20 -
I just recently returned to the game due to the OSX compatibility. My old windows machine died, and I had to make a decision on what kind of new computer to get... and opted for the MacBook Pro for work, rather than a Windows box just for gaming purposes.
Thank you so much for this. Having a functional non-Windows planner was the only thing I was missing... and I was missing it real bad. Having access to this again has just made my day. -
removed: @Nocturn, he is leaving the game, good luck with RL man.
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Thanks Kitten. I'm sorry I wasn't ever able to contribute, but I have a few friends on Spain's team and they'll be able to update me on how ya'll do. So I'll be cheering on Laser Kitty a Go Go from outside.
Go Lazer kitties! -
If you'd like, I can set us up a private forum on my SG's website.
And I love the name. -
what kind of brute and Domi and i will be most likely sitting on the side with you all i have is a stupid EMP.
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Stone Melee/Dark Armor Brute (I dare you to find another one that is fully IO'ed out)
Fire/Fire Dominator
And the mastermind is Thugs/Poison, just for completeness.
Hope to see ya'll in-game soon! -
I'm here, and looking forward to being the lone gimpy villain on this team.
My brute is fully IO'ed out.
My dominator is not, but is next on my list. He is at least fully specced out with generic IO's.
My Mastermind isn't set IO'ed out yet either, but does use generic IO's.
I'll probably end up just cheering from the sidelines, I'd imagine... but if not I should be able to contribute, hopefully. I'm not a total noob when it comes to this stuff. -
Happy Birthday Villains!
Now give us some villain-only content, please! Other than the Ouroborous arc, we haven't gotten any new substantial villain-only content since Issue 7! -
That's a great-lookin powerset there, Castle... and a great looking trailer too! Thanks for describing how the power-combos will work, and thanks for making them so user-friendly.
One question though... if you have an attack on auto (with a green ring) will you be able to see the orange ring for the combo attack?
Also... Kudos to you guys actually putting some sound design and graphics work on this preview trailer! I was watching the trailer full screen on my MacBook at work and dreamed for just a moment that I was playing CoH on my Mac. Nice work to whomever put the video together! -
Now, before you say anything, I know there are other ways to do player versus player in a more controlled manner. You can have safe zones for new folks and/or danger zones where such combat takes place. Dark Age of Camelot seems to be using this latter strategy fairly well. But that kind of solution doesn't work for City of Heroes. Maybe if we had two cities - one full of villains, the other full of heroes - warring with one another, it might work. But that would be a very different and, in my opinion, very silly game indeed.
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HAHAHAHA!!! That's brilliant! -
Yup, I pretty much agree with most everyone here when I say this Issue might quite possibly be the best Issue we've seen yet.
Bravo, Cryptic! This looks fantastic! -
Yay, the devs endorse PvP griefing.
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Oh just stop, you're embarassing yourself. -
[*] SG/VG Name: The Impossibles/The Forsaken[*] Public relations: www.theimpossibles.org[*] Peak teaming hours: 6-midnight EST weekdays, all day on weekends.[*] Amount of PvP: Friendly matches only, non-competitive.[*] Amount of Powerleveling: Minimal[*] Amount of Drama: Minimal[*] Size of Base: Really Big, Secure, and full of things to hurt intruders[*] Requirements: Must have at least one character at level 20, must show active interest during applicant phase.[*] Other: Average age in the Impossibles is probably mid-30's, we're understanding of spousal/child needs during missions and won't hold it against you.
We run several events every week, ranging from badge-hunting, to Task/Strike Forces, to RP events, to PvP tournaments (sometimes mixing and matching all of the above!) Mainly, we just like to run missions and goof off in our private global chat channels and have fun together. [*] Guild Description: We have members who are PvP only, we have members who are PvE only, but most of us fall in-between. We have badge-hounds as well. We do it all. Membership is usually hovering right around 65-70 active members.[*] Leader or Recruiting Officers: Current leaders are @Chickenmilker, @Midnight Cowboy, and @Terex. Recruiting Officers are @Rampager and @Blackened Soul.[*] Voice chat: Yes, but mainly only used during PvP events.[*] Preferred Method of contact: Visit our website at www.theimpossibles.org
Happy Holidays everyone!
Sorry to see you go, Cuppa. You've been a great ambassador for the game. The City gets a little darker tonight...
The thing to do would be to get the dom to fire off domination then run and let it time out useless. this is the problem with a jekyl and hyde approach.
Dominators are one trick ponies, get them to fire the domination then just wait it out.
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If you run away from a dominator in full-on domination mode, it's because he let you run away or because you just ate half a tray of breakfrees. -
Wow... just wow. I've been avoiding playing a MM because I felt they really were under-documented, and I'm not much for experimenting in my few hours of play time.
This is exactly what I need. Thank you so much for the effort here. Fantastic job! -
Thank you Statesman, Positron and the rest of the crew at Cryptic for such a great service that I have enjoyed continuosly from almost the very beginning.
Grats on the ding, Positron! Keep up the fantastic work. I can't wait to see where you take the franchise! -
What about Bruce? The last post I saw from him was when he let slip what the pricing model would be while statesman was out running the convention circuit hyping CoV...
Now I find that every new member of a team is welcome, regardless of their AT, as long as they play smart. Issue 5 actually renewed my waning interest in the game. It's challenging again. Thank you!
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This "extra challenge" that you like so much is killing two of my SGs.
Just an equal and opposite opinion, not calling you out.
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Understood. Ultimately, I only truly know how the game affects me and my friends. I've had a few friends who have left since Issue 5, although nobody directly cited I5 as the reason. Burnout seems more common with my friends. But I run with an admittedly small crowd.
Anyways, since you're on Protector as well, maybe we can team up sometime and debate the merits/flaws of the new system there? My seven man SG has thinned over the last three months down to about 4, and I'm having to rely on pickup groups for fun now. And we all know how hit or miss those can be. -
I5 is probably the most team-friendly build we've ever had on the servers since before the Purple Patch.
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I realize I'm a few weeks late in this thread, but I'd just like to say that I completely agree with TomTrumpinski's summation above.
I detested teaming with tankers because they obviously didn't need me there, and as a controller all I could really do was get in their way. Burn tankers were especially guilty of this, as well as invulns.
I didn't like teaming with other controllers because either one of us could easily handle the entire mission on our own.
Now I find that every new member of a team is welcome, regardless of their AT, as long as they play smart. Issue 5 actually renewed my waning interest in the game. It's challenging again. Thank you! -
As a few posters above mentioned, Shadowbane had a pretty decent system for base raiding (banes) but it was still flawed. The ability for the defender to set the time at an ungodly hour was just stupid. Defending or attacking at 4AM is no fun.
The "surprise" base raid would favor the high school and college kids who can stay up until 4 AM to do the ninja mission. Want that item of power? Just stay up until 3AM and get three or four friends and you are guaranteed a win. Those of us who have jobs/families/significant others can't or won't do that.
Camping your own base "just in case" somebody shows up to steal your item of power turns a game into a job. Sure, you could get a warning that your defenses are getting breached and everyone needs to run back to the base to defend it. But as anyone who's done any PvP knows, the longest part of any fight is always the setup. Making sure a leader is acknowledged, setting a rally point, starting teams, discussing tactics... by the time the defenders get organized, the raid would be over.
Mutual agreement of appointment times will work just fine. Just don't expect a lot of them to happen on weeknights.