1546 -
Voo, some stuff came up. Not sure I will even be on tonight...sigh...Mantis will have to wait.
I am sorta wishing for a break in these also. 1 month on/off kind of stuff. Or maybe 1 per month. TFs are nice, but tired of running of them and want to get back to regular content for now.
Plus I don't want these S/TFs to get burned out. I still want to do them with lowbies I bringing up. But people may not want to join because it is not the weekly target. Will I find people? Of course, been on some other things besides the WST this last month. Just don't want to hear we will speed this run b/c only in it for the Notice or whatever.
Interesting concept, just don't want to drown in it. -
Will see about tonight. Don't let me derail Sis P. I guess seeing that March will bring a new wave, I don't feel a rush to get toons in (sorta on a path now to focus on a couple of toons for incarnate. Rest will gather dust wrt to WST.)
To follow up on Forbin, IME, overnight covers the vast majority of my bids. A couple days a bit more for things like rare salvage. For me, I have waited months for some stuff. I have not come across anything in the game that is showstopping that you can't play a toon while you wait.
Decent run last night.
Voo, I am being slow this morning due to lack of coffee, but is it Sis P again tonight? If so, going to drop out and either look for a Mantis tonight or work on a lowbie. -
/unsigning with the others.
Bid what you want to pay for, wait, poof...ordered filled. Simple and doesn't pay IWANTITRIGHTNOWOMG!!!!! prices. -
Hmmm, was not happy to see more for March. Had some other thoughts on some things. Oh well.
Welcome to Victory. Beware the iron paw of justice and black magic, inc.
Check the thread for teaming on Victory: here -
Will be joining up, if anything for a Notice. May even bring a lowbie just for merits sake.
Would you like to expand on that?
My point is that I doubt we would be able to create IOs that exceed the bonuses of items already in game, such as HO's. The other is that the bonuses don't go above the lvl25 mark, I didn't say the IO's.
I don't think we are on the same page here. -
Quote:For me, that is the key statement. I had some toons in this boat because of my slotting choices for other things (like recharge). I get this extra few percent and it gets much better, plus a level shift. I see it as win/win overall.If you're sitting at 40%, however, 4-6% can DOUBLE your survivability against foes with 'standard' tohit.
Forgot to add that we also don't know all the info on the other Incarnate slots. So we could speculate Alpha is where the devs want it for balance reasons. -
Quote:True, and I wasn't thinking that way. I probably didn't say it correctly.Your suggestion basically helps a min/maxer get around enhancement scaling due to exemplar. See "The Minor Bonus Threshold" in Exemplar Effects on Enhancements.
I guess what I was trying to say was:
For lvl25 and/or lower enhancement bonus, if you take something like Golgi HO (33.33% to end and heal), a lvl25 generic IO has 32.00%. So if you were to combine end and heal generics, you would get 32/32. So the HO would still be better. Now if you took lvl50's and made 42.40/42.40, HO's wouldn't be as attractive anymore.
For the invention set bonuses, I would see people using something like Mids, plan out a build with generics, and then do the math on the gap and thus build their set more efficiently to close the gaps, and subsitute in better bonuses to ones they don't want (like debt protection).
Bottomline, just trying to find a balance. I think there is some merit to created IOs. -
Loophole? Imagine the effort to coordinate that many toons over a long period of time such that they could "farm" these missions efficiently. You could have one toon blow through the missions each night and get a merit every two days, especially if they are trying for purple or pvp recipes. Far too complicated.
I recall this being brought up before. Overall, I think it would be good and potential inf sink (crafting costs).
Only things I would add are:
No set bonuses and limited to generic IO's only. This keeps the invention sets still being used and prevents players from min/max'ing sets (which you know will happen 5 min if it went live).
No bonuses over lvl25 or lower enhancement totals to keep s/HO's (or high lvl IO inventions) still better and desired. Plus not sure the devs would like us to create multi-lvl 50 enhancements with those types of bonuses.
Chance for loss of items, again as inf. sink. The more combined (triple/quad), the more chance for loss. They could add something like the higher the lvl, like 50's, the chance goes down or some badges you earn that decrease the chance of loss as you craft more and more (becoming an expert at it sort to say). -
I will give the devs quite a bit more credit in their designs and plans to say it is ill thought out. They have access to info we don't. If they change it so we can spend more/faster, then they found a reason to do so. I would agree that things like possibly not flooding the market or encouraging us to use the merits as we earn them (like for random rolls, thus restocking the market).
I don't skip any because I find them easy. I even took a lowly support toon (or is it caste now? I get so confused with my pathetic double digit IQ), an emp def, from blue to full red with no stealth or super duper IO sets. I found them fun and a fresh challenge.
Quote:Wow, what an epic whine/entitlement post...Mmm...
I will make a stand and simply say I oppose Sister and lowbie TFs being part of WST.
I understand that, maybe, just maybe, WST is not only about Incarnate; and in fact it may be only a temporary measure to acquire notices of the well until I20 kicks in.
But as of now, Notices of the Well is a key ingredient for level 50s progessing through out the incanate system, and they can only be acquired via the WST.
Now we can play coy all we want, but lets face some obvious observables:
1. Level 50s progressing in the incarnate system: Needs Notices of the Wells.
2. Level 50s progressing in the incarnate system: Needs lots of shards, and I mean lots!
Why would a level 50 intent in doing the new incarnate material, have any interest in doing lowbie material?
Again we can play coy in this and come up with some lame excuses, but frankly, there is no good reason to do this from an incarnate progression perspective. Today with my 36 level 50 alts, I have no use for low level material, I need shards, shards, shards, and more shards.
As Wendy said, if we take a level 50 incarnate minded player and force him into Sister, what you think that player is gonna do?
"Duh, lets kill all mobs, because some whinny lowbie wants exp"
No, they are going to device and practice the most expedient way to complete a very boring TF to get the only thing of value from it: Notice of the well.
I have expressed my concern in other threads about mixing 50s with lowbies in TFs, and the week of Sis its going to get very very ugly.
The problem is that 2 very different set of goal minded people are going to collide head to head, I predict lasting enmities between players is going to occur from this.
What are the 2 main set of goal minded people?
The first, the obvious, lowbies using the TF to get exp and level. To these folk, nothing but a kill all mobs would be acceptable, plain an simple.
The second, and just as obvious, are level 50s hunting for Notices. To this folk, doing anything beyond what minimally is needed would be unacceptable.
Now I do point the finger at the developers for being "irresponsible" enough to set a clear situation "Sister TF" where these two frames of mind are guaranteed to collide.
Sheesh, and I thought this game was about having fun...
Ps: Fortunately by the time Sister comes around I would have accumulated sufficient notices, to not need to bother with Sister at all! After all I need to gain lots of shards from 50s content. Frankly, Sister is plainly a 100% waste of time. Incidentally, does Sister drop any decent recipes? Certainly no chance for purples...
Anyhow, I guess I will fighting with myself since I plan to get Notices for 50's plus level lowbies next week. How will I survive??? -
Good run last night. Cyall tonight and for next week's run.
Quote:I am curious then have the devs ever mentioned some thing along the line of thought to eventually make you try other servers?To be honest I've never heard of any cons for upping the limit, I've just heard the devs say they weren't going to do it.
In other words, could the devs be saying "you got your 36 toons on a server, you could open a second account for the same server or you could try out and connect with more of the community on another server?" ("and we will toss in some free transfers so you can move your favorites toons around")