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  1. I PL my characters and I'm not ashamed to say it. The problem is that I just flat-out do not enjoy the early levels of the game anymore. I typically stop PLing at 22, get some SOs, then do some of the great arcs in those levels, then pick up PLing again closer to 30 until I get to 35 or so. If there's a fun TF going on (like ITF or Sutter) I'll join in on those because I enjoy those.

    I ******* despise the Synapse TF and will never run it again on any character unless/until the TF is changed.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I keep telling Arbiter Hawk Halitosis Burst should really be a cone, not an AoE, but he really wants that power to have eighty feet of range.
    Halitosis Burst? Don't you mean Hork Miasma?
  3. Did anyone happen to write down the address for the Logitech contest rules? I did not.
  4. Totally forgot about the coffee talk today, dangit. Going to watch the recording now.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Ok I'll say it. The amount of time people have spent dealing with the pee blaster issue is really disturbing. WTH is up with you people.
    I'm not surprised by the piddle puddle pity party, nor the piddle puddle party poopers.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
    I like a lot of the character animations, they look real nice. I will be getting this set.

    Thanks Zman for the post.

    Yeah, thanks Zombie Man for posting this. I can't get on Beta so it's nice to see things that are coming out, even if I'm not terribly interested in them. It's really cool to see so many people hyped up for this set.
  7. So I guess I'm the only one that thinks it looks visually appealing, but very underwhelming in the 'impact' factor? I mean... nothing (except perhaps the geyser/groundpunch thing) looks like it would really hurt any of the targets. Maybe it'll look better in-game with all the sound effects and reactions.
  8. Psychoti

    Freebie Friday

    I was not enthused by the XP Booster. But then, I sincerely doubt I'd be enthused about anything short of a character rename/character slot. And that would be bad business for them all around, giving out things that expensive for free.

    I think it was a successful test, though. It makes sense for them to give people a "taste" of something that they may decide they like more of. I wish they had the same approach with the incarnate system, maybe letting premiums get a t1 Alpha slot (and limit the amount of salvage they can accrue, of course). Then again, that probably isn't a good idea either.

    I'm pretty 'meh' on the whole thing, really. Who does it hurt? Nobody. Who does it help? Everybody, to differing degrees.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Post it!

    Imgur won't take it because it's over 2MB, and tinypic is being a jerk to me So you'll have to wait for me to find a better service.

    In the meantime, here's some random [Censored] kissing Zwill like there's no tomorrow.


    You may have to click the image for it to start playing in a new window. Also, the lighting was pretty poor... obviously :P
  10. I just found this in one of my folders as I was clearing stuff out.

    Not sure when I made this, or if maybe someone else did. /shrug. Anyway...

    No clue why I'm posting this here, either. Apparently I also have a gif of Arbieber Hawk beatboxing.
  11. When it started on Virtue I logged and read a book. Really not interested in yet another invasion. Really, the whole "spawn enemies on you/groups of heroes" thing they seem to use for every new event is old, old old.

    That said, a lot of people enjoy them so I don't expect them to change. If they didn't spam all 4 of my chat tabs during the events then I wouldn't have had to log out, though.
  12. Totally forgot about the UStream today. Curses!

    Edit: Started watching it and looking at the chain mail... who the heck wears their chain mail so tight that you can see every detail of their musculature?

    Also, if my chain mail is that tight you are going to see a bulge. It's gonna happen.
  13. Thank you for posting that. I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to those at all (doesn't mean I hate them, I just don't want/need more insp stuff).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    Could you maybe post it here? Not all of us schmucks filling this out have access to those forums
  15. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    I was disappointed that nobody mentioned Brickstown. Brickstown could be a new hub for both Heroes and Villains with an integral focus - the Zig. There could be a new zone event - Prison Riot. New Story Arcs with Heroes attempting to reinforce the Zig and perhaps solve some of the security issues it is having (is the Warden on the take?) while Villains are at cross-purposes with the Heroes (busting out allies or lackeys). New Trial for the Zigg - a former Arachnos power is attempting to foment a riot to cover his escape. Villains grudgingly assist Heroes in preventing this as they have their own interests in keeping the status quo in the Rogue Isles.

    There's just a heck of a lot of content that could be brought forward with a content revamp of Brickstown without changing too much of the zone. The only zone alterations I'd suggest would be a Crey Area in the South side, where they have patrols guarding some of their facilities. The rest of Bricks would be taken over by rival gangs and factions that already exist there with each gang/faction having their own 'territory', with NPC battles at their borders. I'd extend the level range to make it from 31-42/43.
  16. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
    Any word on updates or changes to Bases?
    I don't want to put words in their mouths but they acknowledged that there is player interest and that they have to take things very slow because bases are a huge beast that is pretty fragile and easy to break entirely with the wrong small changes.
  17. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
    I find it annoying that interesting Control sets were argued, then someone comes along for a Radiation set, says "It's Radiation..." and that's picked.
    If you're talking about Air Control I didn't find that particularly interesting. Magnetism did sound interesting, though. Really though, more armors would be pretty interesting considering they could be used by Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers, & Stalkers instead of just Controllers & Dominators.
  18. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    I think my sound card is fried, I'm having to go to the store to get a new one + speakers or headset. Seeya later, sucks I'm going to miss this panel
  19. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    Filk singer LIVE. Yes, Filk. Arbiter Warrant. Mike Simpson.
  20. Psychoti

    Player's Summit

    Wondering if someone will do some play-by-play or bulletpoints. I talked a little about it in-game. Now, however, I'm listening to music videos. Here are some highlights from the Keynote:

    (these aren't in order)

    -Protean went Ki-yi-yi like a coyote. I'm not exactly sure why, karaoke isn't until later.
    -Zwill asks us to try to be surprised when Posi announces the new upcoming powersets Water Blast, Nature Affinity, Bile Armor.
    -They ask us to be professional about the colors we use with Water Blast. Fat chance, kimosabe.
    -New market items, 'amplifiers'. I didn't hear what they're supposed to do which is somewhat ironic.
    -3rd & 4th enhancement trays will be available.
    -New costume pieces include new tights, Cyberpunk, and the Leather & Chainmail sets. -Cyberpunk has a new duster/trenchcoat that's in the jackets category.
    -New Summer Event will be a "Double Feature" where you and your team are in the movies, playing different roles within the movie. The first is "Casino Heist". The roles mentioned were Theif, (?)ifter, Hitter, and Hacker. Think "Ocean's 4". The second is "Time Gladiator". Couldn't hear much about it other than you can get a Ninja Monkey badge.
  21. Many of the SGs will have contact information in their description at the SG Registrar. Like, "contact @so-and-soface for more information".
  22. Not all the panels were recorded, which was a major beef with some of the people that were unable to attend. I haven't been following the Player Summit news too closely so I'm not sure if they're recording all of them this year, but I know they heard our views on it from last year.
  23. Have you tried running Mids as administrator?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    This. I think Virtue may have surpassed Freedom as the most populated now.