what new powersets, powerset and AT fixes have stuck with players?




When a powerset or AT is changed there is a flurry of people trying it out. Having been past that initial flurry what new/changes in the past 6 months or so have had players stick with them?

Titan Weapons - still seem them around. Not a huge amount but more than their share of melee sets. Seem to be popular

Dual Pistols - rarely see them, seems unpopular

Beam Rifle - rarely see them, seems unpopular

Dark Control/Support - see it fairly often, seems popular

Stalkers - still uncommon but see them a lot more than I used to. Probably see them as often as MMs.

Street Justice - I can't recognize it, so I don't know

Gravity - I don't really spot it, so I don't know.

Time - I still see this a bit. Seems reasonably popular but not massively so

Beast Mastery - I haven't seen this in a week. Seems to have just died off



The Stalker changes are the most significant to me.

As for power sets, Street Justice, and Staff caused love to bloom in my heart.

Types of Swords
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I see a few TW users out there still. I still think it looks and sounds absolutely stupid, but at least some people enjoy it. It does seem effective.

Not too many DP users out there - I like the set, though.

I see more BR characters than AR characters. Good set.

Dark Control/Affinity are popular, definitely.

The Stalker changes were a game change for me. I absolutely love my stalkers now, they are some of the most fun characters I've ever played.

StJ is an amazing powerset with lasting appeal.

I don't see many Grav users.

Time Manipulation still seems OP to me, but it's a solid set. It's not nearly so unbalancing as I had feared initially. Very fun to play.

I see more MMs with Beast Mastery than I've seen MMs in months. I have an intense dislike for any MM set that has noisy pets.

You know what I don't see many of? Sonic Resonance. I pretty much never see that powerset used anywhere by anyone.



I've tried them all. I am a Brute at Heart. Street Justice is almost perfect, but i do not like combo systems, so close but no cigar. You left out Dark Blast, which I sorta like, but i need to rework my concept for that character and find a Blaster strategy (other than my preferred ranged AR/Nrg) that i can live with. There is another Grav Dom in my future, or maybe I will bite the bullet and finally run a troller using Grav's changes as the impetus for that. (Probably happen this year)