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  1. Peterbilt

    Hami Survey

    survey taken Hazy.
  2. We missed you GEL but you'll be around sometime to see the Great Gooey One go down. Hmm, that didn't sound quite right.

    Anyway, grats to Liberty for another successful raid. Thats 2 in a row.
  3. Peterbilt

    Impromptu Raid..

    We spend the afternoon together Cherry and after I make you spray soda, allegedly, all over yourself and you don't mention the Champ raid!?!?! I'm hurt. Stabbed through the heart!

    Glad everything went well. I was actually riding my bike then. Need the exercise. I'm turning more pear shaped every day.
  4. Yea, Hami has a wicked fastball, and a changeup that will make you come out of your shoes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    Raiders is totally different team and mind set.. AL davis is not holding the strings no more... he letting the coach run the team.
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    I live about 30 mins from where they play and the games arent broadcast here because they cant even sell out.. they cant even give the stupid tickets away.

    There are a lot of people alergic to white, polyester jump suits so that may be one reason they can't sell out.
  6. Having 2 fire controllers on an ITF and watching Romy do nothing but hack and cough.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post

    Raiders would be in the Playoffs this year...just watch

    They going to get a group rate discount at the ticket window, because that is the only way they're going to the playoffs. But then, that is why they play the game, because on any given Sunday, (nearly) any team can win.

    Actually the Raiders will get two chances at early playoffs if they can beat the Chargers this year since it's been 5 years since their last win against them. Now that the Chargers have decided to give up on a running game, they might be vulnerable.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Something that you never see anymore. A well played Empath.

    We need to play sometime.

    Having other players tell you you're a great (fill in the AT)

    Champion server (and Liberty server too)

    Playing with people from the Boards

    Playing the game with my kids
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    Stuns should also deactivate running toggle powers, so you'd think they would be viable.

    So if stuns work so well why didn't you get a better effect from that little black dress? Weren't you simply stunning?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    People with big egos lacking self awareness and all the behaviour that goes with it drive me nuts.

    Tight butts drive me nuts.

    But on topic,

    Blasters and scrappers that want to tank and then blame you for their dying.
    Players who sprint ahead of the group and then blame the emp for not keeping them alive.
    My inability to make mega damage dealing monsters that can solo/farm anything.

    oh, and flat beer, Raiders fans and Yankees fans.
  11. Welcome back to the boards Elf.

    That Al Davis quote was great 20 years ago but now that the Raiders are door mats, I'm not sure I would say it too loud. Although now that nearly the entire Denver team is injured, your Raiders should be able to get at least 2 wins this season.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Not possible

    You'll be able to squeak out about 3k w/ all percentile bonuses & accolades.

    Killjoy. Dark tanks have dreams too.
  13. 1. WP/Stone - Capped HP, has previously solo taunted Hami - Yes - @Amygdala
    2. Invuln/Ice - None - Yes - @Amygdala
    3. WP/SS - Cap'd HP, has previously solo taunted Hami - Yes - @Force
    4. ?/? - Whatever build needed - Yes - @Force
    5. ice/ss-capped, solod hami, will do 2nd build if needed : @cherry-2000
    6. regen/dark- a smidge off cap, solod hami, will do 2nd if needed:@cherry-2000
    7. WP/SS - Cap'd HP, solo taunted Hami - Already changed build - @Cobalt Azurean
    8 - Stone/Stone - Capped HP (with EE) -- solo-taunted hami -- not able to change build/use 2nd build and have no epic pool powers - @Llewthor2
    9 - Willpower/EM Tanker - 3000+ hp -- no previous Hami taune experience - Willing to Respec - @Neuronia, @Neuronium
    10. Dark/Dark - lvl 49 at the moment but will cap HP, took to 1 raid at lvl 47 - need to respect primary build anyway : @Yeladim (for character), @Peterbilt (for me)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    btw if you want pro godly PLz talk to Cobalt or Amy, they run the best farms

    That's not fair. She doesn't know that's a joke ... yet.

    But seriously, if you want to lurk on Champion you need to add BMT of Champion to your global chat. It's private so ask Cobolt for an invite.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by londerwost View Post
    I've kinda forgotten how to play this game though. O.o

    I use this excuse all the time ... only I haven't taken a break from playing.
  16. Heard about the successful raid last night and posting a CONGRATULATIONS here is my first stop of the day. Good job Hazy and Liberty. I was grinning for 5 minutes last night when I heard of the success.

    Now, let's make it 2 for 2 on Sunday.
  17. In case no one knows, my son has a dark/dark tank that I can bring. (I'm more than just a pretty face you know.)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    WARNING WARNING inuendo ahead!

    Nemu is good in any position! He has those big ole ears which make good for pulling on.

    Or for hanging onto.
  19. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid Ideas

    I agree with GEL. From one raid attempt, you've summarized very well how at least one server, and what we were trying to do too, attacks Hami. I think Hazy will be using the same strategy.

    At least part of the problem with last Sunday, and there were several, was that we didn't expect to have a full compliment of heroes and until we took down Hami to 75%, only the crazy optimists thought we could succeed. Of course, after we took him down once everyone got kinda giddy and our tactics fell to pieces. But we are much better learned for Sunday (and Wednesday too.)

    One comment thought. In the military, death is permanent so you need to keep your commander away from the dangerous action. Lukily that is not the case her so the leader can actually mix it up, as long as they are not too distracted from calling out orders. Unfortunately our leader had terrible lag issues on top of everything else.

    Sounds like you had fun at the raid. It's even more fun when we beat the big jello monster.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    not really a crazy idea Cherry, this could be one of the few time where Group-fly would be useful. It would be the same as the old PA-Drop team.

    Technically, you only need 6 tanks with group-fly to position everyone (the other 2 can just run in... ) , then the hami taunt team could drop in, followed by everyone else

    Don't think group fly's radius is enough to coverage all the yellow/blues, whatever to where you want to drop. (And, crazy idea, what tank has group fly? Must be a build 2.) IF there was only 1 group fly then the tanks would have to drop as you passed over their target, instead of all dropping in at the same time.

    Teleport would work the same way and is probably much more common (and no damage on landing.) But I wouldn't recommend group TP as the cluster would be so tight that the whole group would take all the blast damage.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    I love you folks...

    I need to move where people smile and make jokes, is there an old Heroes home here on Champion that would take in a tired old 'troller?

    GEL, you know you're always welcome to join my base. I'll even pay the rent on time for ya. (And as a bonus, we're coalitioned with Cherry already. Plus 2 defunct bases that wanted to be more active when everyone was server switching. Guess I should drop them.

    Which opens up some spaces for anyone who wants to coalition with me. )

    And it only seems like we're smiling and joking here. It is actually a well honed defensive mechanism after years and years of drama. But at least we're mostly sober through the whole thing, unlike other servers.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    Electrolytic Blast has a 25 foot radius.

    Was wondering because that would effect how tightly packed the hami tankers can get. It also have a hefty KB if I remember.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
    The last line in my eyes, made it seem to me that if you do not use or belong to a global channel then you are not trying to team.

    It is a reasonable, but faulty assumption to make that the last line about global channels refers only to the two channels mentioned above. I can't speak for GEL but I assume, especially from the later posts, that any global would suffice. Belive it or not, there are still some people who don't belong to globals. Last night for example. I was teaming with an SG friend and PW advertised an AV team forming. I said "lets go" and he said "to what".
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    Back, back, back it up, yeah? Now wiggle it?

    *original comment tastefully deleted*

    Regarding the Hami blast, how large a splash, if any, does it have?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    +/- insults directed at Hamidon's mom?

    Hami's mom never entered the conversation. But there were references to a dog, two chimpanzees, Nastassja Kinsky and Roman Polansky, not necessarily in that order.

    What?!? A tank's got to have a good taunt, don't they?