71 -
By what the title says i mean i'm trying to gain a vast amount of influence before the end of the month. Why so? For two reasons mainly.
The first one is that i will be on vacation during august,and i would like to have finished slotting my main characters for that period,so i can relax,play and enjoy them to the fullest. The second is that i find the process of making money very boring and tiresome,i would like to amass a large amount of inf/resources now and then be done with it forever,so i can return to my normal playing without having to worry about money ever again.
Slotting my mains is going to cost a lot,i've already bought a couple of pvp recipes,but i still need some purples and hopefully,if i can afford it,a panacea proc.
I've read some guides here on the forum. For what i've been able to discern,the fastest ways to make inf revolve around playing the market,farming,and doing hero tips for aligment merits.
Now,playing the market isn't for me,if that was the only way i'd renounce the idea of slotting purples altogether. it's simply more than i can bear,i cannot do it. So said option is out.
As for farming,i've tried using a level 50 fire brute on x8 maps hoping for purple drops,wich in the end didn't seem a very good method. In 2 days the drop rate was around one purple every 3 hours if i was lucky,and even then most of the time it was a sleep or confusion recipe worth nothing more than 40-60 million. So i dropped the idea.
Currently i'm farming AE tickets. It takes 15 minutes to make 7500 tickets,wich then i roll for 15-19 bronzes. I usually end up with 7-8 good recipes (reactive armors,steadfast res/def and an occasional rectified reticle) sometimes more,but i'm taking 7 for an example for my calculations. (i used to roll 30-34 bronzes,but in the end the 15-19 range seems more stable and rewarding to me).
If i'm slow,farming for tickets,gaining salvage,crafting and selling takes 45 minutes. The stuff i put on WW sells for 20-30 million apiece,so in the end i usually gain 130 million minimum for 45 minutes of work,sometimes i can go up to almost 200 million.
Then,hero merits. I can,on average,do 5 tips in 30 minutes (including the time it takes to actually gain the first tips when i don't have none to begin with,wich is very annoying).
Doing that with 3 characters,i end up with 3 merits in 2 days for 3 hours of work.Double that amount and it's 6 merits wich i can use for buying 3 valuable pieces like,say,the famous LoTG+recharge or miracle+recovery. Supposing i can sell for 200 million each (wich is not always the case) i end up with 600 million for six hours,obviously meaning 100 million per hour.
Considering all i've said,the best inf per hour ratio seems to be farming AE,and that's what i'm doing now. But i'm pretty sure there are people capable of doing better,and so here is what this post is all about:seeking advice on how to improve my performance if possible,or to chase better,alternate routes of doing what i'm doing wich i might have overlooked,since i'm not an expert at either farming or grinding. I appreciate any kind of help you can lend me -
So did i. I hope there's still one available
Never mind. I DID manage it at last. Man i'm really lousy at this. Finally i got it...now both commands work properly.
Time to enjoy full permadom -
Lol,after asking some people in game,having studied the matter for more than an hour,putting 2 save files in c:\ and testing them,i finally managed to make it work. A second later i check the forum again and you suggest a faster and simpler way
But really,thanks for the help anyway. Only one thing still eludes me. I can now switch between auto hasten and auto domination with the left mouse button using ocasta's method,but the w button only sets hasten on auto,it does nothing for domination,while you seggest it should put domination on auto when i release it. What am i missing now? -
Ehm....call me stupid,but i didn't quite get it. Mainly because i don't know how to make a text file that the game can read and load. Or where to put it :P
I tried to follow what Ocasta said,but i lost after a while. having just slotted my character for permadom today,and being anxious to try it, i settled for 2 binds: one was /bind W "+forward$$powexec_auto Hasten", the other /bind lbutton "powexec_auto Domination", so i activated hasten with w and domination with the mouse.
The trouble with this method is that you run the risk of missing the activation of domination when running between missions,or standing still too long when fighting or responding to a tell and miss hasten.
It does not happen often,but it DID happen to me during a mission,and i lost the domination effect midway. Luckily i was able to get it up again just before the boss :P
Someone in game suggested to me something like /bind key "powexec_auto Domination$$powexec_auto Hasten" saying that with this method i can switch wich powers to set on auto every time the other fires off with just the press of a button. I couldn't make it work,though.
Could you shed some more light on this matter? And,is it possible to set the command for the activation of powers BOTH on the w key and mouse button,so if you don't press the one you are surely pressing the other,thus being certain that the powers will fire on time? -
Did a full reslotting today. I'm impressed! having permadom sounded good,but i didn't think it would be THIS good
I've tried soloing tips missions at +1 rep and it really was a piece of cake. Nice,it will help me leveling when i play at late night and can't find a team. No i'm wondering how to test the limits of this character.....it will be some pretty satisfactory experimenting -
Thank you for your insight. Yours is an interesting build,i'll have to take a look more closer and decide wich way to go.
The cardiac boost was indeed my initial choice,both for increased range and for what seems to be a much needed end reduction ( even if i don't plan on keeping all toggles active at all times,only when they are needed). I guess i'll settle for sqeezing in as much recharge as possible and go cardiac when i reach 50.
As for the accolades.....as much useful as they are,i don't have the will to go through all that excruciating hours of boredom again. Well,i could find the time to obtain freedome phalanx reserve member,hunting fake nemesis at level 50 doesn't take so long,and portal jockey IF i can find the right team.......but i'd prefer to die 100,000 times at the hands of a grey conned rikti monkey rather than do a synapse,sister psi or citadel tf again -
After many months of playing and enjoying a variety of characters who were slotted with just SOs or normal IOs,i decided to try and power up my favorites with some well deserved sets.
Being new at this,with great difficulty i started planning my main tank's build,but the matter seemed much complicated...so i settled for something simpler at first,my dominator,wich main goal was to achieve permadom and all the rest came in second.
What follows is what i came up with,he can reach permadom but i'm not completely satisfied with the results.....it may be due to my inexperience,maybe i'm missing something important,or maybe not and i simply was expecting too much.....so i'm looking for some advice in this matter.
What troubles me most is that i have to rely on the spiritual alpha to have permadon. I can ALMOST reach it without the alpha.....hasten recharges in 122 seconds....will that be enough? He's currently level 44 and it would be nice to play these last 6 levels with permadom active instead of having to wait until he's 50.
Is there a way i could augment my recharge without having to rely on spiritual? I slotted as much +recharge as i could.
Second,i plan to stay as far from melee as possible,and attack from range. That combined with control powers makes me think i will be hit by ranged attack mostly ( as it's been until now) so i tried to pump ranged defense. I came up with 30% . Since i see many threads about softcapped dominators,i don't know if i could do better or if that 30% is really the best i could hope for. Again,could i raise the defense value in any way or should i keep it like it is?
I'm also hoping i will not have endurance issues with so much recharge. But i'm guessing with consume and domination activating so often,my blue bar will stay fairly full.
A couple of notes:
i purposedly avoided all purple and PvP sets. The amount of time and resources needed for those made me decide to obtain them only for 2 main characters,all the others will get sets wich are cheaper and simpler to get. This one is a character i like very much,but it's not built to be the most powerful guy possible,i only want to make him stronger and more fun to use.
That's also the reason you may notice he lacks accolades,i play for fun and if maximizing every single aspect of a character means grinding too much i usually stop.
Enough talking ,here is my buildlease let me know what do you think about it and if there's a way i could make him a little more effective....thanks guys
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,92
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Tremendo Terremoto: Level 50 Magic Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Fossilize- (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold: Level 30
- (3) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30
- (3) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold: Level 30
- (5) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 30
- (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
- (23) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (23) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (25) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
- (25) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (A) Enfeebled Operation - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
- (5) Enfeebled Operation - Endurance/Immobilize: Level 50
- (11) Enfeebled Operation - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50
- (17) Enfeebled Operation - Accuracy/Immobilize/Recharge: Level 50
- (17) Enfeebled Operation - Accuracy/Immobilize: Level 50
- (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
- (34) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
- (34) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
- (34) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range: Level 50
- (37) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
- (A) Tempered Readiness - Damage/Slow: Level 50
- (7) Tempered Readiness - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50
- (7) Tempered Readiness - Range/Slow: Level 50
- (9) Tempered Readiness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow: Level 50
- (11) Tempered Readiness - Accuracy/Damage/Slow: Level 50
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
- (9) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
- (21) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
- (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
- (29) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (31) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (31) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
- (31) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (A) Stupefy - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
- (13) Stupefy - Endurance/Stun: Level 50
- (13) Stupefy - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50
- (15) Stupefy - Stun/Range: Level 50
- (15) Stupefy - Accuracy/Stun/Recharge: Level 50
- (50) Stupefy - Chance of Knockback: Level 50
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
- (A) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge: Level 50
- (19) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance: Level 50
- (19) Dark Watcher's Despair - Recharge/Endurance: Level 50
- (21) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Endurance: Level 50
- (A) Empty
- (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
- (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30
- (27) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold: Level 30
- (27) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold: Level 30
- (29) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 30
- (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 50
- (37) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
- (40) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 50
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
- (42) Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance (20%): Level 50
- (A) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
- (33) Blood Mandate - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (33) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 40
- (33) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (46) Blood Mandate - Accuracy: Level 40
- (50) Blood Mandate - Damage: Level 40
- (A) Sting of the Manticore - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
- (36) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (36) Sting of the Manticore - Accuracy/Interrupt/Range: Level 40
- (36) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Interrupt/Recharge: Level 40
- (37) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
- (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
- (39) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (39) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (39) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
- (40) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 40
- (40) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
- (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
- (42) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
- (42) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
- (43) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range: Level 50
- (46) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
- (A) Obliteration - Damage: Level 50
- (45) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
- (45) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
- (45) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
- (46) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
- (A) Impervious Skin - Resistance/Endurance: Level 30
- (48) Impervious Skin - Resistance/Recharge: Level 30
- (48) Impervious Skin - Endurance/Recharge: Level 30
- (48) Impervious Skin - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge: Level 30
- (50) Impervious Skin - Status Resistance: Level 30
- (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50
Level 1: Brawl- (A) Empty
Level 1: Sprint- (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
- (A) Empty
Level 2: Swift- (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
- (A) Empty
- (A) Jumping IO: Level 50
- (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
- (43) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
- (43) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
Set Bonus Totals:- 6% DamageBuff(Smashing)
- 6% DamageBuff(Lethal)
- 6% DamageBuff(Fire)
- 6% DamageBuff(Cold)
- 6% DamageBuff(Energy)
- 6% DamageBuff(Negative)
- 6% DamageBuff(Toxic)
- 6% DamageBuff(Psionic)
- 5,5% Defense(Smashing)
- 5,5% Defense(Lethal)
- 6,75% Defense(Fire)
- 6,75% Defense(Cold)
- 16,13% Defense(Energy)
- 16,13% Defense(Negative)
- 3% Defense(Psionic)
- 4,25% Defense(Melee)
- 18% Defense(Ranged)
- 7,688% Defense(AoE)
- 5,4% Max End
- 3% Enhancement(Immobilize)
- 98,75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 1,5% Enhancement(JumpHeight)
- 34% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 1,5% Enhancement(RunSpeed)
- 1,5% Enhancement(FlySpeed)
- 1,5% Enhancement(JumpSpeed)
- 3% Enhancement(Stun)
- 9% FlySpeed
- 91,56 HP (9,003%) HitPoints
- 9% JumpHeight
- 9% JumpSpeed
- MezResist(Confused) 7,5%
- MezResist(Held) 7,5%
- MezResist(Immobilize) 13%
- MezResist(Sleep) 9,7%
- MezResist(Stun) 11,35%
- MezResist(Terrorized) 7,5%
- 19% (0,317 End/sec) Recovery
- 12% (0,51 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)
- 20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)
- 20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)
- 3,15% Resistance(Fire)
- 3,15% Resistance(Cold)
- 1,875% Resistance(Negative)
- 9% RunSpeed
- 2% XPDebtProtection
Set Bonuses:
Basilisk's Gaze
(Fossilize)- 2,5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1,25% Defense(Ranged)
- 2% (0,033 End/sec) Recovery
- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Flares)- MezResist(Immobilize) 2,75%
- 11,45 HP (1,125%) HitPoints
- 2,25% Max End
- 6,25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Stone Cages)- 3% Enhancement(Immobilize)
- 1,875% Resistance(Negative)
- 2,5% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 1,25% Defense(Melee)
- 3,75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Fire Breath)- 2,5% (0,042 End/sec) Recovery
- 1,575% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
- 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 6,25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Quicksand)- 1,5% (0,025 End/sec) Recovery
- 1,5% Enhancement(Slow)
- 0,9% Max End
- 3,75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Fire Blast)- MezResist(Immobilize) 2,75%
- 11,45 HP (1,125%) HitPoints
- 2,25% Max End
- 6,25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Stalagmites)- 2,5% (0,042 End/sec) Recovery
- 19,08 HP (1,876%) HitPoints
- 3% Enhancement(Stun)
- 6,25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 3,125% Defense(Ranged), 1,563% Defense(Energy), 1,563% Defense(Negative)
(Stealth)- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Earthquake)- 15,26 HP (1,501%) HitPoints
- 2,5% (0,042 End/sec) Recovery
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Tough)- 3% Defense(Melee), 3% Defense(AoE), 3% Defense(Ranged), 3% Defense(Smashing), 3% Defense(Lethal), 3% Defense(Fire), 3% Defense(Cold), 3% Defense(Energy), 3% Defense(Negative), 3% Defense(Psionic)
(Weave)- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Volcanic Gasses)- 2,5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1,25% Defense(Ranged)
- 2% (0,033 End/sec) Recovery
- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Consume)- 5% JumpSpeed, 5% JumpHeight, 5% FlySpeed, 5% RunSpeed
- 19,08 HP (1,876%) HitPoints
(Combat Jumping)- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Combat Jumping)- 20% ResEffect(RunSpeed), 20% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)
(Animate Stone)- 1,5% (0,025 End/sec) Recovery
- 1,875% Defense(Fire,Cold), 0,938% Defense(AoE)
- MezResist(Stun) 1,65%
- 3,75% Defense(AoE), 1,875% Defense(Fire), 1,875% Defense(Cold)
- 3,75% Defense(Ranged), 1,875% Defense(Energy), 1,875% Defense(Negative)
(Blazing Bolt)- 12% (0,51 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 1,875% Defense(Ranged), 0,938% Defense(Energy), 0,938% Defense(Negative)
- 3% DamageBuff(All)
- 7,5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Blaze)- 2% (0,033 End/sec) Recovery
- 2,5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1,25% Defense(Ranged)
- 7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 4% RunSpeed, 4% FlySpeed, 4% JumpSpeed, 4% JumpHeight
- 2,5% Defense(Ranged), 1,25% Defense(Energy), 1,25% Defense(Negative)
(Fire Ball)- 2,5% (0,042 End/sec) Recovery
- 1,575% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
- 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 6,25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Rise of the Phoenix)- MezResist(Stun) 2,2%
- 3% DamageBuff(All)
- 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Fire Shield)- MezResist(Sleep) 2,2%
- 15,26 HP (1,501%) HitPoints
- 2% XPDebtProtection
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- Status Resistance 7,5%
Nothing specific,it was the classic windows message " program X has encountered an error and will be terminated" .
After issue 17 but before the patch i crashed on average about once every 4-5 hours,sometimes a window would pop up asking if i wanted to send the technical support a message describing what i was doing at the moment the error occured.
Now,it's just frequent and random crashes. But like i said,i had no problem last night. Now i'm launching the game again,hoping it will be all right. I'm crossing my fingers..... -
Windows xp.
But strangely,the moment i posted the previous message is the moment the game started to work again,i played all evening with no more problems. Don't ask me why,the crashes simply ceased to happen from one second to another......
Well,better this way,i hope it won't happen again :P -
That's what is happening to me,since last patch my game just keeps crashing at an unnerving pace, it's like an error every 10-15 minutes or so.
It's becoming nearly impossible to play this way,i haven't even dared to use one of my tankers or defenders for fear of dropping at crucial moments or during a fight,thus leaving my teammates without support and protection.
I've heard a lot of players who are suffering from a similar problem,but not in so severe a way. I was wondering if there's a way to solve the situation or at least make the game run in a bearable manner until the devs decide to fix this problem.
Someone has suggested me to check my graphic settings,because the patch seems to have screwed them up on some accounts,but everything is right as it was some days ago and it ran smoothly.
Can someone give some answers regarding this situation? Your help would be much appreciated -
But,what use is force mastery anyway? After all,one would take it protection and Force of nature......but you can take electrical mastery and have that,plus a shield,plus an hold....if one wants protection,it just seems to me that electricity beats force fair and square,where it should be quite the opposite
Just reached level 41,and i have a little question. Why doesn't anybody mention Electrical mastery's Surge of power?
By looking at the numbers,it's as good as Force of nature,and used in conjunction with the shield it could make you even more though,wouldn't it? Or am i missing something here? -
Okay,i think i'll try for the respec. I still don't know the habits of the players so i needed someone to clear my doubts. Thank you
Let me explain the situation first. One of the characters i have created is a level 22 sonic/psi blaster wich i used to try out the game when i came back a few weeks ago. Since i didn't know a lot of things,i screwed up my first build and now i find even the second to not be exactly suited to my fighting style. So i want to respec to finally arrange my powers the way i like them.
Here comes the question: how long does it take to do the terra volta trial,and how difficult is to find the people interested in it? From the broadcast channel i see players have a hard time finding teams for task forces,and this one in particular,now that characters have 2 active builds to chose from,may be ignored by many. If you consider that i have to make another 2 levels before i can start the trial,i could end up wasting a lot of time and then be stuck anyway.
To remake a new character from scratch and bring it to level 22 again just takes a weekend,maybe less if i'm lucky.
So i'm wondering what is the less time-consuming solution,to rebuild a new char or try to level up the old and then do the tf,wich i never did before and don't know how feasible it is nowadays. -
Just a quick question from a new player. I'm thinking about building a willpower/energy melee tank,and it seems to be a build that doesn't consume much endurance. Plus it gets a power that already makes endurance recover more quickly,so is it stamina needed anyway or can i skip it entirely in favor or other powers?
Thanks in advance for tips -
I started building this character out of curiosity and to my surprise it quickly became one of my favorites. I have a pair of questions that bug me,though.....
first of all,to a new player like me,it sounds like if you want to have a good defense,you have to take ALL the powers from super reflexes; wich doesn't sound like a very feasible thing,considering how many good attacks you can chose,travel powers,power pools etc.
So i am seeking some kind of advice for this matter:wich powers are a must,wich are not,and how to slot them effectively.
Also,how good is quickness? Usually i take hasten for my characters,but in this case i was wondering if i can skip that and use quickness instead,seeing as how martial arts gets low recharge times anyway and has a good number of attacks
Last,is it stamina required? (i imagine the answer is yes) The attacks consume little endurance,but the toggles seem to burn lots:should i take it?
Any tips would be appreciated -
Right now i'm slotted with level 30 inventions,i think i will wait until very high levels when i'm absolutely sure about my powers to start searching for the sets i want.
I'm having lots of fun and much to my surprise i discovered that ice/energy is a lot mot more powerful than i thought,capable of killing enemies that normally would slaughter you in any mmorpg. Very good
Another question i have is about our inherent power. The description says it allows blasters to use early abilities even when stunned,held ecc. So what exactly are the earliest abilities? I imagine they are related to the ones you chose at early levels,but so far i haven't managed to determine exactly which powers i can use in such a situation.
Also about the stacking damage bonus: is it capable of reaching the damage cap (wich someone told me it was at 400% or so)? Because if it is,it doesn't sound like such a great thing,seeing as how most of the time i use build up before attacking and that alone plus the inventions almost sums up to the aforementioned 400%. -
I've seen ice storm in action used by other players,and it's definitely better than frost breath. I'll drop one and take the other.
So far my favorite attack is bitter freeze ray;slow move,but the animation is great. Too bad it doesn't deal more damage....then again,we can't have everything -
Thank you. This enhancement diversification does indeed change everything. I wasn't aware of this. And,frankly,having been around at the beginning,i must say it's not a thing that makes you very happy.You can bet it was controversial. But enough about that.
I guess i've made up my mind about secondaries,i'll forget about devices and go with energy all the way.
Fortunately the second active build will make up for the mistakes i've made so far about hasten.
Well,back to the game now....i'm enjoying it very much,i think i'll become a regular player now -
Greetings to everyone who's playing this great game.
Before i start asking questions,i think it's polite to introduce myself: i'm an old player (and by old i mean i played city of heroes back when it was first released) who then quit for personal reasons and because i didn't have the time to dedicate myself to any kind of mmorpgs.
I've recently returned (i've been playing for 10 days now) and after a little experimenting i built a level 22 ice/energy blaster (blasters are my favorite archetypes).
I must say,players move pretty fast now,mainly because almost everyone is an experienced player who alrerady has 10 other characters and knows the game very well. But that's good,because we gain experience very fast moving from one mission to another and don't waste time on petty squabbles. That's one of the reasons i didn't ask many questions in game,i didn't want to bother people with things they've heard maybe 100 other times.
So,i came to the forum.I've tried searching for the information i need but the forum sure is HUGE,so i have no choice but to ask my questions directly. sorry if i'm bothering you folks.
Things have changed since when i played years ago,so i'm left with a few doubts:
1) secondary powers. once upon a time,devices where the favorite choice,because of targeting drone wich allowed to six-slot powers with damage ignoring accuracy,smoke bomb,trip mine etc.
I always hated devices,and chose energy for style,fun and damage:however,the doubt still lingered about what was the best choice.Today,it seems like nobody has devices anymore,and maybe with good reason.Because of the new enhancements wich give multiple bonuses,and for the aim/build up combo.
What i'm asking is: wich is really better,more efficient and fun? Do the damage bonuses from aim and build up stack? And the to hit bonuses? Is there a maximun cap for damage? How should i slot and enhance my powers?
wich brings us to the next question: Hasten. Again,once upon a time,you had to six slot it with recharge reduction to use it effectively. Now i'm not so sure,but by the time i realized it,i already had it 5-slotted. is it too much? should i change it,in case i respec?
last question...frost breath,ice storm,both,or neither?
this is my first ice blaster and i'm very happy with it,but these two attacks doesn't satisfy me.
for now i have frost breath,but i'm not happy with its damage,plus tha animation is AWFUL, it doesn't feel like you're damaging the enemy,it feels like snuffing the candles on a cake.i'm considering switching to ice storm,but damage seems low too,then again,an area slow effect could be useful...or not?
I realize maybe these questions are as old as the world,but i would greatly appreciate a little insight from experienced players.
p.s. it just occured to me...if you're wondering wether i want i pvp build or not,the answer is no. i'm looking for an efficient pve character mainly