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  1. Because I'm pretty sure that they do not have the sirens running 24/7. I mean, I'm not positive, and I'm not an expert...
  2. I do use AE. I use it to do alternate content for leveling with fun and entertaining stories.
  3. Primarily because the PvP system in CoH is a steaming pile of [Censored].
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Hardly. Weeping definitively involves tears, and I've had none left for over a decade. Resignation is what I expressed.
    Really? Then what are the tissues for?



    ...I' over there...

    *walks out hurriedly avoiding eye contact*
  5. *grin* I see DE was on your team. /waves to DE
  6. Welcome back, Professor. The game definitely feels fresh after a while away, there's so much new stuff to try out.

    I can not recommend a Stalker enough right now. Sooooooo much fun after the changes!
  7. I see a few TW users out there still. I still think it looks and sounds absolutely stupid, but at least some people enjoy it. It does seem effective.

    Not too many DP users out there - I like the set, though.

    I see more BR characters than AR characters. Good set.

    Dark Control/Affinity are popular, definitely.

    The Stalker changes were a game change for me. I absolutely love my stalkers now, they are some of the most fun characters I've ever played.

    StJ is an amazing powerset with lasting appeal.

    I don't see many Grav users.

    Time Manipulation still seems OP to me, but it's a solid set. It's not nearly so unbalancing as I had feared initially. Very fun to play.

    I see more MMs with Beast Mastery than I've seen MMs in months. I have an intense dislike for any MM set that has noisy pets.

    You know what I don't see many of? Sonic Resonance. I pretty much never see that powerset used anywhere by anyone.
  8. I really enjoy the ITF for its frenzied action and Sutter for the mix of enemies and fun factor. Villainside I really enjoy the Barracuda, LRSF, Ice Mistral, Silver Mantis, and Operative Renault SFs.
  9. Psychoti

    Psychic Melee

    If I did I'd likely get in trouble. Apparently either someone is great with photoshop or there's been a massive leak, though.
  10. Psychoti

    Psychic Melee

    There was an interesting link posted during the Ustream chat today.

  11. I finally, finally get it. Manticore was behind all of it and it makes perfect sense. Why? Well, when you spell Manticore backwards it spells out Lord Nemesis, just with different letters.

    Wow. What a twist!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    3. I believe once the player uses his global unlocks they are permanently assigned to that server and cannot be reassigned by going VIP and dropping back to Premium.
    I can verify this with one caveat - your global slots are now server slots, but your characters are all locked and you can choose which ones you unlock.

    So say you come back to the game and are Premium and look at your character list: You have Vanessa, Albert, Monkeyboy, and Elroy. You can only unlock two of those characters with your global slots. You unlock Vanessa and Albert. You decide that the Incarnate system is something you really want to try out, so you go VIP for a month to try it out. While you are VIP you can also play Monkeyboy and Elroy and you decide that you like them better than Vanessa and Albert. Unfortunately, money's tight, and you let your VIP subscription lapse for another month. When you log in after your VIP subscription lapses you have 0 Global slots but 2 Server Slots to assign. All of your characters are locked once again and you decide to unlock Elroy & Monkeyboy. You stay a Premium customer for the next month, and your server slots do not lock again or give you a chance to reassign them, you've chosen Elroy & Monkeyboy so unless you go VIP again or purchase more character slots those are the two characters you may play (unless you delete one and use the slot to make a new toon).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    While I applaud your effort, you got the hair colour wrong. Should have been lighter.
    Well then it would look just silly.
  14. The main difference between Hipster Wolverine and Bieberine is that Bieberine is popular with women whilst Hipster Wolverine has breasts and was an "X-Man" before it was cool.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    Ar-Bieber-ter Hawk?

  16. Psychoti

    Good news.

    Originally Posted by Aleusha View Post
    I used to have Time Warner when I lived in SC. Getting them to do anything over the phone was a miracle. You have my sympathies.

    I've been with them ever since they absorbed the Adelphia office here... I forget how many years its been, but I have yet to receive my free e-mail addresses from them. Adelphia was the same way.
  17. Psychoti

    Good news.

    I live in North Carolina (North-Eastern area) and I have TWC's Roadrunner. Customer service over the phone/internet is utter garbage (speaking from experience) but all of their service technicians that have come out have been knowledgeable and very helpful. If the price is within your budget I'd go with them as the signal is pretty reliable most of the time.
  18. I mean the whole time I was expecting him to go,"*snikt* *snikt* Baby, baby!"
  19. Nothing really stuck with me, to be honest. They did answer some questions, and I did laugh out loud at some of the things. Like the barn-raising joke someone made, that was stellar.
  20. ....where did Dr. Aeon find the time to mix the DNA of Justin Bieber and Wolverine?
  21. I'd be against making it for T9 Premiums as that would somewhat defeat the point, but I do support the division of parts of the system as separate entities in the market.

    I like how I said that as if it would ever happen, heh. I mean, what's the point of charging through the nose for it if you're just targeting a small portion of the consumer base? Make it available to purchase for everyone at the same price, make more money.
  22. Isn't the Leprechaun pet also for all of your characters? The Alpha, Judgement, Destiny, Interface, Lore, and others would each cost $2.50 per character. This would mean a sizeable investment should you want to fully incarnate a single character or more.
  23. I also forgot to mention I'd make each power slot unlockable in the store (you'd still have to get the iXP) for 200 points, per character. That's $2.50, right?
  24. ...and I know it most likely never will be... how much do you think it should be made available for (and how), and how much would you be willing to pay for it?

    This is not a serious marketing question or anything like that. I know full well this will never come to pass and I don't particularly want it to but I've heard a lot of people talking about it in groups in-game so I'm a little curious what people here think about it.

    Keep in mind this isn't a "Should the Incarnate System be put in the Paragon Market" thread. This is assuming it is going to be, and your input on the cost for the system. Would it be parceled out, piece by piece? Would it be a monthly license? So on and so forth.

    I'd think it should be parceled out piecemeal via a series of purchases. Say $5 monthly access which would just give you access to the system (incarnate drops like shards & threads from regular content). Another $10 to unlock the Dark Astoria missions. Another $5 per iTrial. The only monthly license would be the $5 Incarnate Access one, the others would be permanent unlocks. Would I be willing to make this sort of investment? Possibly. The downside to this is that it would likely make people gravitate to only a few iTrials and thus would be a very poor idea overall.

    What's your take on it?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I do see the requests for a calendar detailing the release schedule for the Month ahead. I'll bring this suggestion to the business team. A consideration to remember; this would involve changing the website which takes months to accomplish.
    I think this, if it could be done, would help a lot of people decide when to save their points and when to to spend them. I've noticed a lot of people in-game annoyed and frustrated by that sort of thing.

    I do know that even as a Premium player I'll be forking over some dough the next time Character Slots come up on sale. I've got several new character ideas fermenting.