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  1. Hmm, sounds a bit weak. Thanks for input. Trying to find a concept that works to take hero-side after Going Rogue comes out.
  2. I have a cool concept for a Nin/TA MM but have never really been able
    to get into them (not past like, level 12). Is this a good combo for casual
    solo play?
  3. How about Ice/Elec. I think it would be a great one too.
  4. My fave's are;

    Lost Nova (PB)
    Lord Fury (SS/WP Brute)
    Arc Havoc (E3 Blaster)
    Northman (Inv/Mace Tank)
    Dragon Moon (Kat/SR Scrapper)
  5. Move all the AE buildings to Boomtown......
  6. Northman

    Mac Question???

    So far, no problems. Runs pretty smooth.

  7. Northman

    Right Click!!??

    Ok, I've downloaded the Mac client on my new Mac. CoH looks great.
    Still getting used to my Mac. I understand it is different than Windows....
    Man, I want my right click back when playing CoH. Can I do this somehow??
  8. Northman

    Mac Question???

    Hey all. I am going out to buy my first Mac tomorrow. I have purchased the Mac expansion pack for Coh already. Do I need a "Mac" installation CD to load up Coh on my new Mac?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]'s not that big guys. Acting like it's some game breaking advantage is just silly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS while the rest of us are screwed in that regard.

    Anyone who has played a PB or WS knows how nice it is to have a REAL travel power at low level as opposed to a crappy knock off temp power.

    People here, to my knowledge, haven't even mentioned what I think is truly game breaking. You can now take the pre-requisite to another pool, and then the travel power from another pool, freeing up at LEAST one power pick to take other things. That's very powerful. I can now take Hasten and Super Jump! Gone, for 60 month vets, are the days of getting stuck with Super Speed cause they needed Hasten but couldn't fit another travel pool! They can just mix and match now!

    Also, if there isn't a limit to this, like, if they can now take Flight, Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport without any of the prerequisites, they could stack the hell out of those sexy Universal Travel bonuses (not that I would waste all 4 pools on travel, but you COULD if you wanted).

    This just screams of unfair advantages in too many ways to count. This feels like the devs lied to me when they said that vet rewards would never give unfair advantages, only perks... but that's exactly what this is.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So play a PB or WS then....
  10. To all those like myself whose glass just went from half-full to full,
    WIN. To all those whose glass is seems is always half-empty, what would YOU suggest as a meaningful reward that doesn't alienate three quarters of the CoX population?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Next year Praetorian Santa please.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bad Santa!
  12. Stone shields look heavy....SB please
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    ... Already did. Paid 10 bucks. Is your stuff worth 10 bucks?

    [/ QUOTE ] How is it always that their (bleep) is stuff, and your stuff is
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    To work...or not to work...that is the question.

    [/ QUOTE ]placate boss.....assassin's strike
  15. Trying to load into Peregrine Island 8 will be fuuunnn eh?
    Gonna run door missions in Warburg. Good and quick xp.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ack, celebrate wife's b-day, DXp, celebrate wife's b-day DXP...


    [/ QUOTE ]Use a Break-Free. No wait. ESCAPE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rare salvage is the only thing that works for wife aggro, diamond, sapphire, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]Genious.
    /starts farming Croatoa....
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    ack, celebrate wife's b-day, DXp, celebrate wife's b-day DXP...


    [/ QUOTE ]Use a Break-Free. No wait. ESCAPE!