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  1. Yeah I called them and it was pretty easy... they sent me a link I reset the secuirty question to something I would remember this time and it's all set
  2. ugh... just ugh, more hoops to jump through! Atleast let us setup a new hint THEN do this...
  3. With Fitness going Inherent, has the fighting pool taken it's place as a must have pool power the way fitness used to be?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Double the merits is a waste of time?

    Thankfully the Devs aren't as singularly focused as you seem to be.
    ^ This
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WenDarkFall View Post
    Strike Target of the Week


    February 22nd to February 28th - Clamor and Destruction (from Sister Psyche in Independence Port) / Pirates of the Skies (from Silver Mantis in Sharkhead Isle or your supergroup or villaingroup base's mission computer or oracle)
    MUCH rather do Sister than Pirates of the Skies... I have no problem doing the low level TF's in fact since Sister is one of those TF's that people cringe when asked to do, this is a great chance to get it done on toons that might need it as part of taskforce commader...
    becuase there is no doubt tons of people will be doing it during that week plus 100+ merits for the first one isn't too shabby...
  6. Unless they have said it resets I think it's a total count badge: for example
    Week 1 is stf you do 10 of them
    Week 2 is Itf you do 15 of them
    Week 3 is Khan you do 10 of them
    Week 4 is Apex you do 15 of them
    this would total 50 and you would get the badge...
    We know they change the tf per week but I don't think your count resets...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
    lol Anti Farmers make me laugh hard

    It supplies the market with more then half its supply, which keeps cost down. Trust me, look at what happened to salvage prices when farmers switched to AE. People farming for PvP IOs are not hurting you, move on man. Or hey get a second account and do it yourself.
    Gyspy laying down the gospel!!! Amen brother!!! Amen! O_o
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    Not a market purchase, but similarly, I went to Fort Trident to spend 2 hero merits on a LOTG +7.5. I opened up the window... found Defense sets... set level to 25... found a 7.5... purchased................. Whoops, it turns out there's another Def IO with 7.5 in the name. The GotA + run speed is worth less than a percent of the LOTG. Oh well.
    No dice, no buy O_o
  9. Take care Eric, it was fun neeting you at the meet and greet and I wish you the best for you and your family
  10. Nitra

    Selling PvP IO's

    [Gladiator's Armor: Teleportation Protection, +Def(All) 10] sold
    [Gladiator's Armor: Teleportation Protection, +Def(All) 50] for sale
    [Shield Wall: Teleportation Protection, +Res(All) 50] sold

    2.5 Bil each firm

    if interested there are 2 ways to contact me
    in game @nitra. and @nitra
    or forum email
    leave global and let me know when best time to get in contact with you in game

    This is FIRST come first serve. I will post when item is sold
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I offer 5 hawt cyber sessions for each!
    Considering the going rate for 1 PG cyber session... then you divide that by 14 and carry the 3
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
    Now I'm back in. I deleted the checksum file in the CoH folder, verified files and flushed my DNS cache as was suggested in another thread

    Windowskey-R opens the command line window, enter this

    ipconfig /flushdns

    YMMV, good luck
    Well glad it worked for you, i tried this and same thing and if you try to verify the updater crashes
    you know I could have lived without the winterlord thing...
  13. AND I tried verifying and the updater crashed NICE!!!
    Feel like playing on a sat night? NOPE!

    lol that's one way to fix your problems don't let people get on the server!!
  14. GREAT... fix the winterlord event and break something else but this only in certain area's I know other people who are able to get on the servers just fine...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Now help me out here. I am not any kind of a collector but I have known many and in every case they want the real deal or nothing at all. How is it you are happy having a badge that by the current standard isn't the real deal ? Are the lot of you competing just on count and the actual badges don't matter ? Is it about gaining all of them ? If a glitch in the system came along and gave you all of them would that be fine ? Even though you hadn't actually earned them ?
    There will always be arguments as to which is the proper way to get a badge... at the end of the day just get it! Unless the badge does something via +bonus accolade, it's just about collecting... I know more than few people that were gifted vet badges by the devs which was a mistake, and they later came out and said "our bad: but you guys can keep them enjoy.

    I would love to have the 1&2 anniversary but I didn't start to play until Oct 2006 and I'll never catch up on the vet badges because I'm behind and they keep coming out and that's just the way it is...

    I also know a few people that have been frustrated by the lowering of the requirements of some of the epic badges, because many of them got the badges when they were a lot harder to get, I had that happen on a couple of them as well but it is what it is...

    As far as this badge goes "Midnight Dodger What Dodges at Midnight" it was a challenge at first and some of us put our heads to together and figured out the puzzle, it's the same thing when the Master of the Lady Gray was bugged we still got it done because we worked as a team even though the green Mito were borked... The key saying here is.. "whatever it takes"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    Wrong, with added wrongsauce and a side order of wrong,
    lol and that order is to GO!! O_o
  17. What it comes down to is finding the right strategy... Take the Tin mage for example
    When it first came out it was very difficult to get Midnight Dodger What Dodges at Midnight.
    We figured out a way to do it, then the devs did a patch and set it back to difficult...
    Now we have figured a better way to get this badge and it's beyond easy, which leads me to believe that the devs might patch it again...O_o Like Dolli said, most master runs depend on the 8 people working together as a cohesive unit in order to complete the objective of not dying.. These 2 new master runs are based on completing certain objectives within the TF itself... To me these Master TF's are like puzzles once you understand the dynamics and what works they become easy to solve, just like these 2 new Master runs
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I very much doubt this has anything to do with farming. Players in PvP aren't dropping anything, including inf, prestige, or salvage. That's pretty clearly broken. My guess is something broke in the attempt to make players drop Incarnate Shards.

    This has happened before.

    And yes, it's broken right now.
    Indeed, Mod08 said it is a bug so there you are...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yomo_Kimyata View Post
    Have you all been asking in the PvP forums as well? I'd guess you'd get a quicker and better response there.
    Yeah if anyone really cares about pvp they do... But it seems that there are no drops at all and someone had said they had gotten a drop post I19 but that turned out to be wrong
    which means the ONLY way to get pvp io is by using A-Merits 30-35 per (ouch) and of course the market will reflect this more than it has, and on top of this the devs have said nothing regarding this O_o
  20. Well i'm glad I got it a couple of days ago, it seems the devs are hell bent on making this one tough to get O_o THEY GOT BOMBS BABY!!!
  21. Very cool and congrats... I met my gf in this game as well, and we have been together going on 4 years... coh without a doubt has the best community and stuff like this proves it.
  22. Has anyone else gotten a an io drop post I19?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

    They should just have an internal marking system that will note how many times a particular toon is repeating the same mission over and over again in MA. Once it reaches a certain threshold it gets flagged for review and automatically starts lowering the xp gained (by that toon) from the critters in that mish to a lower value until it gets unflagged.
    NO just NO
    I see AE getting hit with this all the time, yet does anyone here thinK people are not farming itf's and other tf's for shards now? This game promotes farming and while maybe AE wasn't created for farming the bottom line is this is no different then the real content game which is farmed a lot!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Old_Macdonald View Post
    get some Magic Markers and color some wood chips
    lol, how do you respond to someone who tells you to color wood chips? O_o
  25. I heard that pvp drops have been shut off... because of people farming them, if so then it means market prices will rise even though they are pretty high already... As if Pvp wasn't borked enough this will surely do more harm, if that is at all possible O_o