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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    It appears as if Alphas is also taking place in the same universe as Eureka and W13.
    Well, it would explain why Jinks (or however his name is spelled) can detect lies.
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Stupid Trekkies, crashing Civil War reenactments and pretending to be time travelers.
    Somehow I expected her to zap that guy with the Tesla...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    They should have just called that movie "The Ultimates"
    Well, I like Thor´s Ultimate Look.

    C´mon admit it, these glowing, electric disc are badass, way better than the dull metal plates... and a cape, while looking great in the comics, is stupid. Just watch The Incredibles for an explanation. Humorous? Yes, but true.

    And btw, the ultimate Hulk is way more realistic. A raging beast with nearly unlimited strenght... and he doesn´t leave a trail of dead bodies? Yeah, right! OK, the cannibalism is over the top, that makes no sense at all when the Hulk is meant to be Banners subconsciousness on a rampage... the man´s a vegan after all.
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Should THOR have been transformed into Donald Blake?
    YES. But the reference was pretty funny.
  3. A tech backpack... kinda like THIS.
    Would probably go great with the Beam Gun
  4. you know there´s this saying about pics and thousand words, well...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    In my opinion that´s the best one so far, I really like this look.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matriarch View Post
    I made a few huge creepy male bunnies...
  7. IIRC their answer to that was along the line of "Once the blade is big enough... it´s just the smashing you should be worried about"
    t´s not as if the damage type would be chosen by the type of Titan Weapon you wield, otherwise can I please have my Big Burning Axe Of Acidic Darkness?
  8. Wouldn´t really keep me off
    Not that I would harras anyone in the first place.
  9. Where are the Thornified Rikti?

    Good question, also where are the Devoured Rikti and Rikti Ghosts?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    You created that and have the gall to call what the Devs did ugly?
    See, that happens when you only read the last post.
    Thorny McThorn is mine the other pic is from Amanita and it´s an improvement as it hides the tights and stil keeps the new pattern.
    And to answer your question; I never said they were ugly, just inappropriate for the CoT.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    You say that like that isn't the best kind of Hitler.
    Nope, the best one's as he's right now... Dead!

  12. Code:
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    	Color1  0,  0,  0
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    Now swap the hood for the new one and the kilt for this
    (in matching colors of course) and he shouldn´t look to bad for a robeless Guardian.
  13. Better make 'em an actual costume piece instead of a pattern... and for the eyes itself please the bioluminescence-glow effect.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Ghost Widow: For the last time, the summoning is COMBAT RELATED ONLY! I am NOT going to help you reproduce Stantz's dream sequence from Ghostbusters!
    Dammit, there goes the one reason why I would summon her
    * Luminary: 404 Error Hero Not Found. Just kidding! Here I am...
    I could actually see this happen... please Devs, use this line.
  15. please with David and Jay singing... as those two are responsible for them stupid sexy mages.
  16. Nos482

    New thread test

    Ah thanks, that explains everything
  17. Nos482

    New thread test

    Hmm, for some reason I fail to understand this game´s rules and goals...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
    even "/e facepalm" Twilight Vamps
    It´s not that I want to sparkle... Dark Armor just fits for a Vampire -.-
  19. better only for hoods, 'cause on helmets it would still leave a horrible gap... and a stump where the neck ends.
    But for Hoods that´s a great idea.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    You can create hand models that appear to have separate fingers, but they're still just mittens with no independent articulation unless you modify the character skeletons to have separate "bones" for each finger to be animated.
    I could happily live with this option. And it would still need a massive amount of work, even if it´s just skin and tights, 'cause the Devs had to wrap the patterns around it in a whole new way to not cause any lapses.
  21. There are both in the trailer.
    The orange ones are Shivans and the blue jelly is praet DE.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

    1. An extremely wicked or cruel act: "war atrocities".
    2. A highly unpleasant or distasteful object: "the house was a split-level atrocity"
    3. Really Awesome Metal Band \m/\m/
  23. Gratz... and have fun with the next 48.