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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    And it's a hell'a sweet power. Good damage and the visual effects are beautiful.
    And it makes a beautiful sound when it hits enemies! It's just too bad its limited to charges AND a limit of 4 real time days. Maybe it's a preview of a new "Magic" energy Judgement? I'd solo the DD trial if it meant we'd get more explicitly magical powers.

    Originally Posted by DustRaven View Post
    What happens if you do stab Tielekku?
    You get access to a power called "Aura of Mot" or something along those lines. It's a 9% damage and 9% recovery buff. No idea if it also includes a special power like "Magical Burst" though.
  2. Just finished the finale to Dark Astoria today. While my character doesn't have the amazing connections that yours does, I could hardly think of a more suitable series of arcs - I credit the writers for some amazing work. After First Ward I was a little hesitant to try out the Dark Astoria line, but after I began I was hooked - played through it all over two days (home from work with a bad cold) and only paused at the grand finale in order to savor it. There's nothing like a dark god of death and despair for a paladin to face off against.

    Were you thrilled by the Magical Burst temporary power reward for your Midnighter sorcerer, Flash? If it didn't have the 5 day real time limit, those 10 charges coupled with the two rune powers can really add flair for magical characters.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Except from my standpoint, tankers are fine.
    You (and just about everyone else) would know better than me; my only 50s are a scrapper and a Controller, and I only really play the scrapper. Those are my only real alts, too. I blame the lack of Broadsword for tankers..
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    HA! THERE IT IS! See? I told ya guys.
    I think that makes his responses something people should be able to empathize with, if not necessarily agree with. When you put in AVs, then suddenly the tougher enemy is the "real" one - the EBs are just watered down versions for those who aren't up to snuff. Granted, they are anyway, but it's just the pretense that's at stake. A pretense that's in the heart of the Dark Astoria solo storyline.

    If they can't get the mechanics right to balance the classes versus the silly regeneration of AVs and GMs, balance the monsters. I can see why this would be a deliberate choice on the Devs part, if it is.
  5. It was a special arc that culminated in the trial, detailing the capture of the Phalanx and others. Because the trial was high level (50 +3) and DA is looked to as an alternative to trials by some, those members of the forums took it as a slap in the face that the whole of Dark Astoria would culminate in a trial and it was removed - along with the associated badges for completing it. Others had an issue with the fact that the trial was such a high level, forcing low level incarnates who had played through Dark Astoria to wait until they had enough level shifts to complete the mission.

    I never actually ran the arc - but when I asked about it, Zombie Man was kind enough to provide the highlights. Please note that these ARE spoilers about what will happen during the existing DA arcs:

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man
    After DrDr's personal story mission, there was a mission where Ms. Liberty gets a message from Dominatrix that she's still trapped in Mot, which is odd, since you had just imprisoned Mot in his own self-absorption and freed everyone. So, despite knowing it's a trap, Ms. Liberty gets the whole Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators to march on Mot again. Then we find out that it's not Mot, it's Diamotique. Of course, they need you to go with them since you're the real Mot-tamer. Then, they all get ate and you run away again. Then the DrDr tells you that Diabolique's charm which held her essence (which is what Tyrant used to control her) now contains Mot. This means Diabolique can simple carry Mot out of his self-absorption prison.

    Then he gives you the mission to gather a league of supers to fight Diamotique.

    So, without that intervening mission, the DDiTrial makes no sense if you just finished the DA arcs, unless you read the trial info which tries to fill in the gap:

    It's a shame that it was taken out; after running through DAs amazing content I really, really want more arcs, even if its just one mission to set up the trial. The writing is just that engrossing. It would be a nice proof of concept way to unite missions and trials, too, and provide characters a better way to feel involved in CoH's endgame.

    Who knows? Maybe we'll see it revealed in a later mini-issue once people have had the chance to play through Dark Astoria. I sure hope so.
  6. Paladin

    i22 on MARCH 6!

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I hope there's a UStream special - they're always epic when they're several hours
    I can see it now: 8 hours of watching the Dev team play a certain also-just-release game on the Xbox. Even better if we can join them during Co-Op mode.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    And congratulations to both of you!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Safeguard View Post
    I feel I have TOO much for not paying. I would go back to subscribing but there just isnt that much incentive for me to. I feel VIPs should be getting all sorts of stuff for their subscription that make me want to subscribe but as it is right now, I dont feel that. Im not sure what NCSoft can offer players that would make me switch back at this point.
    I'm hoping that the new Incarnate abilities will provide such a widening of character concepts that it will be far too tempting not to go VIP just to use them to finish building a character that you envision. Along with the possibility of linking Battalion (read: full content, and not simply raids) and future "epic" content to VIP status, I can see it being a successful lure towards paying for the content.

    It would get a lot of screams from the forums, but it would provide distinct experiences for VIPs.
  9. Paladin

    Noncombat Pets

    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    Too bad that'll do exactly NOTHING to solve the problem with Kheldians losing access to all of their pets when in forms... They'll just be another greyed-out toggle we can't use.
    It's not a perfect solution, but it shows that they're listening and open to the desires of the players. It's a good start.
  10. Paladin

    Noncombat Pets

    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    My tiny clockwork army is outraged!
    I had the same thought back when this was first discussed.

    There was mention by staff about making Veteran Rewards a separate toggle than Non-combat pets to enable both Shield Oscillators and Clockwork Gears to function together. I'd gather it's low on their priority list, but they're aware of and understand the desire for a small pet army.

    My favorite past time was to tack on the Clockwork Connection temporary power from flashbacks to the Shield Oscillator and Vanity pet. Felt like a Clockwork Mastermind to rival the Clockwork Paladin at that point.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    It's in the works!
    That's some seriously amazing news. They're really taking the idea and running with it in ways I didn't expect - sounds like additional shape-shifting outside of HEATs to me. Thanks for the quote Zombie.
  12. Paladin

    scrapper AT IO's

    Looks like it's 3 in one power and 3 in another for me, then. Thanks Psychic.
  13. Paladin

    scrapper AT IO's

    I haven't had time to invest in the IOs yet to test for myself - Can you slot 1 set of the base enhancements and 1 set of the upgraded versions? Or is the unique flag linked between both normal and Superior, meaning you can only have 6 AT IOs in a character at a time?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, I'm expecting some more unique costume parts linked to upcoming Trials - but I don't think it'll be these costume parts
    Don't you dare try to bring reasonable expectations into this to counter my conspiracy theory-crafting!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He didn't rule out it being in some other form of random reward packs.
    It'll be tied to the new "Ultra Rare" option in the incarnate reward table at the end of trials.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I agree with every thing you said, except for the last. As long as Dink is give credit where credit is due (and she has been) this was a good time to bring it up. A lone thread would have been ignored, here (I hate to say) the issue became so inflamed that it had to be noticed.

    I know what you expressed in the other threads, I agreed then also. Not choosing a side would have been the right thing to do, it however did not happen that way. Bad or good, those who did not like it have the right to take every opportunity to express that dislike as long as it is not done in an offensive manner.

    You can weight it however you like, but at least now the devs know that there are customers who reasonably do not like the direction they are taking.

    Also, this would never make me quit this game. Just spend less points.
    Now it's my turn to Quote for Truth.

    As far as I'm concerned, the turn this thread took didn't take away from the amazing work Dink performed. The charity and kindness showed to the community speaks for itself, and is more important than to be washed away by a secondary conversation in the thread - no matter how heated it may have gotten. If anything, on top of the praiseworthy actions of Dink my appreciation and respect for Zwillinger has increased thanks to his straightforward expression of the coming policy.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Personally, I don't see the hype over the face masks as they are, limits concepts alot imo.
    I can only speak for myself, but my interest is in the beautiful, unique halos and head-dresses that the Carnival of Light have. Those seem like they could fit a man as well as a woman - and it's just as gaudy as the Ascension Radiance set.

    Just another thing to add on the "To-Do Someday" list.

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    *would give away that terrible face if possible*
    *laughs* I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned that face - It is a little Derpy, isn't it?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    You really did a great job, and deserve all the praise that you are getting. I really want everyone to know that my issue is not with you, or that you did this. My issue is with what I feel is an unfair direction costume development is taking.
    If they do think you or anyone else is blaming or complaining about Dink, the fault is with them; disagreement is an opportunity to offer ridicule instead of polite discussion on these forums. The responses to the concerns here and piecemeal quote twisting is proof of that. But this is just an opportunity to address something that was becoming apparent.

    I'm thankful for Zwillinger's honest relation of the costume department's decision. It does seem atrocious that, now that the shoe is on the other foot, chatters aren't nearly as respectful to those with a problem with the design team being the other extreme, but that's to be expected. If it leads to a significant increase in revenue for Paragon, so be it.

    It's too soon to see if this costume policy will affect things in a drastic way. Dink's amazing use of her free time towards the community isn't anything more or less than seeing a need and filling it. The proof of the design plan will be in the Retro Sci-fi and future packs, with possibly the Imperial Dynasty if it was made under the new policy. Given the additional parts in the Dynasty sets such as Female Only Crowns, Female Only Plate Legs, and a new Face, I'd suggest that the Imperial Dynasty armor will be the first example we can hold up to examine.

    On the whole, we're fortunate that there's only a few noteworthy, obviously unisex pieces that should be ported from females to males at this point. My concern is that this policy will lead to much more. We'll see.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Our practices, discussed at great length and worked out with the Community, are: Unique pieces for females and everything else equally ported between the body types. Yes, this ends up resulting in more pieces for females overall, however after the last 12 months of reading feedback we made this decision.

    It's very unlikely we'll alter course on this in the immediate future.
    That answers any questions I might have had on the subject. Thank you for the clear explanation of where you're headed; I don't particularly like it, but the feedback from the last year grossly outweighs what one person might think on the subject. I hope the next year is such a success that you can move towards creating distinct outfits for each gender, but I appreciate the man hours and limited payoff that involves.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    There is a point where the inability to refrain from negative comment is inappropriate. I'm the last person to stifle one's right to be critical (it is the internet after all), but sometimes we should take a step back and ask ourselves if this is really the time and place to make such comments.
    To be completely honest, I'd wish you'd stifle critical comments more often. But that's even getting further off topic.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    Quick someone give Paladin a hug, he/she is having some sort of allergic reaction to a meme.
    Don't move, or the Meme gets it!

    But if I'm out of line, I do apologize. I just thought Mr. Thirty Seven's comment deserved something more reassuring.

  21. The following is in no way intended to take away from providing one of the most requested costume pieces towards a huge section of the player base. This was a long sought after item for a lot of players, and that it was given on -free- time shows what an amazing staff this gaming community is blessed with. In fact, I'm quite sure that everyone on Paragon's payroll has gone above and beyond for the playerbase. It's why I've stayed subscribed for 7 years.

    Dink is amazing, and deserves 1.21 gigawatts of praise for her work.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This might not have been the place for expressing such sentiment, but it didn't deserve ridicule or a frivolous dismissal. After the uproar over the Gunslinger pack we saw the Carnival of Light pack released with wonderful bits for female avatars but nothing substantial for males. The new Imperial Dynasty armor has plenty of amazing pieces, but the only unique-to-a-sex items are for females only (crowns, specifically). The Pocket D Valentines day pack again had plenty of stuff for everyone but only exclusive items for female characters.

    Now the most requested piece of wardrobe that was distinct for the male avatar has been ported to be for everyone, and female avatars get access to two full costume sets in the Gunslinger pack - including the single costume set that's available for male characters. After the hullabaloo surrounding favoring male costume bits, it's looking like the costume department has shifted to the other extreme.

    What was asked for was equivalent costume pieces, designed with a masculine or feminine flair on the same theme. But instead of getting distinct options for both, it appears that female avatars are getting the male costume pieces ported directly along with something extra.

    I'm carefully phrasing things with "looks like" and "appears" because I don't know what's coming down the pipe - The Carnival of Light was being worked on before things blew up over the Gunslinger Pack, as was probably the Club Outfits. But for crying out loud, can we get a "Clockfaced belt is on it's way!" instead of a disgruntled meme? Distinct options for everyone, please.
  22. Wow, way to go above and beyond. I know there were lot of people who were really looking for these for a long time.

    Major kudos!

    PS: Think you can take a look at porting the "tiara" circlets and non-frilled bustles to males on your next bit of downtime?
  23. That valentine was actually meant for Paladin. Valkyrie sometimes gets him confused with Rick Davies. Common mistake, really.
  24. I'll probably swoop that up, just because I love more costume options. That said, could we have some male exclusive items once in a while? This "metal top" deserves a male version as well.

    Please try to avoid going overboard with female exclusive items in your attempt to be balanced. Moving to an extreme is just going to tick off a different portion of the player base.

    Edit: Thanks for the male hairstyles!
  25. Talk about tough choices! These are all outstanding, and unlike the other categories everything's at the head of the pack; nothing jumped out and screamed "Sci-Fi" over the others. But like the Ray Gun, I'd vote for both rings and a fin, so A has my vote.