1546 -
I'll take the smart merc...er defender spot.
Cya then. -
Will be in for tomorrow.
I did want to run next week's CaD SF. Will set up myself if you didn't want to. And will look for 3rd respec when you run it. -
People want you to glow or marked in some way, and now a rant being a suggestion poser. Is this difficult or something?
Players hosp it constantly and/or either done their job or there are 1 temp to get left. People are contributing. Is a little fun after the umpteenth time doing it so bad? -
I thought it was because he allowed SHamster on the team...no?
Good time all around. Looking forward to next week. League chat beeps are more annoying than teaming with...er...nevermind!
Well, please note TrueMetal I did say "then help if needed". In short, I view MM's more like scrapper than a supporter. I have offense and tools to protect me and my pets. If a scrapper could lose their attacks like a MM loses pets, then just what are they doing for the team?
However, the MM has the bonus of helping others in a pinch. Also note that I said that I have a large number of support toons; they are my favorites to play. So I very keen on support toons and what they offer teams. If a team is struggling, I am capable of helping with my MM's. It is a style as I see it like a blapper, or tank without taunt, or a widow with the leadership pool. Different.
And you are right, we see it differently is all. My thunder storm or tornado are things I don't consider the same kind of support as AB or CM on my emp def. -
Very interesting read there Sam, kudos...
I have never seen MM's play support first to the team, but rather offense first, then help if needed. Of the 3 MM's I have, only one would be considered supportish (/PD vs. /storm & /dark). My pets come first and I just feel that an MM without pets is not an MM. On a side note, I have a large number of buffing toons too and support the team, but never the MM pets since that is the MM's job. Interesting to see the differences.
As for the whole MM buffing, I love the current system and despised the old single target version. Like I said before, you don't need constant buffing and if you lose a pet in battle, I just resummon and wait for a window to buff as needed. -
Welcome to the boards TheSceneCommander! Hope you are enjoying the game. I am with the others on your suggestions, but wanted to highlight the search function to the boards. Much of you OP has been discussed and there is lots of additional for your reference as people respond to your thread.
Quote:It's more efficient. There has not been a single valid reason why the ideas I posted couldn't be implemented.Quote:
Generally speaking I contribute it to one main thing, Laziness. -
Bill is right that this has been discussed quite a bit. I am in the same camp that doesn't want to see a change for all the reasons previously mentioned.
And why am I not buffing? I buff what player needs the buff at the right time. This game is pretty easy and doesn't require 24/7 buffing of every single player on every single fight. -
Thanks Leo_G. You hit the nail on the head and said it better than me. There is nothing wrong with KB, just bad players, and no programming can fix them (yet
/signed! I would like to know pretty much the same for some old friends.
EG, I still don't think we are talking the same thing.
I think that those few negatives would greatly outweigh the positives. And you brought up an even playing field, so asking for more details.
As for just like every other AT, my point was that within every AT, there are powersets on both ends of the spectrum. My ice tanks solos differently from a stone or fire tank. My WP brute was vastly different than my EA brute. My dark def was more powerful than my emp defender, but both could solo.
And this applies to level speed too.
Well, I guess we will see this differently. -
Quote:Okey dokey Atago. As I hinted earlier, apparently if you don't agree with the OP, then you are wrong. Have fun.If you were right then we wouldn't have these recurring discussions over and over again. That we have them is a proof that it is not only me (this is the first and only KB-Thread in that i've quoted) and that it is not enough to explain how KB is used correctly in teams. This is a fact that you forswear in a stubborn way for some inexplicable reason. As long as you do this a further discussion with you will lead to nothing. Whatever! I presented my idea and that was all i wanted.
My only comment is to give more time. We only had these for a relatively short period and thus not a tremendous amount of experience with this or any of the new powers.
Plus the devs might have a clue about the next bit of content all the way up to Omega. And the powers now maybe built around that future content. Once we see how all the powers fit, then we can see what doesn't work. -
EG, what point are you trying to make here? Why does the playing field have to be even?
Defenders solo just fine, some more easily than others. Just like every other AT. I see more broadcast for support toons, not we need more scrappers or more khelds, etc. Plus the devs changed the defender inherent. So defenders are pretty well off in my book. If you can proove defenders can't do the content of the game on normal settings, then I agree with you 1000% something like this should be considered. If you are thinking that my emp def should solo +4\+8 like my MM's, I disagree. IME, people ask for one of my def (or corr) before any of my MM's.
Plus two more points, players would be screaming for self buffing on the other AT's like controllers, MM's, and corruptors. How would that be balanced?
And status protection would be completely unfair. My emp or kin defenders would be running around laughing while my dark or cold defenders would be held/immob/etc.