bind for toggling hasten/Dom?
I don't know that one, but a popular one is putting one on auto, and bding the other one to your forward button.
something like /bind w powexecname Hasten$+forward tho I never seem to get the $ sign right first try at a bind, its something like that.
Thatway whenever you go to move forward it will try to activate the power you want.
One thing you could probably do is something like
bind lbutton "powexecauto Hasten"
bind w "+forward$$powexecauto Domination"
It should be possible to put but on the mouse 1 button by loading bind files to switch between which one it puts on auto as well. There might be an easier way than that though.
Edit: Just experimented with it quick. Using 2 bind files this works pretty easily.
Make two text files, you can name them whatever and put them where you want, just make sure you know the path. I'm just gonna use an example path and file name.
Let's say I have 2 files, c:\cohbinds\bind1.txt and c:\cohbinds\bind2.txt
In bind1.txt you would put this
lbutton "powexecauto Hasten$$bindloadfilesilent c:\cohbinds\bind2.txt"
lbutton "powexecauto Domination$$bindloadfilesilent c:\cohbinds\bind1.txt"
You can also add forward as another way of switching so that it still triggers when traveling if you'd like using the same principles. So for example you could add this to bind1.txt:
w "+forward$$powexecauto Hasten$$bindloadfilesilent c:\cohbinds\bind2.txt"
Hope it was clear enough.
I've used the switch file bind before, but it's still a bit tedious, and you tend to miss it in combat. I tried combining the 2nd "auto" power with the 'w' key today, but the warning ding is annoying. Is there a way to powexec without getting the warning noise that "power is recharging? (other than modding the sound files)
Is there a way to powexec without getting the warning noise that "power is recharging? (other than modding the sound files)
Thanks! |

No, really. That's what I'd do--but then, I hate the repetitive sound effects of combat. I only turn it on for glowie hunts.
Outside of that, no, no ideas for ya.

By the way, thanks Ocasta. I needed a bind like that for my dom and ill/rad.
Actually, the switch file bind on 'w' works best. If you just activate one power with 'w', it ends up making the autoexec power wait while it queues.
Good stuff, thanks guys.
As long as you use powexecauto rather than powexecname you shouldn't get a queue sound, because all you do is set the power to auto cast (the green circle around it). That's the reason for setting it up that way. It won't mess with queued abilities and it won't constantly play the not ready sound.
By the way, thanks Ocasta. I needed a bind like that for my dom and ill/rad.
![]() |

Great thanks all! Especially Ocasta for the bind.
Tank, are you saying to use Ocasta's bind above, just use "W" (or whatever the movement key is) instead of "lbutton"?
"powexecabort$$powexecname Hasten$$powexecauto Domination"
Great thanks all! Especially Ocasta for the bind.
Tank, are you saying to use Ocasta's bind above, just use "W" (or whatever the movement key is) instead of "lbutton"? |
For perma-Dom it doesn't really matter which one can be "paused", though I think having Hasten on true perma is easiest. me stupid,but i didn't quite get it. Mainly because i don't know how to make a text file that the game can read and load. Or where to put it :P
I tried to follow what Ocasta said,but i lost after a while. having just slotted my character for permadom today,and being anxious to try it, i settled for 2 binds: one was /bind W "+forward$$powexec_auto Hasten", the other /bind lbutton "powexec_auto Domination", so i activated hasten with w and domination with the mouse.
The trouble with this method is that you run the risk of missing the activation of domination when running between missions,or standing still too long when fighting or responding to a tell and miss hasten.
It does not happen often,but it DID happen to me during a mission,and i lost the domination effect midway. Luckily i was able to get it up again just before the boss :P
Someone in game suggested to me something like /bind key "powexec_auto Domination$$powexec_auto Hasten" saying that with this method i can switch wich powers to set on auto every time the other fires off with just the press of a button. I couldn't make it work,though.
Could you shed some more light on this matter? And,is it possible to set the command for the activation of powers BOTH on the w key and mouse button,so if you don't press the one you are surely pressing the other,thus being certain that the powers will fire on time?
That last one won't work. Type /bindsavefile <charname>. Then check your CoH folder in the Piggs subfolder. Open the file with your charname using notepad. Then create the two files Ocasta lists above using Notepad, saving both of them in Piggs.
Lol,after asking some people in game,having studied the matter for more than an hour,putting 2 save files in c:\ and testing them,i finally managed to make it work. A second later i check the forum again and you suggest a faster and simpler way
But really,thanks for the help anyway. Only one thing still eludes me. I can now switch between auto hasten and auto domination with the left mouse button using ocasta's method,but the w button only sets hasten on auto,it does nothing for domination,while you seggest it should put domination on auto when i release it. What am i missing now?
Never mind. I DID manage it at last. Man i'm really lousy at this. Finally i got both commands work properly.
Time to enjoy full permadom
Hi all,
I've seen someone mention a bind that you bind to the left mouse button that will alternate between putting hasten and domination on auto. That way it makes it easier to maintain perma-dom.
Anyone have this macro? My search-fu is atrocious.