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  1. Thanks for the answer. If you need a home for blue-side characters, you are welcome to use my base instead of going and creating a new one.
  2. Beetle, you leaving the game? Why do you have your SG up for sale?
  3. Now I'm wanting to do this again.

    Has anyone ever successfully used a WS/PB as the main tank on this? I know my master run had a cold tank as lead.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    My Emp is now redside, sadly...but I'll gladly volunteer my Mind/Bubbler for it.

    We'll get it done, don't worry

    I think your bubbler was on my MoSTF with my emp.

    My 1 Master we had a bubbler and ice to help us out. We pulled Scirocco and GW together, beat on Sci then mopped up GW. But I'm no expert. I just followed whatever Beetle King told me to do.
  5. At the first post I thought this was a fantastic idea. But as I read further I'm now not so convinced. It will be great for new characters but to go and respec existing characters? I'm not so sure. Most likely leave them as they are unless there is something one of them absolutely needs in their build.
  6. Good luck. I hope you're done by the time I get on since it won't be until 8:30 PST.
    (But I know you'll knock it out in under 1 hour 30. Go get 'em heroes.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    You'd be surprise what sort of questions get thrown my way

    Hey Force, can you pay my mortgage this month?
  8. Conga Rats.

    Got to play with the real Rockmar. Well, Rocky on his stoner tank. I didn't mention it but it was your responsibility on that ITF to make sure me, a squishy blaster, did not die and you failed. Of course, I was doing a better than average job at stealing agro so you were set up for failure from the start. Thanks Hazy for the invite.
  9. Peterbilt

    Sisterhood Event

    I had a problem with question #5. Can I peek on someone elses survey for the answer?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    Or maybe people shouldn't comment on things they don't know 'bout.

    Food for thought.

    Crap! Cobalt just told me to never post on the Boards again.

    *goes off to pout*
  11. I'd be interested, not necessarily for the badge since I don't badge, but to play the TF. Times always seem bad for me but schedule it and I'll be there if at all possible. I can bring an Emp, Scrapper or

    <--- PB

    blueside. Brute redside.

    (And for times, after 9 PST weekdays is best but I can also make Sunday evenings as well, as winter baseball will now occupy my Sunday mornings/afternoons.)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    GTFO!!! Isnt Pinnacle dead anyway?

    No, they still have 24 players and they coordinated their schedule to do this.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Ya know I gotta ask:

    Are you sure it was your keyboard...........?

    Yea, sounds like user error to me too.
  14. Peterbilt


    I say, "The more channels the better." Heck, I can't follow what's being said on all my global channels now, so why not make it completely hopeless for me. I think I'm up to 12 or 14 total channels. Not even sure when they increased the maximum number.

    But seriously, if there is a need for a new channel then by all means add it and see if people use it. There is a lot of chatter on LB. It doesn't bother me but if someone wants a dedicated badging channel, I'm glad I added it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    very cool. I hope he is enjoying the game. He played his tank pretty darn well.

    I'll let him know, it will make him happy. He's been spending most of his time playing Xbox against his friends (which is good as it allows me to use his computer since it is soooooooooo much better than my 8 year old machine.)
  16. I thought you had the best costume Dinah and Cobolt's was actually kinda funny. Looked like a blue ink stain.
  17. Congratulations all.

    Fitz, get back to listening to ZZ Top.
  18. Gratz on the badge. You had my son and his dark tank on your first run which he enjoyed very much. He either got 49 on the TF or on a tip mission right after. Closing in on his first 50!
  19. I assume most everyone is GR'ing, but when this idea comes back again I transfered over my ice tank, IcedTnA, and, when I get the time/cash, I'll be IOing her. Any Hami-based ideas for her will be welcome. (I know I'll need some KB def.)
  20. Peterbilt

    Hami Survey

    And I moved NOTW my fire/fire blaster to Liberty because she was so lonely on her old server. Everyone goes to bed early over there.

    She likes long flights over the docks to make sure The Family is behaving, purifying sinner's souls with fire from the heavens and other tasks the Lord requires. (Oh and GEL, she needs a home and she promises not to preach too hard to the unbelievers.)
  21. Didn't take screenies because I forgot to write myself a note.

    I need a dominator for my collection so made a earth/fire name Hot Stuff Vale. I'll try to remember pictures next week.
  22. Peterbilt

    This I've missed

    Welcome back. It seems like only 8 weeks ago you left.

    Wait, it was only 8 weeks.

    I remember it like it was last summer.
  23. You're welcome to park your characters in my base. Teleporters to 20 zones (can't get more to work although people tell me it's possible) and no SG requirements.

    Of course, it's not much of an SG with only two players in it so there won't be any organization. I can add a empowerment tables, etc if you want but don't have any now.

    I'm on most nights after 9PST or shoot me a PM to set up another time if you want.