324 -
Ok. as most of you might know there is a sg badge for doing 100 cop
this is another one under defeats that I have that says ??? 31 of 100
so I have gotten 31 of whatever... does anyone know what this might be? -
Quote:Install as admin and you should be fineI am having a hard time installing mids on my computer. I'm running vista (boooo) and I would love to put my elec/rad through it and possibly tweak my brute. The error is saying after I start the install wizard that it's pretty much unable to read the files. If anyone could help me it would br greatly appreciated.
How does it work without the bug... I heard the time counts even when logged out but i have a hero that says 10 days and i still havn't gotten a badge yet... any idea?
Have no idea how this works but there are a few people that all 4 of these badges already...
Heard the Call
How is this possible since gr came out on the 16th?
It's only been out for 11 days... unless my math is bad, it would take 28 days to get all 4 -
Thanks snow I figured you would know... is there any word if that is going to change? badge wise? as they did with the + stats accolades...
I understand that you will not get three respecs for doing these but, I have yet to see anyone with both heroside and villains respec trials badges.. the question is can they all be gotten?
Note: if this has been asked before, well it's being asked again
thanks for nay help -
Just do the pi bank mission at x8 You will get a tons of them
Quote:What you need to do is look high for him he flies around the island and he is hard to see look for his followers lagging behind him that's what we didIt's defenitely bugged for vigilantes. I brought my dominator along on a team with some vigilantes to beat Deathsurge. I got the badge for it, but none of the vigilantes got the badge. (Already filed a bug report about it.)
Btw, Ghost of the Scrapyard badge is awarded to vigilantes. Couldn't test if the Caleb badge was working for vigilantes since we couldn't find him after we got his spawn message. -
With GR/I18 coming out this week I have no doubt there have been a number of petitions being sent in, I know I have sent a few myself... With any new release there are always going to be problems, it's just how it is... I have heard many a horror story about the lack of responce and what not but, the petitions I have sent not only have been answered but most of my issues have been resolved and pretty fast I might add. I wanted to say thanks to the support team for the job they are doing
Thanks guys -
Is anyone else getting "The portal does not know where to send you" message
where before you used to click on it and it would take you to the contact?
Maybe the batteries need to be replaced? -
Quote:same thing happened to me and I have tried three times! I sent in a petition and got a responce on the proper way to kill a GM (lol) which is funny but they did say they would bump it up to a supervisor so we will see what happensA group of vigilantes and I defeated Deathsurge last night and didn't get a badge. However we also defeated 100 gremlins and did get a defeat badge for that. Is this a bug?
Also the Villainous badge in AE is not being awarded as well -
When issue 17 came out we lost some costume parts now this is out and we have lost sonic eyewere which means I can't change anything on my toons cosutme without losing it
And I take it the answer will be we will fix it when we fix it. if they eve nknow about it
Havn't checked to see if anything else is missing -
Quote:I agree with this 100%, well stated Ransim....Its more an issue of a broken character transfer to test. People can't port over their more powerful/slotted characters and are instead generally relying on more poorly slotted characters they had on test.
Personally from what I've seen of this trial I expect it will be doable without nukes/shivans or any other temps. Much like how Hamidon raids are done now and the LRSF. The hardest part, like a LRSF and a Hamidon raid is that it requires a lot of coordination.
A lot of people scream the sewer trial is hard, but its really not, you just need good players who listen and leaders who know what they're doing. Its a challenge, its not impossible. -
Quote:Sometimes that happens, I have gotten that a few times and what I do is just keep trying to connect, you will get itI was on the servers fine this morning, then did an NVIDIA upgrade. After the upgrade, got the message Can't connect to dbserver. Did a system restore to before the update, still getting same message. Running Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate. Are the servers down or is my machine now a boat anchor?
Does anyone have a guide or has made a guide for human from pb? I have seen a ws one but... if anyone has one could you please post it?
Thanks -
Talk about good timing... I was told at work that I have to use some vacation days or they will expire by the end of the month... and it just so happens GR is launching th 17th..
I see me talking a few days off during that time...
is anyone here planning on taking time off from work or whatever in order to play GR when it comes out? -
Quote:Amen...While I might agree the original requirements for these top epic damage badges were too high they were finally significantly lowered (as people like Nericus pointed out) a couple of Issues ago. I really see absolutely no need to further reduce these badges to make them any easier at this point.
Your concern about the "extra HP" issue is vaguely legitimate, but based on the data available on the major badge tracking sites literally hundreds of people earned all these badges back when they were pegged too high AND still had the "extra HP" difficultly associated with them.
Basically they were earnable before they were fixed and now they are that much easier. I'd rather this game have at least a few "epic" level badges like this that are still relatively hard than to have all these badges be almost trivial to get. -
Quote:You know swell, you bring up a great point... and we all know that isn't going to happen. Isn't it ironic that the census seems to be against farming, yet with the current drop rate being as it is, it pretty much forces people to farm in order to improve the chance of getting them, without having to buy them that is...The only thing I can imagine that would cause the prices of purples to fall significantly would be to up their drop rate a lot.
Quote:Had the same thing happen last night. although I wasn't making a pyrimid, and I sent in a ticket (silly me) and they had me do a Game Advisor report which I was like... "ok!?!"I was makeing a pyrimid(ya dont ask just know it consisted of over 300 of the mossy blocks large style at the time it happened). CoH crashes no error message, no type here with what you where doing so we can diagnose this box, Nuthin just crash to desktop everything else runs fine but CoH will not connect. Any Ideas as to what i did and what i can do in order to fix this?
EVEN though, I had told them I could get on the test server, they figured out, it can't be on their end... it's like me going to a mechanic and telling them my car will not startup and them telling me me "did you check the washer fluid?" I did try the -project coh switch but still got connecting # for about 5 hours. I tried logging on this morning and it got on...
so pretty much, the best I can expect for them will be "Ooops" -
Quote:Great point FireheartNitra, in some ways, a Tanker IS a Controller, only instead of immobilize or hold, a Tanker utilizes Aggro to force the enemy to do his bidding. "Hey, You! Ugly!" (Taunt) "Get over here and bring your buddies!" (Smack up the side of the head) "Don't look at the squishies, Look at ME!" And then you hold their attention, while the Blaster nukes them into oblivion... Or, until you grind them into dogmeat Yourself.
In addition to taunt/aggro, you have stuns, knocks, slows, debuffs, fears, etc. all to help 'control' enemy behavior. So, a Tanker can be seen as a melee-range Controller.
Be Well!
Fireheart -
Quote:Joe, I am so not a tank person, my flavors are trollers, blasters and defenders, BUT after reading your guide you have me thinking "maybe a tank might not be so bad"Glad the guide is proving helpful. I was hoping as many folks as possible would be prompted to try my favorite AT.
Looking forward to adding energy melee to the list once released and updating some of the info, particularly for Dark Armor.
yikes this sounds like an infomercial!
Were you like me? Thinking... a "Tank!?!?" NEVER!!! "What would I do with a tank?"
Well, I used to think just like that, until I read "Taking It on the Chin. An Intro to Tanking" By Abnormal_Joe. While I haven't commited to making a tank, thanks to Joe's guide, I'm now thinking of tanks in a whole new light!!!
Thx Joe
Justice Server