53 -
I've been trying to copy a couple characters over to the beta server and tried it once, waited an hour with no luck. Tried it again and waiting a couple hours, still no luck. Anyone else having a problem of copying a character over?
Which if I go and read your comment more closely AIB, that is what you're suggesting isn't it? Lol
I still don't like the nuke though :P 3 perma pets that dish out moderate damage would be more than enough to make me happy. -
I still don't agree with keeping the nuke. If you keep the nuke and add attacks, the AI would want to run into melee since it needs to explode. I don't want the pets to run into melee everytime they're out. Unless the pets that explode summon new pets (Polar Lights) that then follow you and stick to range. Idk. I think PBs need more DPS, not burst damage.
I'm still here
I've been having a busy couple weeks but I would not call the SG dead.
That or taking LF?
I don't use CE that often and if I do it's usually after nuking -
Quote:I don't know what I'm doing different, but I've never had end problems on my PB.Peacebringers, get two heals, one of which isn't around very often (eBoost.) And on terms of endurance....they get conserve power which is nowhere near perma.
Having a pet that can grant you say...15% your endurance or even boost recovery would seriously help in terms of balancing the two different ATs (without copy/pasting abilities over.) This way peacebringers can be self reliant, and shades can make things that kill more baddies, and make more bodies, to fuel stygian circle. -
Quote:I like this.Running through the SSA Blueside gave me inspiration, because I actually got to see what Penny's powers do! (Instead of just watching her die)
What if instead of summoning PB versions of fluffies, what if they had a pet similar to Penny's? Summon seekers at location, like the power does now, and a pet on caster that pulses a heal and, to better suit PBs, +end. It would be great synergy with LF, compensating for the crash, as well as Bridging the Stygian Circle gap.
It could be something that benefits from recharge, like fluffies, by allowing more than one to be summoned, like you can with Fluffys, while retaining the burst damage from PSs explosion.
Basically, I don't like the Idea of PBs getting a Color swapped Fluffy. They really should have their own thing, but the idea of them summoning a second type of pet when using Seekers is one I can get behind.
But first let me comment on the other photon seeker ideas. If you do make them pets that stay alive and follow you to attack foes, they shouldn't have the PBAoE explosion anymore. I kinda find that pointless and wouldn't that mean that their AI would require them to run into melee range when summoned or after to explode? If I had pets that attacked and stayed around, I want them out of enemy range. I think making them more like Polar Lights is a cool idea because I would raise the PB DPS.
Now onto the Penny's pet idea. This is really cool! Maybe once you establish an "Essence Link" (cause penny and her pet have to establish a link) then you get a pulsing heal and a pulsing stun or something? -
Quote:Yea, but in this instance I don't mind it so much. Looks kinda coolThe resistance shoulders are clipping hard with the magic cape in the second costume, I hate when that happens to me. >.>
I really dig the third one. Wish I had access to those costume pieces.
Thanks, the Celestial Armor has such a kheld vibe, especially the wings -
This was my first costume:
This is my current costume:
got my shade in here
and of course since he's my other kheld, the name has to reflect that :P
(PB) Orivon|Noviro (WS)
(see what I did there? haha) -
Sorry my pics aren't as big, not sure how to post them that way :/
-Orivon -
going to get screenshots now...stay tunned
Awesome video man! I loved it! Very well done
You can see me tanking AM in final battle at 1:56-2:20 then blasting a terminal
That was a great event and I look forward to the next one! -
I like rebirth w/regen a lot cause it scales the % up when you're in dwarf with capped HP. My main Destiny is Ageless atm because I can pull double nukes (Photon Seekers+Dawn Strike+Ageless' Full end) and that I can fight sappers with no issue. The +recharge also helps me with the psi hole by bringing my heals up in less that 30s, haven't actually timed them.
I'm so down for this!
Global: @Orivon
Local: Orivon Lv50+3 -
Quote:There's more to the store than just boosters and a couple power sets. From what I can read and what I know is in the store it's enough for me to want to use the store on day 1. I already have all the boosters and such but we pay for this so we shouldn't be left out.If you're a VIP, there really isn't that much extra the Store will have to buy from that you couldn't have bought already more cheaply from previous boosters. So, I don't know what you mean by saying the Store is the whole point of Freedom.
Yes, you might miss out for a while on the 1 new powerset, but perhaps the new powerset proliferations and Time Manipulation would be a small consolation until then.
And all of Issue 21 is available to you. For a VIP, there is no gated new content.
If you're not a VIP, you can't even get on during the VIP Head Start period, making the lack of Store a non-issue. -
Quote:Weird. Now it crashes for me every time I try and repair it. :/Huh, the latest repair seems to have done something useful. I was able to start Beta up again tonight without deleting my old preferences. It's being really slow, but the shop works and everything.
It used to repair just fine but not start. -
Looking at your build at quick glance I thought I would make a small suggestion. I would only slot Light Form at most with 4 slots. On test I was slotting two recharge two res. Cause both forms offer res and with two Res IOs it's almost capped res anyway.
Quote:If you can't beat'em, join'em. After Freedom launches, many of the things I enjoyed about my Peacebringer will be going away. On live, my current build solos +1 x8 with ease. On test, that same build doesn't last five minutes.
I'm surprised you feel this way. My build usually runs +2/x4 on live and on Beta Test and my i21 update he can run +4/x8 fairly easily (except for psi damage of course). Perma Light form in forms really makes Nova form tankableRan an Dr. Khan TF and tanked Reichman in Nova haha so awesome!
Quote:Does this only work for Snow Leopard? Because I'm having trouble moving CoH Beta out of Applications (it just makes shortcuts.If you select "Properties" when it's in this state and it shows "client version , try the following workaround:
- Quit launcher
- Move CityOfHeroes Beta app out of apps folder (eg move to desktop)
- Run Launcher, click Quit when it warns about not finding CityOfHeroes Beta
- Quit launcher
- Move CityOfHeroes Beta back to apps folder
- Restart launcher, version now shows up correctly. But you lose your prefs. -
I also looked in the preferences for the Beta Client and both the Local Version and Server Version say ""
wonder if the fix messed up the client?