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  1. Do you have any idea how much I want to make a point to that? but I'm not sure I can at this time, because I'm about to start drooling on my keyboard I believe. . . but I'm going to try!

    So. . .let me get this straight. . .on the section where it is labeled "Recharge Rate" it is talking about your "Recharge Rate Bonus" Strictly? While on the section where it says "Damage Buff" it is talking about your over all Damage, not just the buff? #@%#$% no wonder I was confused! Good night! =]
  2. Nights_Eclipse


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    finished Kalinda's Arc that I had out leveled

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bingo bingo bingo, we have a winner.

    Presumably the arc (being for lowbies) is hard-coded (so to speak, I know it's probably an improper use of the term) to reward only TOs, and not a level-appropriate-typed enhancement. This is specifically the example I was thinking of, though at the time I could only think of Montague on blue-side. Yes, a contact like Kalinda would probably act the same way. Voila, high-level TO. Maybe you can snipe a transfer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    May be hard coded, but if you pick up a mission at the right level, you can get the Nasty elder snakes which only spawn at 46+ I believe when you are in the 20s. . .or was it 30s. . . I had this happen to me when I was either going for my cap or my aura on one of my toons, had to complete the old arc first. About craped my self when I walked in and saw an elder snake standing there looking me in the face. . . I had to call in help needless to say.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Isn't the aggro cap also 16, not 17? Not a huge deal, just making a statement =] (sorry reading the article. . )

    [/ QUOTE ] lol you are thinking too hard about it. I already told you that the name of the category for Damage is misleading.

    The Agro cap doesn't change. There is no way to buff or debuff it... so it's not like you have 1 by default and 16 more.. it's just plain 17. Period. lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sleepy, and putting off going to bed, hehe
  4. Isn't the aggro cap also 16, not 17? Not a huge deal, just making a statement =] (sorry reading the article. . )
  5. I decided I proved my point, they are inconsistent, yeah . . .that is what I was getting at. . .I still need sleep though *sigh*
  6. I read it. . .ok so I didn't, but I will say I did for my dignity, then continue to say that I am mentally handicapped. . .wait. . does the retain my dignity, or throw it out a second story window?

    Edit: In my defense . . . is your base recharge rate 0%? Would that make you have no recharge, vs how it is stated that you can get -75% . . .correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are recharging -75%. . .wouldn't that mean that the power is actually like decharging (ok I totally made that up, but w/e).

    isn't it more like you have a base of 100%, can get a BUFF of 400%, and can get debuffed 75% to put you at a minimum 25% recharge. . .not that this would also make the numbers they give make more sense. (1/5th recharge at 500% recharge rate, and 4Xs recharge at 25% recharge rate vs the same -100%. . .)

    Edited to ad note to edit: @#$%@ did I just prove your point not mine? I'm not sure at the moment actually. . .maybe I did both? O.o I need sleep. . .
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    1. hide but that hides you from everyone
    2. ignore, they know you are on but cannot send you a tell. I am not sure why you would care if they know you are on if they cannot say anything to you
    3. petition though odds are you may simply be told to /ignore them unless they are saying something bad to you

    Changing your name won't help. And deleting won't help in the long run if they have your global which is gotten very easily. They will just wait until they run across your new character and see that it is you by putting some number of stars on a player rating on you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually. . .since there has been the /hide revamp I do believe you can hide JUST from server friends, so. . .unless they did a /search and saw you, you'd be good.
  8. Ah, ok gotcha. . . hadn't considered that . . . mainly because I don't personally really consider the base part of the cap >.>
  9. Oh I knew how, and I explained it. . .took 15 minutes to explain what Power pools were. . .god I'm glad I was on a hero and not trying to explain how to get patrons!!!
  10. MY guess is he is lying, as dumpleberry said. . .if you see him again, have him take a screenshot of his enhancment slotting window, and send you the picture. . .then you can post it here.

    Not that it would be impossible to Photoshop one of those images, but more than likely someone would notice. . . =]
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    srsly why do you care about AE? OMG someone has a 50 without a 2 year vet badge...kill them. I'll never get why you care bears demand people play the game the way you want them to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It isn't that it is without a 2 year vet. . .it is when they ask "so. . .how do I fly?" when they are already 50 (I actually had that happen to me). THIS is what bugs people, not the fact that people have 50s, it is more the fact that they have them, but have no idea how to play them.

    ALSO AE in its current state is quite bad for the game itself. . . disagree all you want. The reason I say this is because the people who are coming in completely new to the game, and getting a 50 in less than a week are then saying "Ok, so now what? I have gotten to the max level, what do I do now? Just do it again? That is boring!" And then proceed to cancel and subs. This is BAD granted this isn't what all will do, but it is what several will do.

    For the players who have been around for awhile, seen the content, and are actually using and playing the toons once they hit 50? Yeah, AE isn't so bad in that case, it is more the people who are coming into the game for the first time after AE was already out, or shortly before. That first long trek to 50 is what keeps several players active, and keeps subs on longer to get the game money.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    No one here is stupid and I can imagine the madness that will be double XP + AE, but what kind of message will be sent?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If they don't allow 2xp in the AE, the message will be that it is another feature that is restricted during the event. Just like patrol xp, drops, etc are restricted.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What is this!? Patrol xp doesn't work in AE? HOG POSH! saves peoples silly arses from getting debt. . . well. . . depending on how they are doing things, but using patrol XP to not get debt is the exact same, if not better than using patrol xp any other way.
  13. I'd be willing to bet that AE does not receive the double XP bonuses, but if it did it wouldn't be the first time that the devs have surprised me.

    If it does however allow double XP in AE. . . be ready for a major nerf to the AE farms that are being ran during double XP probably either that monday or friday. If it does work, tons of people will be running either the same arcs, or the same style arcs, and the devs will be able to [more so] quickly spot what is being exploited, or so I would expect.

    So guess what. . .either we get to hear people crying before double xp, during double xp, or shortly after double XP the way I see it. . . .get ready for the show either way in my mind!
  14. In short, without knowing anything I would put
    1.) Hazard Zones and
    2.) Stringa & Peregrine
    on a higher priority.

    Why? Because these are the only zones (to my knowledge heroes side) That can not be accessed fairly easily via the Green and Yellow lines. . .

    After those zones I would say either Talos or Founders Falls (Quick access to green line) and. . .IDK a zone that drops off right by the yellow line, but you get where I'm going with this right?
  15. The wiki isn't actually correct on all of those, unless they changed it since last I looked.

    Edit: Just checked, and I know for a fact that all of the damage buffs are off by 100% at level 21+
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Could it be from a power having it's Enhancement Set category changed? For example, I noticed that ranged sets are no longer allowed in Acid mortar but I had some Thunderstrikes in it from before the change. Perhaps if something similar happened and he has Ragnarok slotted in a power that no longer allows it, then the code might not count it against the 'one set' limit and allow him to slot a second set in another power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When that happens however, you don't get the bonuses.
  17. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    [ QUOTE ]
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    doesnt know the complexity of the program

    [/ QUOTE ]Which is why the I14 update was delayed, while Steiner learned it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So the I14 update actually was put out for everyone with mids? do I need to change the path to updating server now to be able to get the updates? Or has it indeed not been released?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It has not been released yet. We're expecting to see all the changes (up to and including I15 changes) soon.

    I hate to say this, but please read the thread or post fully before responding. This had already been answered in the thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I had read the entire thread, I was typing at the same time of your posting =]

    Scrolled back up after I hit post, and was annoyed because you answered my question before I asked it due to timing -.-
  18. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    [ QUOTE ]

    Steiner is learning the entire program. He has very much learned about the complexity of the program, and is adding to it, because the PvP IOs needed new code to work properly in the program.

    Mid's left for reasons other than monetary, if I remember correctly. People do get burned out on games. And who's to say that he'd even want a job at NCSoft?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah. . .those PvP IOs were NOT fun to put in at all. . . the procs were fun to work with, and getting the IO set bonuses to only work in PvP mode (something that hadn't been done in the past. . ) was. . .interesting to say the very least

    Edit: I do believe it took me 2 hours to even put in the pancea set at every level, then I had to work with the proc a little bit, and then had to figure out how to get the PvP bonuses to only work when PvP mode was on. . .(that was the real fun part)
  19. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    doesnt know the complexity of the program

    [/ QUOTE ]Which is why the I14 update was delayed, while Steiner learned it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So the I14 update actually was put out for everyone with mids? do I need to change the path to updating server now to be able to get the updates? Or has it indeed not been released?
  20. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    [ QUOTE ]
    No he didn't. OP is suggesting he SHOULD have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    aaah, ok. . .so does anyone know his reasons for stopping? has he simply left the game?
    If so, I thank him for all of his hard work and dedication, it is a truly wonderful program. . . .and has been the best for quite some time, even before IOs were out!
  21. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    Wait. . .he got a real position with NCsoft? I was unaware of why he quite the mids hero(/villain) designer. . . I just knew titan network took it over (no offense meant to anyone, including you FW) which I wasn't super thrilled about, I've not had the best of experiences with TN. . . seems to lag a bit behind on updating things :/ Though I suppose if it does get updated, it works. .. .so cheers to that.
  22. Nights_Eclipse

    Owed to Mids

    Last I heard they were having some difficulty with the coding for mids to update it, no?

    and. . it should be updated for issue 15 soon O.o? last I knew other than my personal version it wasn't updated for issue 14 yet!

    Though, if I'm wrong I'd love to not have to personally do all of the new info. . .getting all the PvP recipies in there was not fun ><
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't think it's actually ready. Last I heard it was buggier than the trailers at the Paradise Trailer Court and Laundromat.

    I'm thinking it'll be along shortly, maybe 2 weeks or so.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I haven't heard any bug reports about it. Except some QoL stuff like not defaulting to the original scales.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    there were quite a few issues with the super tailor, crashing when you change models, animations not syncing up when you change model using some of the CCEmotes, for example.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OK. Guess I'll be patient. Unlike so many others, I have learned patience can really payoff in CoX.

    i.e. - give me the best now or I quit!!!!1!!1

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. . .in CoX if you have the best now, more than likely it will be nerfed by the end of the year, and that toon you scauffed at the other day? Yeah, he is the new god. . .whose laughing now?
  24. I don't believe they said it would be in the stores with release of issue 15, at any time. . did they?
  25. I have a question. . .what exactly is the average rate? I say average, because it is different for bosses, lieutenants, minions, ect and different still at the registrar. I did some math the other day, to find out how much the prestige I was earning for a boss kill to how much influence I was earning on the same boss.

    The toon I was on had something under 1 million prestige at the time, and when I used the wonderful calc.exe I got something like if I hadn't been in SG mode, and I fought nothing but bosses (I don't) then that amount of prestige I had would have given me a cool 110mil influence. . .