333 -
Quote:This issue, alone, is the reason I have 6 (mostly) solo sg bases. They don't like Solo SG's, and I understand why, but it came to a point where I had no choice but to open up another SG, just to store stuff.THIS for sure. While I understand that being able to hoard 999 salvage per bin and being able to have multiple bins in a base can get out of hand, 30 seems arbitrarily low. It seems reasonable that the salvage racks should on par with the IO and Inspiration storage which both hold 100.
Even though I already gave a small list of 'wants', I'm going to keep going with it.
Long ago, we used to carry ten crap tons of BASE salvage on hand, and the storage bins used to hold 999 items. Then you came out with Enhancement Salvage and took our 999 item bins away, and instead gave us bins with a limit of 30 items....
I rack up, every day, 60 pieces of salvage in an hour, and 9 times out of 10 my salvage inventory is completely full on every toon I have, even though a few of them can hold upwards of 70 pieces of salvage.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, for the sanity of all of us who use IO's (which is a good portion of the population, regardless of it being a set IO or not) raise the limit in salvage bins back to a 3-digit number. This would decrease the amount of storage bins we have to put down in bases, we might be able to empty our inventory more often.
I don't know if this has something to do with the fragile house of cards syndrome (see my post on page 5) that the base code is. And if it is, Devs, confirm it so we at least know why we're stuck with a 30 item limit in storage bins. We're an understanding community, and in comparison to those 'other' mmo's, we're a million times nicer all around than 'them'. Clue us in on these little QoL issues that have cropped up over the years, and at least acknowledge that some of us see this as a problem. -
First of all, long post is LONG.
Secondly, Thanks for the survey DevsI love taking those things when they pop up in my e-mail after closing a ticket with Customer Service.
And now, onto the fun part....
So glad this Praetoria bit is almost over. I'm so sick of it.
Praetoria is a ghost town now, thanks to the fact that you can create any AT and start on any side now. Open Praetoria up so we can leave that zone, if we choose, and not be tethered to it the way it was when GR came out. I'd play in Praetoria more often, because the storyline is freaking awesome, if I didn't have to spend 20 levels there, before I could even step foot on 'normal' ground.
The idea of sticking 1 singular costume piece (Maelstrom's Pistols) in an iTrial with a 4% drop on two occassions is just plain silly. To be entirely honest, thanks to the problems TPN had when it launched, I think I've only seen that trial run a scant handfull of times. If you're going to make a 'special rare costume piece' then make it drop like a purple in a regular mission for gods sake. If Maelstrom has to be present for it to drop, fine, make it a potential drop in the couple of tip missions he's featured in, as well, or in any praetorian based content.
Okay, bases, yes it's a house of cards. Yes, us (basebuilders) spend 100's of hours building gorgeous interiors with a limited amount of 'stuff' to play with. The very idea of personal player housing (even if I had to buy the space with real money from the Paragon Market) using a new code (base 2.0) and current SG bases becoming 'legacy' makes perfect sense to me, and is a little exciting to think about. Or, I'd be just as happy tracking down the original base coders, and beating them senseless (or asking nicely, whichever came first) until they fixed, left notes, and made it perfectly clear how to work with the code of the base system. I'd be willing to learn the code, if Paragon ever opensourced it. Maybe between all us geeks, nerds, brainiacs, and creators, we could fix what they never told you guys how to fix. Consider opensourcing the base code maybe? I don't know, it's worth a shot of asking for it, if you're taking requests, LOL.
Cross Server Teaming?? Yes please. I'd much rather go do something else, while waiting in a queue line to go on an itrial, than stand around whatever zone itrials are formed in and spam 'LF trial' all day long.
The ability to add myself to a supergroup, or be automatically added to it, and let me decide what I'm going to do with the toon later, instead of having to hope and pray I find 1 person to take time out of their day to help me into my own SG, or (if you're in an active SG) pray someone from that SG is online and can invite you. We need some sort of invitation system, where you can type in the name of a toon, send it to them via in-game e-mail, they accept it, and BAM they're in a SG, without anyone having to be there to put them in. Have advanced options, even, if you want to preset their ranks.
I could go on for hours on more stuff, but I think I'm going to stop here, mainly because the servers are back up and I have to go IO a new 50.
Happy Hunting -
I'm not your rat-faced dude guy, you tree huggin' hippie.
Ugh, doing Oro makes me want to cry.
Of course, I could've chosen a 'better' toon to be my badger, instead of my Fire/Kin Controller, who is nearly completely useless until her 30'ish area of levels. But, too late to start over now, or I may actually lose my marbles.
Already lost them...
Quote:^ This caused me to bust out laughing at work and get a ton of stink eye looks in return. Thanks Turg, lol.Not anymore.
You try fighting the kid for boobie time. Might as well give up now.
Otherwise, CONGRATS ON THE BEBBEH CALIBURST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slowly, but surely, the Horde's offspring will take over for us. ;-) -
Quote:^ This is how we did our grill. I know I said the wall vents, but when I went back and looked at it, we used the desk lamps as well.I sink the desk lamps (small ones: off) into a regular desk.
Line them up overlapping each other both horizantal and vertical, making your grid pattern.
Then Shift/ sink them down into the desk of your choice!
It gives a nice metallic gid in which to then position some open flame of your choice.
On a second note, my grill was made before we got the new shiny commands for base editing LOL. I remember it being a PitA to make the system do what we (myself and the other base builder) wanted it to do. -
Apologies for 1, the big picture, and 2, the lack of fine detail on the girll itself. I'm at work, and had to surf photobucket (not my computer) for a picture of the grill in my old base.
The grill's body is made up of cabinets with the ledge, a small stair step so you can stand 'at level' with the grill itself, the fire for the grill is made up of wall torches, and we used wall vents to make the 'grill' portion and a size larger wall vent to make up the cover of the grill, with a few extra 'here and there' items to flesh it out even more.
When I get home, I'll find the better screenshot of it and upload it so you can see it. Or, you can send me an in-game tell (global in the sig) and I'll take you through the base (on Virtue Blue Side) so you can screenshot it yourself, or something.
Hope it helps ideas flow
I know the Baltimore/DC guys that did show up are planning a movie date to go see the Avengers when it comes out. So, you haven't completely missed your chance :-P
Quote:If I'm not entirely misreading your post, what you're asking for is Dev based and not necessarily player based, as far as your idea is concerned. That being the case, the chances of something like that happening are going to be slim to none for some time, considering we just got the ability to 'free stack/rotate' (not be tethered to the floor safe/floor tile only method) and the new 6-location teleporters. That's really been the only base building upgrades we've had since bases and base editing entered the game.Do you think we could like build bases like a building and have floors, stairs, andelevators? Instead of just build outward build upward. Make some new wall ceiling and floor treatments to lie a building overlooking the city.
However, there are some absolutely amazing base builders on the boards and in the game, and I've seen them come up with things like apartment complexes, or entire mansions for their bases. I know creating a 'night time' setting is fairly simple to do. Making second (and even third) floor buildings is just a matter of stacking things the right way until you get the desired effect. I've seen a combination of stacked desks and SG wall banners used to make the appearance of an elevator (you side step from one room and into another, like a secret passage way almost), but the idea of a true elevator effect like a lot of our missions isn't in the programming.
But, I fully support the idea of new wall, floor, and ceiling textures. I'd love the ability to throw a city scape on the walls of my base and build a skyscraper effect, or a forest, or any number of other 'atmospheres' than what we already have (which isn't much). -
Since CoX went F2P I've, more than once, helped Premium players start SG's. Granted, I'm limited to Protector, Virtue, and Freedom for helping, as those are the servers that house anything level 10 or above, but I can sympathize on some level with the Preemies that if they can get into a SG, they should be able to, at the VERY LEAST, be able to pay base rent, as it's a setting built into the command system of ranks for SG members.
That being said, Protector, Freedom, and Virtue. You need help creating a SG (Red or Blue Side), send me a tell. 9 times out of 10 I'm not doing much more than base building, so sparing a few minutes is no problem for me.
Ask me really nice, and have the Prestige to go along with it, and I'll build a basic base to facilitate.
Happy Hunting! -
So, just to add to the two other threads of people wanting certain names (I wish you guys the best of luck in getting them), I did my own happy dance this evening when I found my global name, Obsidian Light, had finally been released from captivity and is now safely in my possession.
Now comes the hard part of a truly epic toon.
Suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated. :-D -
^^ I like your take on the barbarian Sam
More specifically, I like how male toons can be bare chest with tribal tattooing on them.
One day Devs, girls will have a better tattoo option than the 'gloves'.
-shakes angry 'i'm at work so i can't back up what i'm saying cause i'm not in front of my computer' fist-
While I like what you've done, since the first post, OP, keep in mind that 'barbarian' was a terminology the Greeks used to describe the Persians in ancient times.
That being said, Persia was a desert land, and clothing that was worn was kept light in color to act as a reflector of the sun, but also as a camoflauge.
Barbarian would have, in some fashion of history, been used to describe the slaves kept as pit fighters (Spartacus for example). It could have also been used to describe someone like Ghengis Kahn as he was 'barbaric' (used in the 'uncivilized' context) in nature the way he took civilizations by storm.
What you're going for looks great, in my opinion. If you do add brighter colors, and if you are going for some historical reference in the way of Ancient Greece 'barbarian slave/pit fighter' the ONLY thing I would do is add a sash/belt and off-set the colors so the primary is the 'brighter' color of the two. Woad Blue/Tan with the Circle of Thorns belt for example.
Either way, it's not like there isn't 10 Costume slots, and you can't sit there and play with it over and over until you are 100% satisfied with it.
A lot of times, I'll make a toon, have a concept costume in mind, and it won't come to full value until long after I've gotten fairly far in the game, and sat in the tailor for hours on end getting that 'perfect' balance of what I want people to see. Hehe, I've been known to skip out on joining teams, more than once, because the costume just doesn't look 'right' to me. -
This is going to mark 1 of many times I wish I were at home, and not at work, today.
If you don't like brown, you could try a tan color.
If I'm not entirely retarded, it's on the 'golden' yellow line (like row 3 I think?), either way, the last color in the the line on the right comes off as a tan color, like tanned hide, or something similiar to it. It's not as brown as I'm sure you've tried.
If you were going for something of a true barbarian look that would be a color I'd incorporate in.
Really, any of that far right colors would be subject to being used, because they aren't as bright as many of their counter-colors.
Edit: After looking at your screenie again, I'd, personally, make the mask on his face look like some kind of war paint, either blood ( #3 from the left on the red line to give it a 'dried' appearance) or some other kind of 'berry' or even camo color. -
Quote:Sometimes, if you do a lot of buying in the editor (Buying a larger plot, bigger and badder control and energy output items, creating and placing tp pads, etc.) Spending a LARGE chunk of change in a short period of time can sometimes cause things to go haywire for a few minutes.What kind of garbage is this? I'm the leader of my SG, I have more then enough Prestige to place stuff. Why is it that, when I call up the information on the item in question (a decorative item), it says "Price: 10309165"? What else did these guys break?
If that is the case, come out of the editor, go to your kitchen and pop a bag of popcorn. (absolutely no sarcasm intended btw) By the time its done, the game should have caught up with what you're doing.
If that's not the case, please be a bit more descriptive in what exactly happened, and I'm pretty sure one of us can give a more solid answer as to what's going on.
But, Bloodspeaker is right, /bug things like that. It's not a matter of 'breaking' anything. It's a matter of beta to live being two totally seperate entities and what works on Beta may or may not port properly over to live. Doesn't matter how tiny the 'bug' may be, because you may be the only one who's caught it so far.
Besides, it gives GM Lloyd something to do -
You refer to your job as your 'Day Job' and wonder when you're going to get that badge for completing said 'day job'.