Influenece/infamy to prestige exchange rate




I have a question. . .what exactly is the average rate? I say average, because it is different for bosses, lieutenants, minions, ect and different still at the registrar. I did some math the other day, to find out how much the prestige I was earning for a boss kill to how much influence I was earning on the same boss.

The toon I was on had something under 1 million prestige at the time, and when I used the wonderful calc.exe I got something like if I hadn't been in SG mode, and I fought nothing but bosses (I don't) then that amount of prestige I had would have given me a cool 110mil influence. . .



It's not quite that simple.

You get roughly a constant amount of prestige per "boss kill" no matter what level you are, while the inf per kill goes up.

Bosses give disproportionate amounts of prestige compared to XP.

Roughly speaking at level 50, I believe 50 inf = 1 prestige. This doesn't count drops and such, and it doesn't count mission complete bonuses.

At the registratrar, 500 inf = 1 prestige. This is a deliberately extortionate rate for various reasons, which may be obsolete or may still be valid.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.