonuses, I would throw up a 1500 infl bid on a recipe or enhancement in that level range. Why wouldn't I? I am the only bidder and there is 0 for sale. Should one happen to be posted for more, I just might bid creep to get it. It would be very unlikely for that particular recipe to drop amidst my leveling. Given the time it takes to out-level that particular set. Just throwin it out there.
  10. Pwnbringer

    Storing Recipes?

    I bid 12 on these so-called worthless posts based on pure entertainment value.
  11. Assuming everyone that is WP has Combat Jumping, Weave, and that Steadfast thing.
  12. I'm currently seeking advice to better my niche finding skillz on my new show, "Pimp My Niche". ahthankyou
  13. Is the name "The Long Bowman" acceptable?
  14. Oh! I was thinking of another way to avoid the HUGE listing fee. ::teehee::
  15. A good tank (not necessarily mine), has the ability to give other AT's on the team the time and opportunity to really shine. When I jump head first into an 8-man mob and the controller locks them down and says, "Yeah, I did that!". When the blaster lobs AOE's and says, "Yeah, I did that!". When a defender lays waste in debuffs and buffs without fear and says, "You can thank me for that!" When the scrapper says, "I'll get the boss." And let's not forget the Peacebringers and Warshades that say, "Thank god I didn't have to go to dwarf form!" It means to me that the team can do what they do best with confidence. That is the only reason I play my tank. My Tank is awesome because it helps make the team awesome. "Yeah, I did that."