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  1. "Well...let's see....where to begin...The jerk over there is more of a playboy than you, though he beats you when it comes to sexual harrasment. So, after I had helped him kill some clockwork princes, he uses his powes to stun me, and then make it look like he saved me. The jerk is as false as a politicians promises, he would've been lying in a hospital right now if it wasn't for me and the sniper up there..."
    The air around Frost was as ice cold as a winterday, even though it was a rather warm summerday. The "make-up" she had earlier added had changed radically, emphasizing her cold hate rather than her fragile beauty.
    "Ofcourse he also added the fact that I was his fiance. Actually that was the worst part.... so, I decided to give him a little "present", which I believe he is still very much suffering from. Once I can think straight again, I will work out a more creative punishment..."

    The food Icegun had given her was now cold, a fact that didn't seem to bother her at all as she started eating.
  2. Frost landed besides Sly. While she could not understand sign language, she could here that one of the reporters translating for the rest. It had NOT been worth it. She had to admit that she got a microscopic piece of respect for Jack, seeing how he managed to sneak out of that one. No worries, she would get revenge later. It had been foolish to try and take it then and there, better than most, she knew that revenge was best served ice cold.

    She looked at Sly. "I am expecting a big bonus for this. A VERY big bonus"
  3. ohh yes...happens to me all the time...getting beyond 14 is my problem... In my experience you just need to find a really good char concept that can last a while
  4. ((ehh...technically Fire Mistress is indeed off Sly...she's standing, he isnt...
  5. Frost was, to say the very least, furious. She had absolutly no intention of donating any of her money to anyone but herself. Ofcourse she could just ignore Jack's promise. No, what really got her cold hatred rolling was the fact that he had used her for this media stunt. Well, she could play that game as well.

    Frost smiled warmly to the press as she turned to Jack, wrapped on arm around his neck, and.... kissed him passionately. Her tongue opened up Jacks teeth, he was obviously expecting something quite different. Her other hand went down to touch a place between his legs. She breathed in through her nose, and breathed out, icecold, freezing Jacks mouth, effectively shutting him up. Her other hand froze a rather essential part of Jacks body.
    The press was clapping and taking pictures. This was great stuff! Ofcourse they didn't notice any of Frost's tricks. She let go of Jack as she whispered in his ear: "I warned you."
    Then she turned to the press, smiling warmly. "Jack is very romantic and old fashioned, actually he promised me he wouldn't drink alcohol til we are 2008." This was indeed a perfect revenge, and almost worth it, just one more thing...
    "We wanted to marry before that ofcourse, but Jack is going to Africa to help the children there for the next four years."
    Now, it had been worth it. "I have some buisness to do, so I'll leave you alone to interview Jack about it. Goodbye honey" She looked at Jack and a smile more fake than that of a politician came over her lips. She took off towards the FSS guys. She was indeed about to ask for a bonus. A BIG one.
  6. Mistress looked, rather suprised at Fox.
    "I never thought I'd be glad ending up in this position with you" She sent Fox a grin and got up. "I was just dropping by" another grin passed her lips. She took a chip out of her hair. "Damn tinkertoys. Next time I see a commercial from duracell, I'll fry the TV"

    Mistress looked around at the others. "Howdy. I'm Fire Mistress, but most just call me Flame"
  7. She looked down at the group. A side effect from her powers, was (peculiarly) that she had a very good sense of hearing. From what she had gathered, it had something to do with her abillity to create forcefields.

    "Demons?" She looked suprised. "They have DEMONS in their group? Bleh! And I was just about to.... urgh!" She had let her shield down in surprise, not really a wise idea, not even on a rooftop. A clock work had used the oppertunity to (litterally) jump her. She lost balance and with a clock work attempting to choke her, she moved far too quickly towards the ground. This was going to hurt....a lot.
  8. The girl looked down at Sly and the others. She was still in doubt about his offer, how would she feel about working for profit hero group?
    She had been raised on socialistic, if not communistic principles, and while she was certainly not a communist, she didn't like liberalism either. While she liked her new home country, she had never been blinded by it.
    When she thought about it, she couldn't really think of a good reason to join with the FSS..... on the other hand, there wasn't a really good reason not to.
    She sighed. This would probably ruin her sleep.
  9. How about "Official Munchkin server"?
    Ohh...wait...nevermind...we would have to send half the players there.... :P
  10. When she thought about it, she could still remember the cold vast beauty of the Siberian desert where she spent the first few years of her life. There had been several families like hers in her home town. It had been one of a few hidden towns where the families of great soviet superheroes live, safe and away from possible danger. Had the western powers gotten these children, it could have seriously compromised the soviet superhero program.
    Her own parents were great heroes, members of the Soviet Defenders of the Motherland and some had claimed her father could have taken on Statesman himself, something her father knew was definitely not true. Together with his wife however, it might be a different tale. Both her parents had loved the motherland and the idealistic idea of communism. They were so devote that they were often referred to as "The flame and shield of the motherland", however at the end of the cold war, the situation changed completely.
    Both her parents had been induced with several gene-manipulating drugs, results of the newest science (some years later, some of this technology escaped to America, helping greatly in the creation of Supes). Apparently this had changed the genetics of their little daughter, giving her special powers. They wouldn't manifest themselves till many years later, however the government had more or less anticipated this, and every children in the hero towns were tested on a regular basis. When they discovered her potential, the department for superhuman research immediately took a very keen interest in her. She was to be trained, to become a machine of war. With more drugs, cyborg implants and her already altered genes, it was their hope to create something so powerful that it would make the world tremble in fear.
    Her parents might have let this, they might have let the government take away her say in what life she was going to have, however at the same time a plan was taking form, a plan known as "October Sun". The Soviet union was loosing the cold war, corruption, greed and plain ignorance had ruined the idealistic foundation of the union. Some were angry, thinking that the government shouldn't have given up so easily in the conflict some years earlier (the one where Statesman was hit by a ballistic missile). They were desperate, if the union fell apart, taking the communist party along with it, what would become of them and their rich lives?
    One of these men was general Nikolay Rykov, also known as The January Blizzard (referring to the great battle in 1943 where the Red Army defeated the Germans near Stalingrad). His plans to save "the communist way of thinking" was not based on fanaticism, they were based on greed. Were they successful there was a good chance he would become leader of the USSR, and perhaps the world. The plan was as simple as it was cruel: the best and the brightest of the soviet heroes would join in a small but lethal attack group. They would fly over the pacific ocean, guarding a squadron of bombers, armed with poison gas, nuclear bombs and 3 new variants of the lethal ebola virus. In short an attack with every weapon of mass destruction available, set to destroy every major city and military base in north America. At the same time, another group of "heroes" would attack Western Europe, disabling any and all nuclear weapons. Her parents might have been persuaded into doing this, if The January Blizzard played on their feelings regarding their motherland, it was very likely they would have agreed, however they could not accept this and the abuse of their daughter.
    They realised that the government was at best corrupt to the core, at worst absolutely insane. Along with a friend, the famous Dr. Petri (later known as the Mirage Doctor), they wanted to escape the USSR, using a cloaking device created by Dr. Petri, essential to "October Sun". Unfortunately, The January Blizzard discovered them and attempted to stop them. The fight was long and hard, but in the end he was no match for 3 heroes of their strength, however he managed to get a message to "The Soviet Defenders of the Motherland" before they could finish him off. The trip to Hawaii was constantly interrupted by various heroes who caught up with them. Wounded and tired, the four of them landed on Hawaii, where the Americans weren't too happy to see them. That is, until they discovered the reason for their arrival. Dr. Petri negotiated a deal for all of them, ensuring plenty of money and some very nice houses in California.
    Her parents however, were not exactly the type to sit around doing nothing and with a little more help from Petri (who at this point was beginning to make a name for himself as the Mirage Doctor) they created training facilities for new and upcoming heroes. The government weren't pleased with this, but when some of their students joined the Freedom Phalanx, the resistance against the training stopped (it is even rumoured the Valkyrie was one of their students).
    For her however, USA and California meant a new school, a new language, a whole new way of life. She missed the snow for some time, but she soon discovered that perhaps the water wasn't such a bad replacement. And so her life became happy and peaceful, at least for a few years.
    To be continued...

    ((Feel free to post comments of all kinds
  11. The woman kept staring at the fight.
    "That's what I figured, besides I doubt I'd be any use down there. AUCH, that must have hurt"
    Picture of fire mistress
  12. On a nearby rooftop a young woman sat, enjoying the show. She was well aware that getting into the fight would be a waste of time, chances were these guys would be dodging her attacks without even thinking. Ofcourse everything they did would be without thinking, but...
    She was surrounded by a forcefield, making sure that no stray shots accidently hit her.
    "This can't be anything but fun to watch. I always enjoy a good fight..."
  13. Frost sent the ice bolt straight at one of the princes...and missed. A curse left her lips, as she began showering the the robots with hail and chunks of ice. "That should slow them down a bit..." She aimed carefully as a blast of ice left her hands and this time actually hit it's mark. It hadn't done nearly enough to take it down, but it was a start. Unfortunetly it had also caught the attention of the prince, and soon Frost found herself in a rather painful web of electricty.
  14. Frost sent a beam of freezing energy towards Jack's family jewelry. She didn't expect it to hit the mark, but it was worth a shot. "the next time your hand gains unauthorized access to my behind, I will freeze it off" Frost said with a smile.
    er feet left the roof, and she was floating a few inches above it.
    "So, do we fight now or wait for your bunzai buddies to show up?" Frost had a bolt of razor sharp ice ready in her hand.
  15. Frost grabbed the cylinder "Some man you are, getting a woman to carry his stuff for him." Frost nodded at the door "What did you have in mind?" Frost began emitting cold blue waves of frost, chilling the air around her. "It can't be that bad, what do you have in there anyway? Clockwork king? A horde of dukes? Your mother-in-law?"
  16. Frost blew some hair out of her eyes. "Nice trick you got there. Advanced illusions and superspeed, correct?" Frost created an ice miniature of a cog, then crushed it in her hand. "Soo...why is it you need me to help you? Not that I mind, but you seem quite capable of handling things yourself" Frost waved her hand, turning the pile of clocks into a block of solid ice. "No reason to give them free spareparts."
  17. Frost waved her hand, unleashing a storm of hail and large chunks of ice on the cogs. She then turned to Jack. "Pleased to meet you. I'm known as the Rose of Ice, but you can just call me Rose" A smile that almost seemed real formed on her lips as she grabbed Jacks hand for a cold handshake. "And you...must be Jack. Having trouble handling the overgrown duracell bunnies alone?" Inside, Frost sighed. This job better had to pay well, both of them that is. She should probably demand a bonus from Contact.
    As the cogs were beginning to escape the ice storm, she froze on of them to the ground and sent some iceshards to take care of the second. "Last one is yours"
  18. Frost closed her cellphone. "Better get it over with, let's go see this 'Jack'. Better look my best, he sounds like he thinks more with his lower head than with his upper" She ran her fingers over her lips, giving them a coldblue look, then added some frost on her cheeks and finally filled her hair with ice crystals.
    20 minutes later she was standing outside the garment works. "Jack?"
  19. Frost raised an eyebrow "You're sure I've got the right number? You know, heroes needed. From your questions it sounds like I'm applying to become playmate of the month" Frost sighed, this assignment was already starting to take a turn she didn't like at all. But she had choosen to do this and she had no intention to back out. "Well, the answers to your questions would be: 25, none of your buisness, 35C - 25 - 38, 176cm or 5 foot and 9 inches if you prefer, 201-242-9340, and single.
    Ohh, and if this Jack is even half the jerk he sounds like, the pay better be very very good indeed.
    When do I start?"
  20. ((Just, emm...curious. That assignment of mine. Are anyone RP'ing Karen 'n' crew, or do we just make it up as we go?
  21. Ignore all of the above (yeah, you already have, but... ). I should learn not to post anything until I know I'm not going to rewrite it. I am rewriting this thing. I'll make a new post when the time comes.
    Yes, it'll be better than this one. Honest!
  22. "That's it? It's almost beneath me, but... I could use the money. I'll give them a ring. As for my security level...don't judge the cat by the way it walks" Frost got out of the chair and started to walk towards the exit. "I'll be back before you know it. If you ever need additional frosting on the better call a baker" As she left the bulding she took a small cellphone out of an equally small pocket and pushed the phone number. "This is Icesoul, could you give me Karen please?"
  23. The woman looks at Sly, then places two fingers on his lips. Her own form a smile, as Sly's lips become blue and the water in his mouth freezes to ice. "Now, try to act less like someone publishing the playboy magazine, will you? As for my name...." She turns toward contact "You can call me Heart of Frost, or Miss Frost if you prefer. You won't be needing my true name, I doubt my bank in Switzerland really care.
    Now, I believe you were saying something about freelance missions, correct?"
  24. The woman looks up at Contact, thne looks at the hand for a moment before she takes it. Her own hands are cold as ice and makes you wonder if she is infact alive. "Have you no sense of a dramatic entrance? No? Should have figured. My name is...well..that doesn't really matter, now does it? I'm looking for work, and if you misunderstand that comment, I will turn a certain part of you to icecubes" She looks up at Contact, smiling with everything kept her eyes. "I'm sure you have something suitable for me to do"
  25. A tall blue haired female walks into the whole thing.
    "Hey Miss! You can't just wa..."
    "Point that thing somewhere else, will you?" The woman points at the gun, with the barrel now filled with ice. "Can't you see I'm here seeking a job? Or couldn't they afford a guard with a brain?" The woman sits down in a chair near the desk. "I can see you have your hands full. I'll just wait till the boys are off the testeron trip"
    ((Hope you didn't mind the intrusion