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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Now consider the best case scenario to go up against soft-capped dark. Soft-capped blaster, with Martial Combat's very high Absorb (3.33% per second of Absorb shield), *and* significant invention-based regeneration, and a long-recharge mez-breaker, and a mez-protection proc.
    Soft-capped against what, though? I don't disagree with your general points in this conversation, but I do wonder how we can compare even an IOed-to-the-gills I-24 Blaster with a comparably IOed Brute, from a defensive standpoint.

    The Blaster can't (as far as I know) soft-cap to all positions or even most types. That's always been (to me) one of the sticking points about Blasters and IOs: +DEF bonuses theoretically allow Blasters to blap better than they ever have before, but the positional limitations also tend to encourage Blasters to go all or mostly ranged.

    You can split the baby, I suppose -- grab up ~32% in DEF to multiple types and positions, and rely on Inspirations to cover the gap to the soft-cap. Or you could go the extra mile to soft-cap to Ranged AND S/L/E -- but I'm not sure the last option is worthwhile, not least because you then lose the stacking resistance from an Epic pool (because you're stuck with Scorpion Shield). Or at least I wasn't sure back when I made up that build. Maybe the sustain (and in the case of MA Blasters, the combat teleport attack) will change my opinion.
  2. Invulnerability and Super Strength.

    Oh, wait. That's a different superhero MMO -- the MMO that trades on a brand name that was built by the most famous Invuln/SS character ever, but an MMO that nevertheless forces players who want to emulate him to become Ice tanks.

    Haha. Sorry, it's still funny.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    There isn't one, as far as I know, and I do not believe anyone has argued against adding the no fade option. If the OP had simply said, "Now that this power is going to be more desirable, I would really like the no fade option added," I believe they would have garnered nothing but agreement, support, and positive feedback.
    Yup. Characterizing the aesthetic of cloak as a debuff was her first mistake. It was downhill from there as she ranted about how Cloak's DEF and +stealth are useless -- which of course they aren't.

    As is so often the case, the OP would have been better off saying less. I'm sure we're all in favor of more cosmetic options, but the OP wanted to argue not just that she dislikes Cloaking Device; she wanted to make a case that Cloaking Device is undeniably the least attractive power in Devices for everyone, which is preposterous. On the contrary, CD's probably the most widely appealing power, from a mechanical standpoint, in the entire Devices' set. It's certainly the only Devices power to which I often wish my non-Devices' Blasters had access.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I disagree. I took Radial Rebirth on my blaster and haven't looked back (I do have Clarion as well but I only really use it on the Underground trial). Given the choice between managing my mez protection with inspirations and managing my health with inspirations I find it much easier to use break frees and emerges. The Regeneration tail on Radial Rebirth really makes a huge difference.
    You disagree that I will continue to prefer Clarion? The devs must've buffed Mental Manipulation without our realizing it.

    More seriously, I'd rather build as much as possible for inspiration-free play, and mez protection is the only glaring hole I can't fill (or compensate for) without inspirations (or Clarion). Even a half second without access to my AoE powers can seriously throw me off against large spawns of opponents -- and if I do have full-time access to my AoE powers, I find that I don't need Respites as often as I would otherwise need Break Frees.

    (I'm also not a fan of retoggling, even just one or two powers, every time I get hit with a half-second mez -- but that's a matter of preference.)

    Rebirth is mighty strong, no doubt. Generically, I think Rebirth's probably the strongest Destiny power available. But for Blasters, for me? No. If it weren't mutually exclusive with Clarion, then I'd snap up Rebirth in a heartbeat -- but it is, so I don't.

    Your mileage may vary.
  5. Obitus

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
    Exactly, many log in at odd times or on off days, The issue is simply if you took a week long vacation and came back and your fav alt had been set to ginaric because of something like this you would be pissed no company wants to deal with something like that so they will not do it.
    This is even more true now that the game is free. Anyone could come back at any time without so much as looking for their credit card.

    Coming up with cool character names can be a bit of a chore, but even after eight years there are plenty of possibilities yet to be explored. The main thing, I've found, is to go to the name-check part of the character creator before you spend a lot of time working on a costume. It'll save you a lot of grief.

    And who knows? With a little imagination, you might even end up creating a cooler name than the one you originally had in mind. Necessity is the mother of invention, and all that jazz.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    But nonetheless unless I ran into 4 players that just suck, I don't see much of a difference in the run times for that statement to seem too valid to me. I'm certainly not gonna gripe if it takes a SS/Fire brute 15 minutes less to do then me on a blaster. Especially since when you compare builds the Brute probably paid a several BILLION more then I did for 100s of million build. End result I have probably 5 toons that can run that mish for the price of that one Brute.
    It's really very cheap to make a purpose-built SS/Fire Brute. I'm not disputing that the people you talked to spent billions, but if all you want is a farm-capable Brute build, you don't have to break the bank.
  7. Obitus

    I24 Preview!

    That green Superspeed trail is pretty hawt.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    D2.0 might be less efficient, but we don't yet know that the combination of D2.0 and mez-immune sustain is less efficient. The problem with D2.0 might have always been that we expected too much from it. Every archetype has an array of mitigation tools. Mez protection is just one piece of the puzzle for melee archetypes, and not one they think about constantly and specifically. Its just one among many protective powers. Archetypes like controllers and defenders don't have a mez protection substitute, they just work completely differently and have a totally different array of powers that work together. D2.0 needs a supporting cast of characters to go with it to make a whole, and we need to see if Sustain is enough to make D2.0 + Sustain a strong duo, or if the pair needs a little more support to make the whole work well as a team.
    Absolutely. Like you said before, Blasters lack everything; mez is just one of the most obvious attendant side effects of that lack. Maybe the new toys in I-24 will make D2.0 better, and vice-versa.

    I was just rambling about D2.0 by itself, which probably wasn't fair.

    (I have a feeling that Clarion will still be my no-brainer pick for all Blaster builds, though. )
  9. Yeah, don't get me wrong: everything you say makes sense. Intellectually, I understand the benefits of Defiance 2.0, and I also realize that my play style probably isn't balance-relevant to the developers.

    Subjectively, though, it's hard to take Defiance 2.0 seriously when I have literally dozens of non-Blaster, non-melee characters that don't have as many problems with mez. The very fact that Blasters were given an explicit mez counter that's less efficient at mitigating mez than other ATs' non-specific counters to all incoming attacks is kind of a metaphor for the general state of Blasters from day one.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't agree. Controllers, Defenders, Corruptors, all work just fine without mez protection. Its possible to make archetypes very powerful that do not have intrinsic mez protection. The blaster problem wasn't lack of mez protection, it was lack of everything including mez protection.
    Yup. The only question is whether the sustain + Defiance 2.0 is enough to correct that lack of everything including mez protection.

    Still think Inner Will, as I've come to understand it, will be a clunker of a power, though.

    In I24 they won't lack everything anymore. And Blasters also have the closest thing we currently have to "partial protection" from mez: their intrinsic regeneration mitigation doesn't suppress, and they can shoot three attacks while mezzed. They still lack true mez protection, but they have significant mez mitigation now.
    This is mostly a semantic nitpick, but it seems to me that the ability to toss out AoE controls and/or debuff whole spawns into the stone age qualify as much better "partial protection[s]" against mez.

    If I get mezzed against a single target, then sure, it's a bonus that I can keep attacking. But Defiance 2.0, in my experience, can be characterized as more a reminder of the powers I can't use when mezzed than as a tangible benefit in mez-heavy situations. Rational or not, my perception is that Defiance 2.0 is most likely to help in situations I'd survive regardless. The fact that I can spam Flares when I get mezzed right before I'm about to unleash AoE fury on multiple opponents? The futility of that consolation adds insult to injury.

    It's like having someone smirkingly hand you snorkeler right before your plane crashes into the ocean.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    He later stated that it does have a top end limit (maybe mag 10), so you won't be able to use to to break free from things like GW's hold or AM's Timestop.
    Oh good. Wouldn't want a long-recharge niche power on a weak AT to have any unique applications, after all.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

    That sounds like a near complete skip then. Just another case of the Devs realizing where the blaster's big problem is but dancing around it rather than addressing it.
    Yup, sounds like Inner Will is the equivalent of an extra Break Free every 8-10 minutes, not counting the heal. The heal could be immense (even a full bar), and I still don't think I'd take the power.

    When I read the description of the power, I thought the cycle time would be more along the lines of 60-90 seconds, which would make the power useful as a spot heal or a mez break or both -- but if the cycle time is significantly longer than that, then it'd be hard to justify using the power for just one of those purposes. I'd feel compelled to wait until I needed both a mez break and a big heal, and if I find myself in that situation regularly enough that the power is useful, then ironically the power is also almost certainly inadequate. In other words, if I find myself both mezzed and below half health every few minutes, then chances are I've bitten off more than I can chew. Better to lower the difficulty to avoid the situation than it is to take a power that'll occasionally help me deal with that situation.

    Clarion Destiny is still mandatory, as far as I'm concerned, for all Incarnate-eligible Blasters.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I believe the current recharge for the power is somewhere between 480 and 600 seconds. Its a once every five to ten minute escape from trouble. That's a long enough recharge for mez breaking that I think saying its so powerful it either needs to be nerfed or everyone else has to have it is exaggerating the net effect.
    Yeah, even if the recharge were 60 seconds, I can't see how the power would be obviously balance-altering by itself. The forum's (over)reaction to Blasters' getting a heavily conditional mez break power, when other ATs are given full time near-immunity to mez, strikes me as bizarre.

    If the cycle time of Inner Will is as you say, I'm not even sure I'll take the power. Style considerations aside, Burst of Speed is the major selling point here, IMO.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kederren View Post
    Not so. There is no shared loot. Every "kill" grants an.
    independent drop check for each member of the team
    That is true of Incarnate Shards and probably Threads. IIRC, that aspect of the Shard system was explicitly touted as new and different.

    Salvage, recipes, inspirations -- all of those drop more frequently for soloists. The design intent is (I think) that teams kill faster, and that therefore teams should give you more-or-less the same amount of drops over time, but in practice that's not usually how it works out. Not even close. You can quite literally build a solo character around Inspiration use -- but a team character not so much.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    So.... what toon makes best use of the secondary?

    My thoughts:
    1) Avoid weapon sets to avoid redraw.
    2) Should have a snipe to take advantage of proccing Reach for the Limit? (easily surpassing 22% regularly)
    3) Supplement with revised powerpools for more of a scrapper type toon - sure it will be harder but more fun? e.g., new fighting pool, new presence pool (with melee range self heal/endo buff from new top tier presence power ... Burst of Speed -> Presence Power -> etc.)
    4)... maybe add Spring Attack for more TP nuke goodness?
    5) Epic: Fire for Bonfire? Or a damage shield? Or Scorp Shield for softcap S/L/N?
    6) Primary should have (a) MOAR AOE and (b) 1-2 hard hitting st attacks to make a viable chain.

    Good topic. Regarding #2, do we know the proc rate for Reach for the Limit? Do we know what the proc conditions are? Does, "chance to proc per attack," refer to any attack, from any pool, or does it just refer to MA attacks?

    Apologies if those questions have obvious answers. I haven't watched the coffee talk video.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Twitch tv, broadcasting now. Currently covering the Dominator variant, Martial Assault.
    Excellent news, thank you.

    Can't watch now, but I'll look forward to the recap later.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    FREE FOR VIPS in Issue 24, just announced!
    Practical joke or real scoop?

    After dealing with the uncertainty of the baseball trading deadline for the last 48 hours or so, I can't handle more ambiguity.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    But until Ageless, there was no way for me to build to solve the end drain problem even on characters with QR.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    But that is only taking recovery debuffs into account. Assuming your numbers make sense (and it seems they do), without factoring in recovery debuffs at all you would need to face about 40 pts of end drain in 10 seconds in order to meet that goal. That doesn't seem out of line with what you can face quite frequently even vs. Freaks, much less Malta, Carnies, IDF, and a few others.
    Against WP's energy DEF? (~20ish% before IOs or pool powers.) I don't think that event is as common as you think it is.

    I'm also not convinced that the scenario you describe above is as clear-cut as you seem to think it is: 40 points of end drain in 10 seconds may or may not cripple you depending on how much end you start with, and depending on your net recovery. If you have 0 net recovery while attacking at full speed, then given a sufficient margin-of-error cushion you're basically fine even if an opponent drains nearly your whole bar.

    But hey, let's say that your build has a -2 net recovery while attacking at full speed; getting hit with 40 points of end drain over ten seconds would still leave you with 40 end to play with, or about 20 seconds worth of attacks after that initial 10 second period, assuming you don't get drained again.

    What really kills builds that are (or near) endurance sustainable is the combination of endurance drains with recovery debuffs, or just recovery debuffs if they last long enough. In order for drains to cripple you without any accompanying -recovery debuffs, the drains have to be applied consistently (or they have to be effing huge). Situations in which you'll face consistent drains equivalent to ~4 EPS are rare, and even when you do face that kind of consistent drain, that number only describes the point at which Invuln's resistance starts to outpace Quick Recovery; Invuln still won't have a noticeable advantage until drain grows well beyond that point.

    Regardless, Quick Recovery doesn't require that you be drained/debuffed for you to benefit from it. QR is better than Stamina. Invuln's endurance-drain resistance does diddly squat unless you're hit with a drain. I was willing to entertain your anecdote about Lambda because it honestly confused me, but let's not lose the forest for the trees here. Would you seriously trade away QR for Invuln's drain resistance? Is it even a choice you'd deign to consider?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I am assuming that it is the drain and recovery debuff resistance. My WP tanker's Defense values are generally better than my Invuln scrapper's, so I assume it is not that they are missing me more.

    I am not sure the resistance is as insignificant as you think. While Seers and diviners are rough, those rocket guys are brutal too. Again, I am pretty sure it is not defense, since the tanker is better off defensively (although the Invuln has better defense debuff resistance, but I don't think that is coming into play here).
    Resist Energies gives you 25% Endurance/Recovery drain/debuff resistance. Quick Recovery gives you 30% in recovery, unslotted.

    Base recovery is 1.67 End/sec (without +End-boosting IO bonuses or accolades). Stamina gives you +25%. So ignoring IO bonuses for a moment, an Invuln Scrapper with standard SO slotting in Stamina will have a gross recovery of 1.67 + (1.67 * (0.25 * 1.95)) = 2.48 EPS.

    A WP Tanker with standard SO slotting in both Stamina and QR will have a gross recovery of 2.48 + (1.67 * (0.3 * 1.95)) = 3.45 EPS.

    In order for the Invuln Scrapper's recovery-debuff resistance to outpace the extra ~0.97 EPS from QR, you'd have to face a debuff worth 0.97 / 0.25 = 3.88 EPS (or, since debuffs are expressed as proportional values, -232% of recovery debuff).

    In other words, both characters' recovery would be floored at the levels of recovery debuff required for Invuln's resistance to be better than Quick Recovery. Now I grant you that the comparison shifts as your other recovery bonuses rise. But chances are, you're not going to reach much higher than 3.88 EPS on your Scrapper through IO/Accolade bonuses alone. You can reach higher effective levels of net recovery if you use Conserve Power (and/or Physical Perfection) from the Energy/Body Mastery pool, but then again, if you take Conserve Power you're paying an opportunity cost that WP doesn't.

    (Body/Energy Mastery offer sub-optimal attacks, so it's a goal of my Tanker/Scrapper builds to try to avoid those pools if I can.)

    You can also obviously boost your net recovery through Incarnate powers (alpha, destiny), but my point is only that WP has to spend fewer resources on endurance management, not that Invuln can't be made endurance sustainable.

    The only explanation I have for your experiences in Lambda is that you got lucky with your Invuln Scrapper. For whatever reason, you were hit with fewer endurance-relevant drains/debuffs on the Scrapper than you were on the WP Tanker.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but if you take all the passives and slot them and Unyielding well Invuln can get better than 30% resistance to the exotic damages.

    Willpower gets 10% resistance to them, at most.

    Assuming that both are soft-capped to the damage type in question, how much regen does Willpower need to make up a 66% difference in resistance values?

    I don't especially care if one is better than the other, just something that occurred to me.
    Regen and Resistance aren't directly comparable. Regen is a fixed value -- X amount of HP/sec is equivalent in broad terms to X amount of damage, assuming you have no other mitigation. Resistance is a proportional value (as you know).

    So which is "better" depends on how much DPS you're taking. If it's below a certain threshold, the regen will be better. If it's above a certain threshold, the resistance will be better.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Thats the topic of the thread. The Willpower in that video, that out-survived Invuln, was a scrapper.
    I feel like we're talking past each other here. Yes, I know that's the topic of the thread. I understand why it's interesting to compare the Scrapper with the Tanker for the purpose of the original test. But as soon as you shift to a scenario in which the WP Scrapper loses, the fact that you're comparing two uneven Archetypes becomes problematic.

    Or if you prefer, that wrinkle renders your numbers irrelevant to the conversation to which you responded. No one in his right mind would question that an Invuln Tanker is better at surviving burst damage than a WP Scrapper. I surely never questioned it. What I don't accept as self-evident is the proposition that an Invuln Tanker is meaningfully superior at surviving (non-SL) burst damage than a WP Tanker, just because one relies more on regeneration than the other.

    And although I didn't explicitly spell it out before, that question includes the idea that an Invuln build will be more vulnerable to bursts in any situation that features considerable psi damage. It's not obvious to me that Invuln is necessarily the more stable set overall, in any practically significant way.

    You are right to a limited extent. The main reason many (that have looked right at the numbers) state a Regen Tanker would suck is that for Tankers, it is expected that a set can take high bursts of damage, beyond what the base HP allows.
    Regeneration as a set has very little stacking mitigation to go along with the eponymous regeneration. We're discussing WP, which does have stacking mitigation; WP also has a higher sustainable regen rate, given a fully saturated Rise to the Challenge.

    All I'm saying is that you can't simply look at two sets, see one that has high regen (along with whatever else), and one that has low regen (along with whatever else), and declare that the latter is axiomatically better at surviving burst damage. The "whatever else" in parenthesis is crucially important. The exact window of time you choose is also crucially important.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    This is something I have mentioned before, but I feel bears repeating. I needed Ageless on my WP tanker primarily because I kept getting end drops in Lambda. My Invuln scrapper never had that problem (and I am thinking of all the times I was tanking on the scrapper, not the times where someone else was eating the debuffs for me). Oh, the tanker was definitely more study, especially against the psi, but WPs end advantage is not as clear cut, because combining recovery debuff and end drain, the WP got flattened even with QR, whereas my Invuln did not. Maybe I just got lucky on the Invuln, but the difference was enough to be noticeable to me.
    Are we talking about Invuln's end-drain resistance here? Or are you saying that your Invuln also has higher DEF, and therefore gets hit with fewer debuffs? I'm not trying to patronize you; I really don't understand exactly what your point is.

    The end-drain resistance is nice, but it's not anywhere near high enough to account for the situation you describe. Also, Lambda heavily features Seers with Drain Psyche*, which opposes AoE and Psionic DEF (neither of which are strengths of Invuln), so I doubt very much that any DEF advantage your Invuln character may or may not have over your WP characters will help you much to avoid the copious endurance drain in that trial.

    In any case, even if we stipulate that your Invuln character is mechanically superior against endurance drains in Lambda (as opposed to simply luckier) than your WP character(s), endurance drain resistance does not help you to make your build endurance-sustainable. Quick Recovery gives you some small amount of insulation against endurance/recovery debuffs, and it gives you more than a Stamina-equivalent recovery bonus to use as you wish.

    There really is no comparison. I don't question that your experience in Lambda is as you describe it, but at best what you describe is a niche scenario that's only tenuously relevant to the point at hand.

    I could be mistaken. Surrounded by foes a WP will regen a good amount of HPs in 20 seconds. I am not being simplistic because I think it helps my case though, I am being simplistic because of limited time. Whatever both sets mitigate in the first 10 seconds stays, but after that many enemies could be dead. Sure, this means Invincibility is giving less defense, but it might not need as much now and now would be the perfect time to heal back the damage, but of course WPs regen is lower because it doesn't work on corpses.
    Again, a combination of lower DEF + higher regeneration isn't intrinsically inferior to a combination of higher DEF + lower regeneration.

    And do forgive me; i wasn't criticizing you, I was just clarifying what I saw as simplistic reasoning not because I think you need the education, but because someone else reading might come away with the wrong idea.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    He is right, in a 20 second window, Invuln will stay standing if the challenge is designed precisely to kill Willpower Scrappers in 20 seconds. What kills a Willpower Scrapper in 20 seconds may take 36 seconds to kill an Invuln, thats without using Dull Pain (and if you talk about spawn to spawn tanking, given dull pain cant be perma without insane recharge, you cant expect it to always be available to do the job.)

    Without healing support, though, spawn to spawn is the same as a very very long fight unless you are taking naps in between fights.

    But sure, I do grant you: Invuln can take an alpha better than a WP scrapper. I would call the game broken if this was not true.
    Not disputing your conclusion or his, just questioning the underlying logic he appeared to be using. With regard to your conclusion, though, are we still talking about an Invuln Tank versus a WP Scrapper? If so, then that's not a definitive statement on the relative strength of the two power sets.

    The point isn't that Invuln is necessarily worse than WP at short-term survivability (even against non-SL opponents); you can always construct a scenario for which Invuln will be better, numerically, than WP. The point is that the burst-damage-survivability difference may not be big enough to matter in practice, because it isn't axiomatically true that sets featuring regeneration are crappy in short-term scenarios.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I have a bit of an issue with the term "exotic". There are some enemy groups you can safely face with little else but S/L (at the moment) but there are plenty of foes that can mix things up heavily. Every day we seem to get a few more groups doing it.

    If you level up villain side, you will also see a lot more fire and cold than blue side.
    I use the term as a holdover from launch, when the general convention was (or seemed to be) that anything not S/L was 'exotic'. It's a catch-all for E/N/F/C/P/T, but I agree it's not a very precise term.

    As for how exotic Fire/Cold are, that's a different question. I maintain that pure Fire/Cold attacks are rare enough to be irrelevant from a build-strategy standpoint. That doesn't mean that Fire/Cold damage is irrelevant, especially if you spend a lot of time in Praetoria or the Rogue Islands.

    With respect to your test, none of the above is important, because you were using base Invulnerability without pools/IOs. That is, you had exactly the same amount of F/C DEF as you had S/L.