64 -
The real question is -- is any of this stuff even potentially able to be changed before it goes live? The crappy animation or the extremely lackluster damage?
Elec really doesn't do enough damage, Thundesrstrike, Havoc Punch and Jacobs Ladder aren't nearly as powerful as other attacks like Bonesmasher, KO Blow or Heavy Mallet
Oh and BTW I hate the animations, gg recyc;ed animations
Charged Brawl == jab ...boring
Havoc Punch == what is that? Haymaker? Bonesmasher? I forget.
Jacobs Ladder == ok new, its not bad
Thunderstrike == Total Focus? Looks ridiculous. (sounds good though)
Please if you guys are gonna make us wait 6+ months for an Issue and claim you dont have much "animation time" actually make good use of the little time you have and devise entirely NEW animations for entirely NEW sets. Really, this doesn't look professional. Do something new, geez. -
FIRST THING: I want the devs to take their time with I7, seriously. Take your time. No rush, get it right, yadda, yadda.
SECOND THING: That said the inmates are getting restless.
THIRD THING: Like the subject line says, how about a quick Q&A with Positron (like his recent badge thread) where we're allowed to throw out questions and Positron answers as few or as many as he wants. Just friendly, perhaps we sic Clintonian on anyone who trolls (since Happy Fun Taser is out of that business).
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I'm crazy busy right now, but I'd be happy to answer a few questions, as long as none of them are "when is I7...?"
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When is I7?
Just kidding -- How about talking about the new costume options being available in I7?
There have been mention of a few but then we got a few surprises like the robot shoulder pads, anything else we haven't seen in screenshots, Posi? -
You guys are getting kind of off-topic here. . . I'm surprised no one flamed my post, guess the OT banter is more interesting. :P
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I can't see anything to argue against in your post.
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Not everything needs to be against, you can also contribute or follow up on what I've said, or if you're more articulate it, word it better so that it may be of use to developers reading the thread.
Also according to Cuppa on the w00t radio interview when asked about community input affecting dev decisions, she mentioned it was more likely to occur if many people were in agreeance with a specific issue, without any real challenge to that.
I really expressed the TA situation in generalities, maybe you have specific ideas on how it could be improved as a better debuffing set. Who knows... -
You guys are getting kind of off-topic here. . . I'm surprised no one flamed my post, guess the OT banter is more interesting. :P
Heres my 2 cents: I'm not sure how Castle or any other player can approach possible changes as "it would be too unbalanced" -- Hardly ANYONE plays TA / x or TA/A isn't that quite a indication of how POOR the set is? It doesntn eed some little touch ups it needs a serious buffing. As others have mentioned some of the powers in the other Defender primary sets are pretty powerful. TAs mere USEFULness is debatable. That isn't exactly a good sign.
The idea is simple, TA should be designed as the /BEST/ debuffing set in the Defender primaries. It has 0 buffs, 0 heals, 0 rezzes, its all debuffs, naturally it should do this the BEST as a sacrifice for not contributing to the team in the way of buffs, heals or rezzes. Thats what it brings to the table -- by design it is a Debuffer, and it NEEDS to act like one. It would NOT be unbalanced if TA could debuff better than any Defender primary, it doesnt have to like some seriously severe margin or anything, because the best debuffing Defender primaries do it pretty well already, but it needs to at least be on that level. Not BELOW, it has lesser debuffs than other sets that not only have better debuffs, but heals, buffs, and rezzes.
It's a really clear cut issue and im not sure how the Devs haven't acknowledged that. This set is obviously not working as it should. The devs always design the sets meticulously: if you're getting this and that you're losing out on this etc... But TA doesnt follow that design, it LOOKs like it was designed to be a Debuffer, with nothing else, but it doesn't perform like one. It doesn't get the power in its debuffs as it should for trading off what it does.
Wheres the arguement? It's plain and simple.
I can't see how anyone can argue that point -- we all know what happens when something is useful, everyone plays it, people do the opposite with TA, they RUN away from it. It is the JOKE of the Hero side. I'm not sure there is a set in all of COH that performs worse at what it was meant to be doing.
If you have to look for reasons to argue that TA is merely useful, it's a clear indication theres a severe issue here.
BTW, The reason im a bit snarky in my post is because I've pretty much been waiting since launch for the possibility of a Bows set and to see that finally come true and be total suckage is sad, even worse it wasn't implemented in the Corrupter set (where it of course makes MUCH more sense if its to be a complete Debuffer set.) So yeah im quite passionate about seeing it get fixed, I know a snarky post probably won't help that, but I keep quiet a lot and I finally got the nerve to say something (I don't post much for fear of being flamed :P) -
Under the watchful eye of Lord Recluse, a select few villains have survived long enough to earn a place in the elite inner circle of Arachnos. Forging close bonds with one of Recluses top agents, these once fledgling villains have gained access to new and more dangerous powers. With their newfound strength, villains are now able to unleash chaos and mayhem onto the very streets of Paragon City itself.
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Interesting, so Mayhem missions are locked to level 40+ players only apparently.
Looks like I need to start PLing.
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Why would you expect otherwise? The only reason lvls 41-50 werent in at launch were because they lacked the content. Mayhem Missions are part of that content I guess :P -
What is the MASTER THIEF badge for? And is it currently attainable? Whats the scoop? -
If only TA/A was as deadly as these Wyvern guys make it seem.
Seriously Devs, take a note, TA/A Defenders or Archery blasters would probably love to be as deadly as these guys :P -
They just might be changing things around for temp powers (like the new lowbie ones) to try and have origins be more meaningful.
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You know the ironic thing? The lowbie science origin temp power is less useful than the others. Why you ask? Well, in CoH, a science origin fights Vahzilok for the first 5 levels. Zombies are inherently resistant to the Foe Sleep in Tranq Dart. So, most of the time, the Tranq Dart does nothing other than minor damage. It's a bit frustrating...
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It's a gift -- we all did fine from 1-10 for the last year+, you'll manage. Take what you can get and be happy with it. Geez...some people.. -
So any of these badges have any character effects yet? Like +END or anything at all? No discoveries?
Honestly think its nonsense MB and Subdue have been underrated as they are. Granted the other sets have better newbie blasts but how the hell can you say subdue sucks? Hi..uh its got an immobilization, and does the same level of damage as any of the other newbie attacks, and oh wow the activation time is 2 seconds..big deal, as soon as I hit it, it pretty much fires off, Mental Blast is slow yes but its pretty nice with the foe -recharge.
In the real world, if we were to encounter an individual or many who could engulf their hands in flames, or shoot lasers from their eyes, undoubtedly it would cause quite the commotion.
In City of Heroes, it's the opposite. The heroes are the norm, and the more 'normal' characters stand out a bit more.
Enter Paragon City P.D. SWAT Team. This SG exists to basically be the PC (player-controlled) part of the NPC/environment Paragon City PD. Since we are all heroes no matter what our AT's, instead of being a group of beat cops. We are PC PD's elite, a SWAT Team.
Paragon City is a bit more advanced than our real world's cities, for example PC PD has the Police Drone by Portal Corporation. So there are some leniencies in terms of restrictment.
Our SWAT Team exists as 'normal' people with extraordinary ability in their field of law enforcement that have been adapatively trained to deal with the ongoing Rikti threats as well as the organized crime / thug threats in Paragon City. Although we all know that we are still in the background and the heroes are in the foreground, we exist to show that Law Enforcement has not entirely been given over to the superheroes.
An Outline of SWAT and it's requirements:
*- We are a Role Playing SG. We aren't RP Nazi's, but we are looking for players who view RP as a pleasure and not a chore.
*-This will require an alternate character unless your current character is high level and you happened to follow our uniform conventions randomly. (One of our members is in this boat)
Naming Conventions: Sgt, Pvt, Officer, Lt., Tactician (Tcn.), Specialist (Spc.) (or variations therein I.E. Sergeant as opposed to Sgt, etc.) and last name.
Origins: Natural or Technology. (We stress on Natural because we want to be fighting more of the non-robotic type of organizations, but you are free to take Tech if you so desire)
Blaster: Assault / Devices
Scrapper: Martial Arts/X (anything) or Claws/X
We are in need of 1 Tanker with Super Strength. (Robotic arm(s), technology origin)
***Controller: Gravity/Empathy. We have currently a SWAT "GravBot" basically something donated to PC PD by Crey Industries. If our members grow significantly we may allow for another variant of such a bot.
Power Pools: You are free to take any of the pools you wish, sans Travel powers. Travel power restrictments are either Teleport (Portal Corporation) or Flight ("Jetpacks" like in minority report)
That is the uniform example. The colors are: Hat, jacket, pants, etc are "slate blue" this is the blue 3rd from the left on the line above the "Dark blues". The underpadding of the flak jacket should be black.
Gloves can be whatever you desire.
Same for eyewear/face details (nothing ridiculous though.)
Hat is required (but if you really dont want one I'll waive that) Hat options are : bandana, forward cap, backwards cap, beret.
Belt has to be either Tactical 1 or 2. The pouches should be black and belt silver, but if you forget it's okay. (just nitpicking)
Chest detail can be any of the bandolier or tactical's. You can also use the "scale" (Justice scale I.E. Libra) as its our emblem anyways.
If you have any further questions, please respond, I will field them here. You can contact me in game my name is Capt. Xavierov
Nikolai Xavierov,
Over and Out.
Thanks for your time! -
[What server are you guys on?]