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  1. Amy, a level 46 Stoner without full slotting can survive exactly 2 direct blasts from Hami before dying. With the recharge, that was right around 8 seconds.

    (Of course if I had been better slotted or remembered to put up rooted so I wasn't knocked down, I might have gotten off a heal and actually lasted a 3rd attack. Ah, the ignominy. )
  2. Very impressive.

    *drifts off to dream of one day attempting this*

    Who am I kidding? I have trouble with soloing EBs.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    My gut response is "what a bunch of self important schmucks..." but that's not a nice thing to say.

    Good luck on Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers hoping that Wednesday's attempt fails so the Sisterhood (and friends) get the credit they truly deserve.


    Fitz, any win over Hami is a win for Liberty. I hope Hazy wins on Wednesday and then we all get together again on Sunday for a second take down. Now, wouldn't that be grand.

    Wonder Arrow, Hazy will be using a slightly different tactic where he will use tanks to draw the yellow blast away from the mito so the scrappers can attack without worrying about the damage. With this tactic you get all the scrappers on one team to attack the same yellow mitos then move on to the next. The advantage of this is once the scrapper team gets good, they can take down all the yellows in a minute or two.
  4. Thank you Amy and Cherry. Your help will make it much easier.
  5. I think they got stuck on watching 1,000 ways to Die and forgot about the fishies.
  6. Mine was their competitor that starts with the letter "V". And the service wasn't bad, it was just painfully slow. Got interupted twice so he could ring up sales for other customers. And me being nice, "oh yea, sure. Go ahead and ring up all those other people. I don't mind."

    But I didn't blow up because this was the first phone my son got to pick out for himself and I didn't want to ruin it for him.

    *deep breath*
  7. Conga Rats to the new fidys. Got side-tracked on my controller but will get back to leveling her soon.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
    Ever try to CM 7 members of your team, 6 tanks, and several other emps in 20 seconds?
    Yes, I have. I'm usually running an emp. I find it best to hit the tanks and then my team on the fly if we are going into the goo. Emps on the yellow taunt team, if they are careful, won't need CM since they will stay away from any damage. (Running/flying around the outside, worrying about their three tanks.) I do keep a few BFs with me though to recover from stun in case I accidently get too close. (Which is most likely to happen when I go to AM the Hami tank.)

    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
    If you want to be a yellow taunter, make sure your taunt has some range in it. Standing under the yellow and taunting = bad. Standing out of the goo and taunting = good.

    You need at least 1 range SO. The blast radius is 45 feet (I think) and you need to be at least 60' so the scrappers have some room to work. Extra KB defense is a very good thing also.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by spech_k View Post
    Ah, seems like a stupid question, forgive my naivete...I will read up on here about the strategies though, seems like tanks just taunt, easy enough.

    Will make a lesser costume too. Thanks!



    and not die. That's kinda important.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    If EoE was an issue today, spend some time farming Monster Island. The Sisterhood will be forming teams and farming MI off and on this week.

    Thank you to all the heroes that came out for today's Raid, last week no one believed we were doing it and we had 16 people in The Hive. This week we spawned a Hive 2, major improvement!

    And took Hami down once. It is only a matter of a bit more timing and patience and Hami will be ours.
  11. I was very pleased with the raid yesterday and Hazy's idea are WIN. We actually used them when we took down the first bloom. (And then, yes, I think everyone got a little too excited and forgot to listen to directions.)

    Hazy, one thing I would have changed from Sunday is picking teams and team leaders. I think a two groups came on their own teams which added to the confusion. Maybe let everyone know that you are using a tested strategy and that there are set leaders for a reason, to try and insure success.

    Wednesday's raid time is too early for me but I'm willing to farm EoEs for anyone on late tonight (after 9 PST.)

    Good luck Hazy. I thought we were going to do it Sunday.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marut View Post
    Which oddly makes Stone armor potentially valuable for this purpose if you have someone willing to alternate build for it. Earth's Embrace provides resist to toxic, and should therefore still work, as well as jacking max hp, which raises regeneration rate by neccessity. Rooted provides a fairly decent regen boost on it's own as well. I would like to see just how high one's regen bonus can get with Rooted slotted to the gills and a lot of recharge for EE. I'm sure it's not high enough, but might make a solid difference in how many people are needed for the job.

    Earth's Embrace does work and I can confirm this. And rooted is a necessity (but didn't stop me from dying, alas.)
    Should keep something around for the fear component also because that can be a problem if they get stacked.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Tell me you have a character with that name.

    It's my life, why should I have a character named that also?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _force_ View Post
    what? No no there won't, that was the last one ever.


  15. I'll be ... visiting a new client's open house.

    Good luck everyone.
  16. Peterbilt's Wednesday night = epic fail!

    Sorry for not being there. Glad the raid went well.
  17. So where were you Wednesday night? Didn't you have an important server date?

    Uh ... *kicks at dirt*

    Here's what happened. My oldest son is getting ready to enter High School and we bought him a crappy phone 3 years ago for him to use. Well, it is really not a great phone and he has been begging for a new one. Wednesday at 6:45 I look at the clock.

    "The store is only 10 minutes away," I say to myself. "That still leaves an hour at the store and I'll get back 20 minutes before the raid. Plenty of time."

    So we head out to the store. Not much of a wait and in 5 minutes we're talking with the salesman. We had even shopped phones over the weekend so it went, "Hello Kevin. We'd like to get that Samsung phone over there. Transfer the telephone number for this phone to the new phone and set up the old phone on a new line for my younger son."

    Easy peazy, right?

    Well, at 8:15 he had just finished transfering the information to the new phone. At 8:45 we started working on the new telephone line added to the family plan. At 9:10 we were saying "Thank you" and "Goodbye" to Kevin and getting back into the car.

    That's when the "low oil" light came on.

    Luckily it WAS only low oil and after adding 2 quarts everything is fine. (My car is a 1990 VW GTi, so it normally uses oil.) Back home at 9:30, either the raid didn't come off because knuckle-head Petey wasn't there, or it is finished and went smoother than usual, because knuckle-head Petey wasn't there.

    So, I'm sorry everyone for not being there. Hope everything went fantastic.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
    Anyone up for a raid tonight? 8:30 Pacific? It's just the perfect thing to send all you east coasters to bed happy.

    Now see what I did? I'll have to try my best to get on and play tonight.

    As far as teams, I've never paid enough attention to the whole thing to actually run it so someone will have to setp into that role. (Also, I still don't have vent and maybe that isn't critical, it sure sounds like it would be helpful.) (And I guess if all it takes to run a raid is to say, "Hami Taunt, go", etc, then I could run is, but I someone doubt it is that easy.)

    It appears there is interest. Is there enough, we'll have to find out tonight. I'll volunteer for yellow taunt as I think I know how that team goes and can even describe what everyone needs to do.

    So I'll see whomever tonight and lets go kick some goo.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    Ultimately it was my leadership, and it failed, and i do take responsibility for it.. but, to say it was due to my lack of exp/leadership is kind of insulting

    Not sure if this was the same raid, but I remember we failed because half way through the raid about a dozen characters left and we didn't have enough holds left to complete the raid.

    And also, if I remember, when Cherry DC'd, other leaders DID step in and direct the raid until Cherry came back.

    I point this out only because I don't see how this was your fault other than you being the leader, you are just taking responsibility for not leading a successful raid.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    This thread started out innocently enough and has turned into such ugliness that anyone that had wanted to step up and give it a shot at leading, wont, due to all the petty bickering...

    Granted, it's Champion, and thats what we're known for.. but still.. even that excuse, IMO is wearing thin.. we dont always have to live up to our rep as the Drama Server.


    Steel, for wanting to avoid drama, you certainly have done a good bit to produce and invite it.

    Anyone up for a raid tonight? 8:30 Pacific? It's just the perfect thing to send all you east coasters to bed happy.
  21. Peterbilt

    =( aww ..

    Originally Posted by iBuds View Post

    The removal of the tag system is what I'll miss the most, some of those tags were better then the threads themselves.

    Didn't we have a thread dedicated to funny tags we received?

    Personally, I'll miss the 3,500 rep points I now no longer have. How else can I justify my own inflated CoH ego?

    (Back to post spamming I guess.)
  22. Sorry to hear about that Witty. Look at it this way though, you now have two new opportunities to make new 50s that will break your heart when you have to delete them.
  23. Don't say that too loud or you'll have Witty moving to Canada.
  24. Peterbilt

    NEW MoLGTF!!!

    Conga Rat y'all. Well done.
  25. Not bad for LAST YEAR'S moves.

    Of course if this year's moves include his new bride then maybe they should be moved to the "Over 18" section.